

The food was good, better than what Amber would have expected from a hospital. Nevertheless, Amber took the time to pick at her food, nibbling on the chicken and taking small sips of the seaweed soup. Partially because her stomach churned nervously at the thought of meeting the rest of her soulmates and also because she didn't want to overwork her digestive system.

No crapping in front of MinJae on the official day one of their relationship.

The thought sent a chill down her spine and she blanched. Amber sipped on her glass of water, letting the cool liquid calm her frazzled nerves, darting her eyes over to her soulmate. He was sprawled across the bed, one hand in hers, the other busy typing on his phone. His thumb dragged over the keyboard as he rapidly sent text after text to an unknown receiver.

MinJae looked absolutely amazing.

His body was a beautiful stretch of lean muscle, and despite the lazy slump of his posture he somehow continued to exude the aura of a professional model. It definitely helped that he remained bare chested, with his abs out for the world to see in its full, muscular glory. This made everything he did oddly sexual. And whenever he shifted his hips to get into a comfier position, the 'V' lines of his groin would deepen into harsh lines that dug down his skin.

It was a struggle for Amber to stop herself from checking out his bulge for far too long, especially with his muscles literally drawing lines for her eyes to freaking 'link the dots' all the way down to his package. She swallowed thickly, feeling heat course through her system and dance over her skin.

She should stop checking him out like a pervert.

Her eyes flickered over his features, resting on the flutter of his eyelashes. It was angled in such a way that it was usually difficult to see on camera, but right now, at this proximity, Amber could really see the entire length of each strand. She stared, feeling a little enraptured by the long thick lashes that dusted over his plump cheeks. Why were they so damn long? She pursed her lips, scrutinizing the tiny hairs. It was always so damn unfair that guys could have thick lashes when really they didn't even need them-

He glanced up at her abruptly and she jumped, her eyes suddenly met by the soft creamy hazel hues. Her heart leaped, pounding hard at the sudden attack and she would have rolled out of the bed if not for the fact that MinJae was already holding her. He pulled her back into his arms before she could slide off the bed, pressing her tightly to his hard chest. He giggled, his eyes curving into adorable little moons of happiness as he snuggled up to her. His plush lips stretched into a smile that sent another wave of warmth through her soul.

She would never get tired of the feeling of warm, sweet honey flowing from him to her, and from her to him whenever she touched his skin.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" MinJae soothed, his voice was a gentle hum of mellow sweetness. His smile continued to widen as he held her close. Despite his apology, he didn't make a move to give her back her personal space. Rather, the guy simply snuggled closer, tangling their legs together and moving to curve his body against hers.

MinJae was a hugger through and through.

Not like Amber was complaining.

"Don't do that." Amber said quickly, her heart pounding loudly in her chest at the sight of him so close to her. He pursed his lips, jutting out his bottom lip cutely. The look sent a rush of heat through her system, lighting up her cheeks on fire. She was a sucker for the adorable expressions of her soulmates and would literally, literally melt at the sight of them acting cute.

The feelings she had for MinJae was a surprising switch from the ones that she felt just days before. A few days ago, looking at MinJae sent a rush of nausea and fear straight through her system. The negative emotions were so strong that they crippled her, making her body emit cold sweat. At that time, she could not really bring herself to look at him for he was all her nightmares coming to life. But now she was melting for him. Her insides weeping tears of joy at being held by him, and she felt at peace and maybe even, at home, in his arms.

She reckoned it was because these feelings of adoration and maybe, even love, had always been there, hidden within the depths of her heart. She just didn't pay any attention to them, choosing to focus on the bad parts. It was after all, always so much easier to focus and remember the things that hurt you.

Her eyes darted to MinJae and a chill ran up her skin, bringing goosebumps to the surface.

Even now, whenever she looked at MinJae a flicker of something awful would spill in her chest, but she decided to squish it down like an annoying pest. There was no use running away from him for things he did in the past after he had already apologised sincerely.

Her lips twisted as her mind flashed with the memory of MinJae sobbing out his apologies. He had been absolutely crushed, his body shaking from the force of each sob. His beautiful eyes, usually filled with so much light and so much happiness, had instead been filled with tears that dripped down his cheeks and blurred his sight. Her heart had twisted with pain for him, each droplet was a flash of pain in her aching chest.

It wasn't that difficult to see how much he regretted his actions and how much he wanted a relationship with her.

It made her realise how much she hated seeing him sad and how much she would prefer for him to smile instead. The sweet, albeit a little watery grin after she had pecked his lips had been rewarding. It quelled the unease in her mind and replaced it with determination.

She decided then that she would choose to see MinJae for the actions he did now, rather than to hold him to his past.

And the MinJae now was proving to be a very sweet lover.

"Do what?" MinJae asked, feigning innocence.

He blinked, letting his eyes widen into round orbs of confusion. It would have worked if not for the fact that his lips had then twitched into a naughty smirk, his tongue pressed against the corner of his mouth.

He hummed. "Look at you?" He raised a brow and chuckled lowly. The gentle vibration of that sound radiated across her skin, making her shiver slightly in anticipation. Something within her tensed, her insides melting with the heat that sparked and danced beneath her skin.

He played with his lips, rubbing the round dollops of pink together. "Hold you?" He tightened his arms around her, splaying his hands over her hips. His thumb was rubbing slow, almost, sensual circles against her hip bones and his touch dragged out a strangled gasp from her lips. He leaned closer and those hooded eyes became the only thing she could see. The colour of sweet caramel goo on milk foam, the colour of hazelnut cream, the colour of brown sugar.

He continued. "Kiss you?" He licked his lips, a quick dart of pink muscle over soft pink lips that sent a pulse of pleasure straight to her lower belly. Her need for him was spilling from her body, coating her panties with a wetness that was for him and only him.


Maybe 'sweet lover' was the wrong term to use on this incubus.