
"Oh, so it doesn't have to be you." She snipped back and he flinched, looking away as he shifted uncomfortably. He looked more than just a tad hurt, his expression falling at her words into a sad downward tilt of his lips. She knows she's being mean, but she couldn't help it with him. They didn't exactly end on a good note so really she shouldn't feel bad. But why did the hurt in his eyes affect her so much?

"No..." He shook his head, looking down as he spoke. "It has to be me for now. Our bonds are the most..." His jaws ticked as he considered what word to use. "Broken." He decided to say, looking devastated at his own admission. His bottom lip jutted out a little as he spoke, his eyes sad as a sombre expression drifted across his face.

The disappointment must have shown too strongly on her face because his expression dropped further looking as if he might just want to cry. His eyes went a little teary as he glanced at her, the wrinkle of skin appearing on his chin as his lips turned downwards even further. She faltered. Oh please don't cry. She begged in her mind. She didn't want to be the bad guy in the situation, she really has the right to be angry.

Her bladder conveniently reminded her yet again of the present issue, distracting her from the boy before her. It was practically bursting. Her thighs shivered as she struggled to stop the pee from escaping her from just the thought of peeing. She really needed to get him off her so that she could-Then her eyes widened in horror as her mind finally clicks together. Holy Fuck.

"What if I need to go to the bathroom?" She asked, panic filling her voice. Please don't say what I think you will say. She begged. Please tell me there's a way to pee without you in the toilet. She stared at him, somehow hoping her eye power would successfully burn him enough to give her the answer she wanted. He blinked, his eyes meeting hers, wide with his surprise at her words.

"Uh..." He tilted his head over to think, looking as if he didn't even consider the fact that she needed to go to the restroom. "I think...I'm going with you?" He replied, a cute little furrow on his brows. Then he blinked and quickly changed his phrasing, shaking his head as if to push the stupidity out of his brain. "I'm going with you." He nodded, his voice determined, as he glanced at her. His eyes flickering with his resolve to bring her to the toilet. Oh, Fuck no. Damn it. Damn it life.

"I have to pee while holding your hand?" She gaped at him, her voice peaking. He must be kidding. There was no way. No way, life could be this bad to her. She'd already almost died once. There was no way, life would want her to die again only this time, from embarrassment. No fucking way! What if she needed to take a shit? Her eyes widened in horror. The fuck was this? There was no way in hell that she was taking a shit while MinJae held her damn hands. That took the phrase 'a lack of privacy' to a whole new level. Not that she was going to say that to him, the present situation called for a relief of her bladder. He pursed his lips together, then he looked at her carefully. His expression was gentle and almost understanding.

"I promise not to look." He nodded cutely, his expression serious.

"That's not the point!" She snapped at him, as her mind desperately searched for alternatives. She didn't care if he looked at her peeing hell. It was just she's embarrassed by the whole...Relief of waste in front of your soulmate situation. "Is it possible if we hold a stick or a rope-"

"No, only skin to skin contact-"


"Then how have you been peeing?" She pointed out to him desperately trying to find an escape from the current situation. He smiled, a flicker of amusement colouring his features. He looked prettier like this, his eyes curving into adorable little moons as he smiled the fatty pouch of his eyebags somehow extremely cute with his smile. The shape of his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth sends her heart pounding in her chest. The grin lit up his entire face and it almost took her breath away, not that she would admit it because the present problem was very different. He didn't bring her to the toilet in her sleep, did he? Or had he been peeing in a bottle the entire time? She baulked at the thought. His penis didn't feel that small...She's guessing he's been peeing in a bucket maybe-

"The equivalent of me is having two of your other soulmates hold you for a short period of time." He said with a low hum. "Whenever I needed to wash up, two of the guys would take my place to hold you." He smiled, his lips curving to meet the adorable bulge of his cheeks. So it was either MinJae holding her hand to the toilet or asking her other two soulmates to hold her. She contemplated on that fact. Let's see...Sieon and Hikaru. She winced. The oddly motherly duo would even offer to wipe her ass, probably judge the colour of her piss to check her health. Sieon would offer to get her off while she peed. Oh fuck. That was a really weird kink. That would be-No, no. No. She swiped through that option to the next.

Casper and Oliver? Urgh. Possibly the most gentlemanly of the bunch. They might just make peeing even more awkward for her. Probably stand as far as they could from her either that or Casper might be really, really embarrassed. Oliver would possibly be the best option of the lot. That was unless her cheery and mischievous soulmate didn't start making peeing jokes or sing. JieMi? Oh fuck no. She grimaced, lips pulling back at the thought. What fantastic options. She rubbed her head feeling perplexed. She didn't ask for this. God damn it. It was either MinJae or she had to play pick and choose. Urgh. Fuck.

"Do you need to go?" He asked, blinking those fluttery pretty eyelashes at her. He was so pretty that the thought of letting such a beautiful guy bring her to the toilet was just somehow...Degrading. She blushed, her cheeks burning at the thought. It didn't help that he was leaning in close to her, so close that she could see the dilation of his dark pupils within those orbs of reddish-brown, see the flecks of gold and dark spots in his irises. It was mostly her fault for using that hand to hold the cloth, because it gave him the excuse and need to lean in closer to her and suddenly Amber was regretting all of her bad decisions, every single one of them. Maybe, she could have just died.

"I don't!" She squeaked, looking away nervously as she pressed her thighs together hoping the pee would go away if she just willed it to go, but before she knew it he was pulling her to the edge of the bed.

He lifted her easily with an arm carrying her across the room as if she weighed like nothing, his biceps rippling against her ass. She was too shocked to even let out a scream, as he moved towards the toilet. "Let me down MinJae!" She pleaded, squirming in his hold just a little because she's pretty sure if she wiggled any harder he would drop her and the floor looked extremely far to her eyes.

"No, you need to pee." He told her firmly. Fuck. Something in her expression must have told him the truth about her bladder's current situation. She fumbled in his hold, stilling at the thought. She really did need to pee. Hell, any longer and she might piss in the bed. She didn't know which one was more embarrassing, him holding her hand as she peed or her pissing in the bed-On a second thought peeing in the toilet would be the slightly better option. She flushed angrily, bristling at the thought. Not like she had any fucking better options.

MinJae kicked open the bathroom door with his leg, walking into the awfully expensive looking bathroom. The warm golden light on the classy modern facilities makes it look even more like a hotel rather than a hospital room. "Initially, you had a catheter on but the doctors removed it this morning because of some issues with the insertion" He told her as they stepped into the bathroom. "They were going to put a diaper on you later." Details, details. Too much information. She bit her lips, burning indignantly at the thought of her boys discussing with medical services on what to do with her bladder. Fuck. He placed her on the toilet bowl with a smooth dip of his arm and stood, lacing their fingers together as he nodded. "Okay go."