Smile and Laugh

The Fuck?

"I'm fine." She bristled, moving to stand even if her bladder screamed at her to just let go. Why did humans need to pee? What was the point of drinking water if you're just going to piss it out anyway? God damn it human body. Why the inconvenience? Why couldn't you just swallow it all like a good girl instead of spitting it out? Fuck.

"You need to go, then just go. I won't judge you." MinJae told her, his lips quirked with his amusement despite the seriousness of his tone. He was enjoying this, she knew it. He was enjoying it a little too much. The way his smirk stretched across his face naughtily. He enjoyed watching her demise and he was laughing inside. Probably cackling evilly. She glared at him and he simply gave her a look of condescending pity. Whatever that look was. It looked just a tad constipated, the way he tried to hide his amusement behind a fake wall of solemn, understanding "There's nothing for me to comment on. We're all humans. We all need to pee." She continued to wordlessly stare into him, hoping to burn his face with her eyes. "You don't have to be embarrassed around me." His expression dropped from the amused glint to a sort of seriousness that she knows is all fake, as he brushed her hand gently with his thumb. He really shouldn't be saying that shit with that expression.

MinJae continued, humming as he spoke. "Do you really want to wet yourself in front of the rest of the guys?" He pressed and his words strung a chord within her because she froze at the thought. He pressed his tongue between his lips, a cheeky smile flashing across his face at her reaction. He knew it. He knew that was her weak spot. "They're coming over in just a bit...Do you really want all of them to see?"

Urgh Fuck. Even if they didn't see, it would be awkward if everyone waited for her sorry ass to pee because she refused to in MinJae's presence. God, she'll be like a damn fucking kid especially since she's the youngest in the team of eight. It'll be like a bunch of adults trying to sing a child to pee into her damn potty with all those whistling sounds to bring out the urge to piss. Fuck. That was even more fucking awkward. She knows that Sieon would probably offer to come help her, maybe even fight for it and then they might ask her to choose which team to bring into the damn toilet. Oh Fuck. That wouldn't be good. There's a moment of silence before she huffed, giving up on her dignity.

"Turn around and don't you dare look."

"Mmmhmm." He twisted over, still holding her hand and the blanket slipped open as she extended her hand to push him further. Her breast hung exposed to the world and she winced. She really needed some new clothes, hopefully, a bra too just in case. Although she did not know how the hell she was going to wear a bra with MinJae holding her hand like this. Maybe, she'll get him to squat and grip onto her ankles instead while she dressed. That made so much more sense.

"Don't you dare say anything." She told him, as she struggled to peel her panties from her hips.

"Mmm." He hummed continuing to bounce on his feet. Urgh fuck. He was a little too happy with this. What the fuck was wrong with him. She groaned mentally, placing a palm on her head. "Do you need me to help you take off your pants?" He sprouted out in question, tilting his head just a little.

"Fuck No." She bit out in English. How dare he even suggest that? Damn it. She gaped at his back in shock, marvelling at how pretty his back muscles looked rippling as he moved. He was really all just sinew and zero fat. He was just really, too pretty for his own good.

"Then why aren't you peeing?" He prodded, his head turning to look and she squeaked, slapping her remaining hand to her breasts.


And goodbye said the pee, as well as whatever dignity she had left when it came to Ryu MinJae.


MinJae had been so, so blind.

He watched as the doctor pressed a probe to her back, sliding it over her skin to check on her soul. A nurse assisted him in the corner as they both peered at the monitor, scribbling down notes as they worked. MinJae glanced down at his hand, more specifically, the hand that held Amber's.

Their fingers were laced together, interlocked in a hold usually reserved for lovers. Amber's hand was warm and soft, calloused at the area where her thumb meets a pencil. They were small and maybe just a little sweaty from nerves and perhaps from the heat of his hold. He was not sure who was the one with sweaty palms at this point, because while he tried to hide it, he too was nervous in her presence.

Nervous in a way where his heart pounded in his chests and his breath caught in his throat whenever her eyes drifted to his own. Nervous in a way a boy would when he was allowed the privilege to hold the hand of a girl he liked. Nervous in the way that made a thousand butterfly wings brush against the lining of his stomach. The feelings that swirled within him gave him an energy burst that made him want to jump and dance for five hours.

Maybe, it was all just his cock speaking on behalf of his lust addled mind.

He bit his lips, teeth pressing against the soft flesh. His penis throbbed and wept at the sight of his beautiful soulmate and his soul, it sang and sang for her touch. He swallowed thickly, feeling his mouth go dry as he pressed his free hand to his chest. His soul pleaded for him to take her as his.

The feeling was odd. MinJae was never one to be that attuned to his soul and so the sudden awareness was an all-consuming sensation that he could barely take. It was a boiling need in his gut that urged him to hold her close and imprint her scent in his mind. It was a deep yearning that pulled his body to her, an invisible thread from his chest to hers. He slid his tongue over his lips, wetting the sticking flesh as he inhaled steadily. An attempt to calm his trembling body on the verge of explosion.

He wanted her more than any woman or man he has ever wanted in the world. He looked away at the thought, his lips pressed into a thin line. He wanted her. More than the senior he fucked in the teacher's toilet in high school. More than the beautiful actor he had plunged his cock into right before a shoot. More than Ezra who would make him orgasm again and again until his legs went weak and the entire floor was slippery with his semen. He snorted a little at the thought.

That fucking animal.

Not like he was any better. He wrinkled his nose. In the group, he was definitely the one who fucked around the most. Followed by Ezra, Oliver, JieMi and then Casper. JieMi might have topped his score if not for the fact that he was young.

It was no secret that MinJae was a sexual creature. He acted a lot more demure over it laughing about the topic whenever it comes up in an interview, but that was all just a ploy to get into people's pants. It was his thing to act cute and friendly easing his way into their hearts before he went for the kill. It was his thing to be coy and sly in his advances.

It was only natural that his Soul Yearning would be so much stronger than his usual libido. It turned him into a horny insatiable animal for his soulmate, eager to plant his seed in her and watch her grow round with his child. He wanted to fill her, sink deep within her fluttering folds and watch as she-

He licked his lips swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes, trying to will the thoughts of sex with Amber out of his head. He shifted in the bed, trying to somehow maneuver his penis to a less prominent position. He pulled his legs up to his body, pressing his head to his knees as he watched her like a hawk, the position conveniently shielding the bulge of his hard cock between his thighs.

As he stared at her, watched her talking amicably to the doctor about her condition, his mind filled with the memory of her in that very same bed. The imagery was like his own personal naughty secret that was his and his alone. Her eyes had been glistening wet with tears from the pain of her bleeding soul, her arms raised above her head and pressed onto the pillow. He did not mean to stare so intensely at her nudity, but at that moment, he could do nothing, but stare. Fuck.

He didn't even care if he was violating her privacy, MinJae pressed his tongue between his lips. He'd just blatantly stared at her because he knows he might not get another fucking chance. He had fucked up so many times he's like a man destined for jail. So, of course, he would take the chance to do whatever the fuck he wanted as much as he could in preparation for the day he couldn't.

It was obvious, really, that his eyes immediately fly to her breasts. That one body part that drove possibly all men crazy with lust. Her breasts were full, thick and heavy with fatty tissue, generous and perky in its swell. He had marveled at the way they bounced and peaked at the tips, her nipples hardening from the cold into adorable buds, like tiny little roses in beds of creamy white skin. He couldn't help himself when his eyes drew over the lines of her body. The curve of her ribs, the dip of her soft belly, the jut of her hip bones.

Fucking hell.

Then his eyes flew upwards to her cheeks that were pink from the exertion and perhaps the pain, the colour blossoming under his gaze into a vibrant red. Her full lips had parted as she watched him, her heavily lidded eyes somehow sultry and seductive in that pose. Her eyes dark with her confusion. He was enraptured. Enraptured with the way her eyelashes fluttered and her cute little nose squished as she watched him. The sharp tips of her ears completed the work of art before him, the flowers in her hair accentuating her beauty.

MinJae wanted to kiss her then, his heart had flown in his chest, faster than ever and he wanted nothing more than to claim her lips for his own and then make love to her. He wanted to show her just how sorry he was, wanted to show her how much he liked her, maybe even loved her. He wanted to show her how fast his heart pounded in his chest for her, how hard his cock throbbed under her gaze, how much he wanted to press a kiss to her lips and just tell her sweet nothings that would make her smile.

Oh God, how much he wanted to see her smile and laugh.