
The way he sat was such that his legs formed a clear 'W' from above, thick, muscular thighs pressed relatively close together in an oddly submissive seating position. He was looking at her with those sexy droopy eyes, the tips of his eyelashes gently fluttering against the sides of his adorably plump cheeks whenever he blinked.

The deep almost russette colour of those orbs were brought out by the rich pink of his cheeks. The same colour as those luscious, thick lips that trembled with his words, and the same colour as his pretty nipples.

Her heart quivered a little at the sight of him like this. She was partially blinded by the muscles on his naked frame. The artist within her was unable to ignore the beauty in the lines of his body. It was good enough to carve onto a block of marble and display in a cathedral.

Her eyes were struggling to stop itself from tracing over his pectoral muscles, dipping into the criss cross of his abs and travelling down to the deep V-line where his lower abdominal muscles met his obliques. Sex lines. There was no way he didn't get them without training those muscles specifically.

Her breath caught in her throat when she spotted the happy trail of fuzz that started at the bottom of his belly button and travels down towards the thick bump between his legs. She swallowed thickly, her mind flickering back to JieMi's cock as her eyes moved over the bulge. She really needs to stop thinking about his damn cock. Her body was buzzing in excitement at the sight of the thickening length, it knows first hand how that cock felt like against her slit and it begged, literally begved, to just feel it again. Hot, hard and just- She inhaled sharply, her eyes snapping back up to his face.

God. Did she just check him out?

There was an odd expression on his face as he watched her curiously. The look in his eyes changed from one of apprehension to a pleased sort of glint.

Urgh. Fuck he saw that.

Her expression pinched at the thought. It was all because he moaned while speaking. She frowned, as her mind went back to the initial issue.

Was he doing it on purpose?

She sucked on the sides of her cheeks, biting lightly into the flesh as she frowned. Because she was damn sure he didn't speak like this usually-The cogs in her mind spun, whirring as she thought. Although, he did seem to hate her gut so she had never actually heard him talk in a normal, friendly tone before.

"Does my family know? Does Miri know?" She asked, moving away from those thoughts of MinJae. Her voice started in a tremble, still shaken from the lust that spun in her body and creamed her panties. Her lower half was squirming, pulsating, trembling, needing. It must be something in the air.

"Your parents have visited you, so did Miri. They said that they would be back soon." He replied, nodding as he spoke. The cogs in her mind continued to spin. So they met. They must have if he knew Miri as Miri and not their producer, RibidK's wife. Her parents and the rest of the boys, her best friend and her soulmates.

She pursed her lips together wondering how that went but not wanting to sound too concern over the situation. She glanced at him. Should she ask? It would make her sound as if she wanted MinJae to be chummy with her loved ones. Not that she didn't but-Urgh. Fuck.

"What's wrong with me?" She decided to change the conversation before it even started. This time he didn't answer as quickly and there was a pause that lasted a little too long to be normal. She watched as he swallowed, sucking on his bottom lip as he contemplated on what to say.

He was giving her the universal body languages for discomfort, his eyes darted about as he continued to think. They moved to look at her and then back to the sheets, and then back to her again. He couldn't be thinking of excuses to give her, could he? Her expression soured as she watches him and that seemed to scare him enough to speak.

"Soul Tear," He finally bit out, wetting his lips. Her mind swirled, desperately trying to link the words to the definition. She believed it was a continuation of a Soul Violation, a worsening of the condition maybe? Amber was not that sure. She'll have to Google it once she gets back her phone. "You fainted, and started to bleed gold and red. Your..." He swallowed, his voice dropping into a soft, solemn tremble of sound. It was sad and filled with his regret, bitter despite the upward tilt of his lips. " Heart stopped." He exhaled, the word itself seemed to take a toll on his body. The way his shoulders drooped as he spoke, a weight on his back that clung tightly to his neck. Her eyes widened at his words, finally understanding exactly how fucked up she had been. "W-We called the ambulance." His eyes misted over, glazed as he continued and she could tell that he was relieving the incidence in his mind, replaying it over and over again.

She must have scared them all then, her situation. Amber's brows furrowed, her lips pressed into a thin line. She must have been much closer to death than she thought. Probably inches away from dying. Dying. She inhaled, her mind sobering at the thought.

Some part of her was laughing bitterly, oddly happy that MinJae got what he deserved. Some sick part of her had wondered how he would react if she actually died in his arms, wondered if he would regret it for all eternity. Another part was just sad. Sad that she had to go to such lengths for him to be now talking to her like this. Sad that he had to see that. Whatever had gone through his mind must have been more than she could ever fathom. In that single moment he must have realised that his mourning for his dead soulmate had been a false reality, a false reality that would come true because of his actions. She wondered what would happen to him if she didn't wake up and her heart springs with a new form of pain.

MinJae continued, oblivious to her inner turmoil. "They gave you a drug to restart your soulbonds." He continued to abuse his bottom lip, biting into it fiercely, chewing at it until it turns a violent crimson. "The flowers appeared after that." He gestured to his head then looked down. "I assume the rest of your bonds will unlock the same ours did."

He didn't continue after that, glancing up at her shyly from under his eyelashes as he spoke, his bottom lip moving to rub against the upper one in oddly slow circles. There was something off about the way his voice pitched upwards at the end of his speech but she decided not to question him about it. Especially because the look in his eyes had changed, lighting up with something that she doesn't quite understand yet.

"Then what is this?" She pointed to their wrists, her voice a little snappish as she spoke. She couldn't help it, inside she was faced by a raging sea of emotions. She didn't know what to do with MinJae, really. On one hand, she really wanted to forgive him, let bygones be bygones, burry the fucking hatchet. But on the other hand, she remained angry and stung from his words, hurt and sad. But Amber didn't want to blame him forever.

"It connects us together. The spot-" he gestured to her chest, "-is where your soul is currently bleeding from. Until we fix it you have to be in skin-to-skin contact with a soulmate."