
"It doesn't?" Oliver pursed his lips, shrugging as he pulled her to sit up. "I guess I'll have to take you to a better one then." And he would.

She huffed, letting a breathy laugh of amusement escape her lips. "You sure I'm not intruding in your home?" She fretted as he slipped on her face mask, just as Hikaru tied her hair up, stuffing it into a bucket cap.

It was another safety precaution for their soulmate, just in case paparazzi managed to snap a picture. They could pretend that Amber was their male friend, fib excuses that she was staff. Casper slipped the tag over her neck, and Sieon pulled a jacket over her shoulder. The word 'STAFF' seemed distastefully huge on her tiny back and Oliver made a face. He would get her another jacket, one that was prettier and could better protect her from the elements.

"Intruding? Of course not," Oliver hummed taking her hand as they moved through the hospital with burly security guards flanking their sides. They had cordoned off the entire floor for an hour just in case, and the halls were empty but one could never be too careful. They quickly entered the elevator, heading down to the carpark.

"We've been waiting for you for like, forever." Sieon piped out, turning his head to look at her. "We renovated the guest bedroom for you. It's the biggest room in our home too, so we furnished it with things we thought you would like." They had fought a little on the design, but each guy had a say in different parts of the room. That and they were running on a deadline so they had to make their decisions quick.

"Thank you," she answered politely, her voice tender and warm. "But what about the guests?"

"Guests? Screw them!" Ezra waved his hand in the air languidly. "They can sleep on the couch."

"I have my room to myself, so if that happens I can bunk with one of the guys. Guests can take my bed," Casper answered with a soft chuckle and a shrug. "There's no need to worry."

"If that happens…You can always sleep with me," Amber murmured, glancing down at her feet before meeting Casper's eyes. Oliver watched as his best friend blushed, nervously shifting on his feet. And it was at that moment when Oliver regretted rooming with MinJae. Damn it! He wanted an excuse to sleep with Amber too. "I don't mind if we share…Hold on, what's the size of my bed?"

"It's the biggest we could get." MinJae answered with a sweet, soft smile that made his eyes seem to smile too. "Just thinking of the future." He winked and Amber blushed, a rosy glow colouring her beautiful peach cheeks and Oliver melted at the sight. Fuck, she was so cute and so pretty. He wanted to eat her all up.

"MinJae…" Casper warned, but he was smiling too.

"What? She might want tons of dogs and cats. I was just giving her the option," MinJae teased. "All of you are thinking dirty things!" He chided softly, although his eyes sparkled with mirth. They moved out of the elevator, heading for their car escorted by security.

"No pets in my house," Ezra droned out, shaking his head. "I don't want shit and fur on my clean floors."

"Don't be mean, she can keep them in the garden if she wants." MinJae pushed, poking his arm. "And if they're trained they won't crap on the floor. Come on, man."

"They might bite our stuff and destroy our things—"

"But what if I really want a pet?" She chirped out and Ezra froze, his eyes meeting hers. Oliver stared, amusement dancing over his lips as her eyes went dewy and wet with her plea. Aw fuck! She knew how to do puppy dog eyes? "Please?" He could almost see her pouting through the fabric of her mask and his heart stuttered pathetically in his chest at the sight of those pretty, soft hazel eyes. He was fucking whipped. Oliver could never say no to that face or that voice.

And it seemed that Ezra couldn't say no to her too.

"Maybe…" Ezra rasped, with a soft affectionate sigh, tinged with his feelings for her. Oliver snorted, shaking his head. The dude had not bulged even after they plead for months for a dog, MinJae had even begged for days. But with her, he broke in just three little seconds. Sucker. He choked on his laughter, chortling at the sight of his best friend's reddening face. "Shut up." Ezra shoved him and Oliver laughed, cackling madly as he pulled her along.

"You're so whipped for Amber!"

"You are too!" Ezra snapped back, the tips of his ears turning redder with his embarrassment as he scampered towards the van.

He climbed into the driver's seat and the other members began to clamber into the vehicle, heaving their luggage with them. It was a huge vehicle, one that was meant for at least eight people. But they had miscalculated on the size of their luggage and resorted to filling in two seats with their crap.

"Shit, there's not enough space," Sieon cursed. "Should I head over to one of the security cars?" The company had also specifically prepared for security to flank them during their drive, ensuring that they were protected throughout their journey to their home. Another safety precaution in case a crazy fan were to tail their vehicle. They didn't want to take the risk.

"It's fine, we can squeeze a little. It's a short drive isn't it?" Amber said, gesturing to the seat at the back. "I can just sit on Oliver's lap."

His lap? Oliver inhaled sharply at the mention of his name, his heart thundering in his chest. Was she trying to kill him? His cock twitched in his jeans at the idea of her on his thighs and he opened his mouth to rebut. No, no he wouldn't be able to take it! He was already on the verge of an orgasm, his cock hard and swollen in his jeans.

He would die, literally.

"Yeah, let's just go I think someone tipped us off." Casper said, nodding towards the exit.

Oliver followed his gaze noting the sound of frantic screams and pattering feet. Shit. He didn't have to think twice when it came to Amber's safety, his cock wilting a little at the thought of her in danger. They were quickly climbing into the car without another word, Amber scrambling to sit on his thighs. She sat at the edges of his knees at first, clinging to the back rest as the rest climbed in.

"Relax love," Sieon soothed, turning to her. "It's safer if you just leaned back."

"I don't think that's safe at all," Ezra called from the front. "It's fucking illegal, and if I crash this car, she's the first one to fly out of the window. But we need to get the hell out so I'll make this quick."

Oliver yelped as he drove forward, the inertia sending him slamming back into his seat. Amber slid from his knees to hit against his chest, forcing the air from his lungs. Her ass was now right against his straining cock. Her soft warmth encasing the painful bulge between his legs. If she hadn't felt it then during their cuddle session, she most definitely would now. Her breath hitched in response to his thoughts. Damn it.

"Could you buckle her in with you?" MinJae yelled towards them.

Oliver moved to quickly slide the seat belt over her, his arms accidentally brushing against the tips of her breasts as he pulled. Fuck. His breath hitched at the softness and he quickly moved to get out of the way, clicking the belt in place. He felt her shiver, her body involuntarily trembling from his touch and he almost let out a groan as her ass rubbed against the straining head of his pulsating cock. He was going to die.

"Hold her," Casper murmured from beside him and Oliver could only numbly listen, wrapping his arms around her soft middle and hugging her to his body.

He was going to die a pleasurable death. Oliver was horny as fuck and there was no escaping this torture. She was now pressed snug against his cock, the warmth of her pussy over the head of his bulge and when she wiggled her hips, a groan escaped his lips. She gasped, seemingly finally fully realising his torment, turning her head over to look at him. Oliver flushed, his cheeks burning as he avoided her gaze.

"Oh," she murmured and he bit his lips nervously, meeting her eyes. Her gaze was warm, curiosity flickering in those brown orbs and she gave him another experimental shove of her hips. His cock jolted in response. Good God. His heart pounding so hard in his chest that he could hear it in his ears and feel it throbbing in his chest. It was one thing to lust after his soulmate secretly, another to have said soulmate discover exactly how horny he was from the source.

Her gaze changed from a look of adorable surprise to one of mischief. She wiggled her ass and he bit back a moan, his cock spewing another dribble of pre-cum that stained his underwear. Fuck! It was only a matter of time before his cum would sip through the fabric of his jeans.

"Please don't," he whispered into her ear, gripping her middle. She gave him a teasing grind of her butt and this time he couldn't help the soft sigh. "Please, Amber." He begged and she relented, settling down on his lap and remaining as still as she could.