in love

Said manager immediately came bursting through the door of the studio with their driver. He looked flustered, his cheeks were red and his eyes were wild with his panic. Their manager was usually a stoic man, calm in the most horrible of situations. He seemed to be ready for almost every situation, prepared to take on the next mishap. It was a convenient benefit that he could also double as their security guard, with a body that towered over their own. Kangmin was their reliable wall of muscle and he rarely showed his emotions on his face. Their manager looked at them, worry filling his expression, then he signalled at the driver who dashed towards their vehicle at a breakneck speed.

The fuck?

"Come on. Let's go." Kangmin yelled and he sprinted off after the driver. The boys exchanged looks, jogging up behind him as they struggled to catch up.

"What's wrong?" Ezra called, his brows furrowed. He hated running, especially running for no goddamn reason. Couldn't they just walk? His manager did not hear him, sliding into his seat, with a slam of the door. The group continued to slowly make their way to the vehicle, although their pace did quicken at the sight of their panicking manager.

"Hurry up!" Their manager yelled and Ezra groaned as he ran after the group. The guys piled into the minibus quickly. Did Kangmin punch that asshole or something? Were the police after them? He glanced back at the studio, noting the closed door. Nope, no angry staff in sight. He turned back to his manager, pulling at his seatbelt.

"Did the interviewer threaten you or something?" Sieon asked, equally confused. The driver sped off, stepping on the gas the minute the door closed and the bus lurched. Ezra slammed into the front seat, his face colliding into the leather. He cursed, rubbing his jaws as he clicked his seatbelt in place.

That hurts!

"What?" Kangmin asked, shooting them all a weird look. "Didn't any of you check your phones?" The empty, blank stares back must have said it all. "Boys. Your soulmate is awake." Ezra's heart stopped. He blinked, then the entire bus was a flurry of activity as everyone fumbled for their phones.

Ezra reached for his phone stuffed in his jeans. Damn it! He cursed as the metal remained lodged within the pockets at his ass. He stretched, not caring if he looked fucking stupid. His fingers tore at his pocket as he twisted desperately pulling his device out. His elbow stabbed into Hikaru's face, a clean shot at his jaw, but the older man didn't seem to care, already typing furiously into his own cell phone. Ezra finally ripped it out of his jeans and the button tumbled from his pocket, but Ezra did not give a shit.

[11:15] Minjae: she's awake:))))))

He spotted Minjae's text first and he entered the chat group quickly. His phone buzzed as a whole stream of texts appeared from his members.

[11:30]Hikaru: Is she okay? Her soul? The doctor? Did she eat? How? What????

[11:30]Sieon: YES YEEEEEEEES

[11:30]Sieon: Wait.

[11:31]Sieon: Are you sure?

There was a moment of collective silence as they all watched MinJae type on the screen. When did he learn to type this fucking slow? Ezra groaned, his heart thumping in his chest as he glued his eyes to his phone. It felt as if his heart wanted to escape his damn chest and run for the hills, sweat beaded within his palms.

[11:32]Minjae: she's eating beside me. (Photo)

The downloading took so long that Ezra had a crazed urge to wind down his window and toss his phone into the streets, but he decided against it. He scooted over to Hikaru to stare at his phone instead. The eldest squirmed angrily but Ezra held him down, pushing his face close to the screen.

Her face was partially concealed, and the photograph was taken at an angle that revealed just her hair and the cute side of a puffed out cheek. There was nothing much to see, except maybe the exposed back of her frock and an oddly erotic view of a black bra strap. Although Ezra does note the empty bowls of food that she had infront of her, as well as the fact that she had her fingers interlocked with MinJae's.

Hikaru shoved him out of the way and Ezra's head slammed onto the back of the chair. Loudly.


Hikaru did not even have the courtesy to give him an apologetic glance, the guy simply typed furiously into his phone, desperate to comment on the picture. Ezra rubbed the back of his head angrily, he winced at the sore spot. Still, he squinted at the chat group.

[11:32]Hikaru: she looks soooo cute!

[11:32]Sieon: I'm so glad she's eating a lot!!!!

[11:32]Oliver: If it's not enough we can get her something! Ask her if she wants anything.

[11:32] Casper: We can get food for the both of you.

Ezra reached for his own phone, thankful to note that the bars of his data had risen dramatically. He typed into his phone quickly, pushing for more information.

[11:32]Ezra: how pissed was she?

His heart hammered in his chest as MinJae typed, then stopped, then typed again. Ezra almost tore out his hair, almost.

[11:34]Minjae: she didn't get angry at me

[11:34]Minjae: she just really wanted to leave

The collective sigh of sadness was audible in the bus.

[11:34]Minjae: but she's really not that angry?

There was another moment of typing and fucking stopping. Ezra had the mental image of throttling the younger male.

[11:35]Minjae: she kissed me...

Lucky son of a bitch. Ezra bit his lips, gnawing viciously at them. Sure, he had seen her in her throes of ecstasy but nothing beats the taste of her lips on his own. Seeing her was one thing, touching her was another, tasting? Now, that was a whole new fucking level.

[11:35]MinJae: I did apologise!!!

[11:36]MinJae: I cried and I really thought she wouldn't accept me...

[11:36]MinJae: but she kissed me...<3

Ezra couldn't help sending an angry response.

[11:36]Ezra: stop rubbing it in our fucking faces.

Now, he really wanted to see her. If MinJae was able to get into her good graces, maybe there was some hope for him after all. He shifted nervously in his seat as his head began to replay the apology he had been reciting for the past week. Then he prayed, even if he wasn't religious. He prayed to whatever God out there in the sky to help him, because life wouldn't be worth living if she was not there with him.

Ezra had been in love with Amber since he laid eyes on her in that club.