
It helped that she didn't move, but the heavy sweet musk of her hair was a different kind of drug to his needy body. He inhaled through his teeth, tensing his body and tried to imagine other things. Things like old grannies in underwear, dirty socks, disgusting things, dirty things…

His cock wilted just a little but not enough to withstand the sudden jerk of the car. She bounced on his lap, her pussy slapping against the covered head of his weeping cock. It stirred awake, hard and painfully ready to go again. Shit. Oliver groaned in his head. Why did this have to happen now?

"Sorry!" Ezra yelled back as he made a quick turn. "Made a mistake!"

"Don't you know the road? You've driven for years!" Oliver snapped back, embarrassed and pissed as hell. "I don't want her in danger!" He also didn't want to cum in his jeans.

"I panicked okay? I—"

Oliver tuned out Ezra's argument, unable to focus on anything but his tormented cock. The tiniest of shifts of her hips, sent his head reeling and his cock throbbing in his pants. The pleasure rising like a wave within his lower abdomen. He was not going to cum. He couldn't! He mustn't! Please! He bit on his lips, chewing on it desperate for something to distract his mind.

He gritted his teeth, holding on to the hand rest for his dear life. This had got to be the worst of all pleasurable torture, he breathed steadily hoping to bring it down. It was as if he had been edged all day and he needed to cum so badly. It was at the forefront of his mind and the only damn thing he could think of. And then the fucking car started to bounce and Oliver was going to die.

He was going to fucking die.

"Fuck! I'm sorry! I took a short cut, the roads a fucking mess!" Ezra cursed back loudly.

Oliver choked and Amber was bouncing against his cock again and again. Her ass slapping against his thighs, and her pussy rubbing against his cock, grinding against the head. He was so aroused that his underwear was completely soaked in pre-cum the swollen head rubbed raw against the rough patchy fabric of his jeans.

Another bounce and his eyes flew wide open at the tingle of electricity that shot through his veins followed by the burn of gold that spilled between their skin. FUCK! He gasped, biting into his lip as he exhaled raggedly. He could hold it in. He squeezed his eyes shut, tossing his head back. He could! But his cock had other priorities, and it was not going to listen to reason.

It was a fucking battle for Oliver as he clung to the hand rest begging to whatever God out there listening to save his damned soul. He was twisting and pulling his ass as far back from hers as he could, but the seat belt held her flush against his bulge and she continued to grind against him. She was jerking up and down, bouncing against his cock at an escalating speed. It was as if gravity wanted them to get together and start making a thousand fucking babies. It was that bad and the vibrations were starting to get too fucking much for Oliver. He couldn't take it any longer.

He was going to die.

"I can feel my teeth chattering! When is it going to end?" Sieon complained and Oliver was so lost in his pleasure that he barely registered his words, his arms tightening against her middle as his hips began to jerk up against her involuntarily from the rising pleasure. It was swamping his senses, pulling him down into its depth as the pressure rose higher and higher in his balls.

He could feel it. Feel her pussy lips rubbing against his cock head, her arousal dripping down his shaft, phantom illusions from his lust addled mind. She was just as aroused as he was and he knew it from the tension in her muscles, the hitch of her breath and the warmth of her reddening skin. And his body was hungry for her pleasure, his pelvis driving upwards into her soft warmth in a stuttering rhythm that was more than just the jerks of the car.

He needed to cum. And he was going to cum. Cum so fucking hard in his jeans as she bounced on his cock. He was going to stain it so bad, drench her clothes with his arousal. He—The car stopped for a brief second, a halt at the traffic light and the sudden slam of her ass and he panted against her skin. His breath brushing against her neck as he pressed his hot cheek against her skin.

Thank God. He breathed, his pleasure steadily subsiding, his body weakened and trembling. His boxers were disgustingly thick and slimy with his cum and he shifted his hips, dislodging the sticky fabric from his balls.

He almost died. Almost. And then Ezra stepped on the pedal, sending them rocketing forward and over a particularly high speed bump and the entire vehicle lurched forward. Stupid fucking shit! He was going to kill him after this, roast him on a spit. They dropped to the ground, a soft clunk of wheels on asphalt and her soft ass moulded against his alert cock. The final slam of pain and pleasure that sent him over the fucking edge.

And Oliver came right then and there. His body was convulsing against hers, everything was muffled his ears ringing as he pressed his lips to her shoulder, stifling the strangled groan. His vision consumed by white as his eyes rolled back into his head from closed eyes. He was spurting ropes and ropes of semen into his boxers, fireworks exploding in his head as he completely drained his balls. His jeans were soak, warm and sticky as he came silently in his corner.

And when he was done he collapsed back into the seat, breathing heavily as he held her tight to his body. Fuck. He cursed in his head, blinking away the lust from his eyes. Fucking hell. That was the best fucking orgasm he'd ever had. Amber turned to look at him, her eyes dancing to his and Oliver noted the red hue on her cheeks and the bright crimson of her abused lips. She knew. His beautiful goddess looked him up and down, parting her lips to lick at the seams. Urgh fuck. He was fucked up, and he wanted nothing more than to profess his undying love for her, the confession at the tip of his tongue as he stared back at her in his unravelled state.

He wanted to tell her that he loved her more than the entire world.

"Did you just cum?" Casper gaped at him, not reading the mood or Oliver's squeamish need for privacy. His voice was loud, loud enough for all the occupants in the van to hear and swivel their heads over for a look, and Oliver's cheeks exploded with crimson.

God fucking damn it, they were never letting him off.