Oh God

"Are you alright love?" Casper murmured in English, his voice was like velvet and cream to her raw wounds.

She gave him a pained smile, trying desperately to stop herself from snuggling into his touch, press her nose against his skin and inhale that clean, masculine scent. She'd forgotten that he was the only other extremely fluent English speaker in the relationship, and it was exhilarating to hear her language spilling from his tongue in beautiful rich tones like milk and pudding.

"I'm okay, just thinking…" She was thinking about the bad memories that she had with their dormitory. About the tears that she had shed. About the blood that she had spilled. How did they wipe it clean? Did they scrub it by hand, wipe every stain clean by themselves as if it were a duty? Or had they hired housekeeping? Do they think of her when they step into their home? Was that why they slept in the hospital—

"We'll buy a new house one day, I promise," he said, smoothing the wrinkle between her brow. "We wanted you to choose it with us, wasn't sure if you liked mountains and rivers or beaches and the sea." He chuckled, his laughter low and rumbly, pleasant to her ears and Amber began to relax against his touch. Her quickening heart rate dropping into a steady beat. "Or maybe you would prefer the night life and a bigger condominium in the city."

"They all sound nice…" She said softly, opening her eyes to look up at him. "But I like your home, I might have bad experiences with it," she winced at the thought, "but I can just make new memories to cover up the bad ones."

"I see…" Casper hummed, and her eyes dropped to the bob of his Adam's apple, fixated upon the arch at his throat. "Tell me if you're ever uncomfortable, okay?"

He took her palm them gently rubbing soothing circles into her skin. Warm, slow circles that did things to her head and soul, making her sink into their touch They all seemed to like doing that to her, her soulmates. They had a fascination for her skin, and she believed that it came from the need to touch her to keep her alive. It was their way of telling her that they cared for her and they desperately wanted her to get better quickly.

He tugged her along then, pulling her up the stairs to a final door at the end of the hallway. Amber inspected the door, noting the simple white wood. "We called this a guest room, but truthfully? It used to be dusty storeroom with a bumpy, shitty bed that nobody really liked to sleep on." Casper admitted. "Guest that sleep here never come back to visit."

Amber snorted at that. "What about your parents then?"

"When our parents visit, they book a hotel nearby because they know how crappy our service is." Casper shrugged then quickly glanced down at her, raising his hand up in surrender. "Don't worry, some of us are just lazy bastards. We're usually very hospitable people. Just didn't have a reason to renovate this room."

She grinned at that, enjoying his panic. He really didn't have to worry. It wasn't as if she would leave them for being slobs. Although, she had some minor expectations that they would have to meet as people she stayed with.

"We all worked on it, but we aren't exactly the best of interior designers. Maybe Ezra could be one… But we mostly just went with what we liked so you might not like it." Casper winced, then quickly continued. "If you don't like it, we could change it? The point is…Keep your expectations low please."

"Don't worry," Amber grinned. "I know how quirky your tastes can be. And I like the 'weirdness', it makes things personal. It reminds me of all of you, and I like to be reminded of my soulmates."

Casper smiled at that, and she was rewarded by a sweet flash of dimples on his cheeks. "I warned you, alright?" He opened the door then and Amber stepped into the room, a gasp tearing through her throat.

It was beautiful. Wide and airy with a huge open window that revealed the distant skyline. The walls were mostly painted white with the occasional slab of ash grey brick and ruffles of pinned linen for texture. They even had the time, or at least the money, to redo the tiles. The floor was mix of cold pink and white marble, and what they could not change they covered with thick fur rugs.

There was a simple silver vanity for her, an overly lengthy study table with a huge desktop monitor, and a frosted sliding door that led to a bathroom. And everywhere she looked there were potted plants and lamps with adorable heart shaped heads. Vines crawled over the ledges of a shelf, curled prettily towards the sun. She sure hoped those plants were fake, she wasn't that confident in her gardening skills.

But the bed…Oh God, the bed. It was huge. Shaped into a semi-circle and pressed tight against the wall, it was draped with custom made fluffy white quilt and piled up with so many pillows that she had to actively count each one. Fifteen. Why the hell would she need fifteen pillows?

She stared at the bed, blushing a little at the sight of it and the oddly placed mirror mounted against the wall. The size of the bed was a little excessive, but she understood the need. It would make group sex a lot easier, and that mirror…Her cheeks burned. Why did they want a mirror at the head of the bed? Her dirty mind flickered to life, reminding her of exactly what one could do with a mirror at the head of the bed.

She could watch herself. Watch her face melt into that of pure bliss as her soulmate thrusted his hard cock into her folds. Watch as her labia parted obscenely for a thick mushroom head. Watch as her other soulmates pump their cocks as she kissed another lover. It would be exhilarating, thrilling and so, so fucking hot—

"It looks amazing!" Amber squeaked, glancing around. "I love it!"

And she did, she really did. The void of colours expanded the space, making it appear bigger than it was. A feature that was no doubt all Ezra. It was a clean room, one that made her feel as if she were at a hotel, but it was a little too lonely for just Amber. She bit her lips, not wanting to tell Casper that to hurt his feelings. Then again, they might have designed the room for that precise reason, maybe they wanted her to invite them in. To colour her space with their messy clothes, to pile their items at her bed and work by her side.

Maybe it was all just a ploy to get her to invite them to her bed, and maybe it was working a little too well.

"Why were you afraid that I would hate it?" She asked, glancing around. "It's beautiful. I love it so much!"

"Look up," Casper sighed, and Amber glanced up, her eyes moving over the white to the sight of an orgy.

Oh my God.

It was a painting, a huge one, one that stretched across the ceiling covering half of the space.

Her jaw dropped at the renaissance like art style, the nude figures had a touch of realism, but it was not enough to be too crude. Their bodies were swathed with flowing fabric, fifty stretched, lithe figures that seemed to dance over the steps of a pantheon set against the backdrop of a blue sky. The implied act of intercourse was made with smudged brushstrokes and messy stabs of paint for movement. Her cheeks burned as her eyes darted over the huge detailed piece. There were people having threesomes, people fucking each other, people having oral sex.

"Sieon?" She guessed and Casper nodded. Ah, that one soulmate with the quirkiest taste in art.

"He insisted, said it was beautiful. Wanted you to be reminded of him. He kicked up a huge fuss about this one." Casper replied rapidly with a soft sigh.

"It is beautiful," she admitted, "but it's a little…" Too much for her bedroom.

She licked her lips. This would definitely take a while to get used to. She took a second glance, her eyes combing over the painted clouds and blue sky. Aside from the sex, she had to admit that it was a gorgeous painting and she did love good art. The colours were beautiful, soft and pretty like the clouds at dawn and if she blurred out the figures it would honestly be perfect for her room.

"Do you want it down?" Casper asked quickly. "We've been arguing about it. MinJae thinks it's hilarious said it might be good inspiration. Ezra was fucking pissed said the only thing he wants you looking at is our naked bodies." That did sound like something Ezra would say. She bit back a giggle. "We decided to just keep it there until you get back."

"What do you think?" She asked and he blinked surprised at her words, raising an elegant brow.


"Yeah, do you like it?"

Casper licked his lips, a quick dart of nervous muscle that should not send her heart racing but does. He glanced at her, leaning against the wall as he pursed his lips, deep in thought. "I enjoy art." He answered simply. "I think it adds colour to your room." He liked it.

"Then we'll keep it here." She exhaled, letting out a breathy laugh. The sex was a little crude, but she liked the painting. Amber turned then, walking over to the bathroom, her expectations raised. She really didn't expect this after the speech that Casper had given her. She was thinking more of on the lines of crappy school dormitory décor, or horrible colour clashes for a room like vomit green and violent purple.

As expected, it was beautiful. The bathroom was painted in strips of white with soft sea blue cabinets and golden taps and handles. It came with a bathtub, and a tiny enclosed glass area for showering, with beautiful lights that perfectly illuminated the space for her to do her makeup. What was there not to like? The cute little porcelain frogs in tutus that peppered the space at varying size was adorable little additions that she knew must be another quirky preference from one of her soulmates.

They were definitely spoiling her way too much.

"We spent a bit more on the toilet," Casper admitted. "The frogs are all Hikaru. MinJae wanted ballerinas. They settled on this." Amber snorted. God, they were so cute!

"It's beautiful Casp," she breathed, and he grinned at the nickname.

"I'm glad you like it," he grinned. "Turn on the shower, I want to show you something."

She frowned, stepping into the glass chamber to pull the handle. The rain shower pattered gently onto her arm, beads of water soaking her skin. She turned back to look at him watching as Casper flicked a button and soft rays of soft blue light shone through the water from the ceiling.

It created flecks of glittering shades of cerulean in the air, mirroring that of the light of the sun through water. It turned a portion of the rain shower into a beautiful cloud of blue droplets. Amber gasped with delight, albeit a little confused at the need for such a specifically installed blue light. It was however, very, very pretty and the light glittered and danced against the tiles like that of the ones on the sea floor.

"Do you remember this?" Casper asked, a quirk on his lips. "It's not the same, but I wanted to do this for fun."

"Huh?" She gaped at him, her mind drawing blanks.

"The Art Museum," he answered. "Before the concert. I was only there to de-stress a little, I like sitting in that artwork swathed in blue flowy plastic. I thought we could have the same here with a little light and some fancy technology." He laughed awkward barks of forced chuckles as he scratched his cheeks. "Something to remember how we first met."

"Hold on a second—" Amber searched through her mind, her eyes darting to Casper. "You're delicious smelling dude?"

Her mind finally started to draw links, her brain flashing her cue cards of what had happened like a nervous presenter. She had been in an artwork, surrounded by flaps of blue plastic. She had toppled over the man in the artwork, tripped over his legs, got herself stuck on his person due to her earring. She had grinded her knee against his cock, felt it rise hard and fast and then she had darted like he was the devil after her soul.

Oh God.