
Her eyes zeroed in on the soft brown orbs that sparkled and glinted with tiny flecks of gold. His pupils were dilating, blown wide as they watched her carefully. And as she stared straight back, her heart thumping loudly against her ribcage as his eyes flickered down to ghost over her lips. His gaze ravished her, and it made her head woozy, turning her into a needy mess for him.

She wanted to taste him again on her lips, taste the heat of his small mouth on hers and feel him, against her skin. She wanted to feel his need against her, touch his hardness and know exactly how much he yearned for her. She wanted to see his eyes, glazed with his pleasure as he kissed her.

He moved, pressing a quick peck on her cheek before sliding back to his original position to resume his texting. He acted too fast, faster than her lust addled mind could comprehend. And she was left staring at him, her mouth agape. She blinked, frozen at the sudden switch in his tactic.

What the hell?

She pressed a hand to her cheek. Just a peck? The heat that churned within her lower belly left her hot and bothered and Amber shifted, rubbing her thighs together needily. She furrowed her brows, glaring at him.

He couldn't just leave her high and dry like that! Damn it! He was the one to seduce her after all, he couldn't just drop her and leave before the main event! At least kiss her, goddamn it! She bit her bottom lip, scowling at the thought. She looked at him again and she watched as he gave her a sweet smile.

"Hm?" He asked, a cheeky smile on his lips. "What is it?" He raised a cheeky brow.

Oh my God.

She didn't know what to say. Really, what could you say in such a situation? Hi I was expecting some lip action from you, please proceed? Kiss me properly and be a man? Maybe that would work. She opened her mouth, then closed it. On a second thought...She decided to give him a look, an angry scrunch of her nose that should clearly depict her displeasure without needing her to give him a tongue lashing to which he laughed out loud at.

The peels of laughter that escaped his lips were pretty to her ears in their almost bell-like quality and it soothed some of her confusion and frustration. She didn't really mind being played like this if her soulmate was happy. Although there was nothing sweet about the way he had just treated her. She shot him another frustrated glare.


"Sorry." Her expression must be pretty ugly because he immediately shot up and apologised. "Would love to kiss you but I don't think I can hold back very well." He explained with a sweet giggle on his lips, his eyes sparkling with his mirth. He tilted his head, leaning back as he met her eye. "I don't want to give the nurses another show." She pursed her lips together.

On the contrary, the doctor had encouraged her to have sex. During their diagnosis of her condition, he had been scientific and clear in their explanations of a Soul Tear. But when it came to treatment, the accompanying nurse's every word had been laced with all kinds of weird, over the top sexual innuendos.

The nurse had ended her sex speech with promises that anything seen would not be used against the patient, and that if a couple wanted to 'have a go' they could notify the nurses first for optimal privacy. The two left with bright, oddly encouraging smiles.

Amber had been awfully embarrassed, she even struggled to look MinJae in the eye later, which he must have taken as her hostility against him. She squinted at said soulmate, narrowing her eyes. Had he been listening to what the doctors said?

"I think they want to see the show." She sucked on her inner cheek, giving him a poker face. "Plus, it's good for me, isn't it?" She shrugged, leaning back to snuggle into his warmth. "I don't really care if they see."

She really didn't as long as they fucked off quickly and let her and her soulmate make out in peace. She watched as MinJae blinked rapidly, his eyes flickering to hers in his bewilderment. The smile he gave her switched from the sweet cotton candy to a seductive honey and cream.

"You're more...Adventurous than I thought." MinJae purred over the word, his fingers dancing over her skin. They tapped against her hip bone in a steady beat. Each gentle thump of the pads of his fingers seemed to draw another pulse of pleasure straight to her core. She flushed hotly, turning a soft pink. It wasn't like she was a damn saint who felt nothing from the Soul Melt, she yearned for him just as he did for her.

"You don't like it?" She breathed as his hands shifted to rest against her stomach, his fingers ghosting lightly over the undersides of her breasts.

"Hm? I'm just glad that we understand each other." MinJae hummed softly, his fingers travelling to cup her face, his thumb rubbing her chin. His eyes were a wild mess of heat, the pretty brown hues transforming into a deeper almost russette colour with his arousal. "You know," He smirked. "I do have a small kink for voyeurism...Sometimes, even a little exhibitionism." His voice deepened to a low, sexual timbre, the soft growl sent another jolt of need through her system.

She was so, so fucking attracted to Ryu MinJae.

"Somehow, that isn't really surprising." Amber exhaled softly, her head flashing with the memory of her sexy soulmate thrusting in the air on the stage.

His body had been dewy with beads of sweat and sprayed with a soft sheen of glitter for the stage. The spotlight had been directed onto him during his solo and at that moment he had transformed into a fairy prince. Each ray of light had bounced off his skin, creating a myriad of sparkling stars over his beautiful body. His body had been radiating as he moved, grinding his hips to the beat as he tossed his head back to reveal a pretty pale neck.

Her lips quirked at the thought and she smiled. "I've seen you feeling yourself up on stage." Amber told him.

His confident and sexual moves usually sent the fans screaming about exploding ovaries and sometimes even a hardening cock or two. MinJae had a kind of androgynous beauty that just lured both sexes, making them trip head over heels for him.

And he was hers.

She didn't know how lucky she could get in the soulmate lottery of fate.