
"Delicious smelling dude?" Casper echoed back raising a brow, then a pleased grin took over his lips his dimples forming on his cheeks. "Is that what you've been calling me all this time?" She swallowed thickly, wondering why his dimples seemed to turn her heart into a mess of goo. And he did smell delicious, his scent fresh and musky in the bathroom. It made her yearn to snuggle up against him and just drink in his smell.

"M-maybe, that or person-who-stole-my-knee-virginity," she blurted out blushing as his grin grew wider, his teeth blindingly white to her eyes. God, how was he so ridiculously handsome? A faint dusting of pink travelled across his tanned cheeks and his eyes grew warm with something more intimate. God, she was falling in love, again.

"You remember that. I'm sorry," he admitted softly. His velvety voice curling over the word beautifully as he shifted his weight. "But I would have to admit that I enjoyed it too much for our first meeting." His lips stretched into a smile. "And I've been keeping this with me ever since." He raised her earring in the air, letting the cheap crystal catch the light.

"My earring!" Amber's eyes widened at the familiar crystal then sobered at the thought of the other pair. The sad chipped crystal that she had tossed into the garbage. "Uh, I might have broken the other pair…" She winced. How embarrassing!

"Oh, then will you let me keep it?" Casper asked approaching her, his frame towering over her tinier one. He was the tallest in the group and he dwarfed her tinier body, tall enough to touch the ceiling, but not too tall to kiss her. She bit her lips at that thought. Stupid! Stupid Amber! "It reminds me of you, and it's been my lucky charm." He confessed running his finger over her promise ring.

He raised her hand then pressing a smooth, chaste kiss to her palm. She flushed, her belly filling with a thousand butterflies that brushed their soft wings against the lining of her stomach. His scent was overpowering in the closed bathroom, and it drugged her turned her into a mess of heat and need. He smelled good. Too good. They all did.

"You can," she murmured, entranced by the look in his eye and a flicker of colours that danced in those soft russet eyes. And her brain short circuited, fizzing to a stop at his scent and the sight of his dark eyes. "Thank you for taking the time to design my room," she spluttered out not knowing what the hell she could say. "T-thank you for being here with me." She babbled as he neared her, his eyes shimmery with a knowing look.

"My pleasure, baby girl." He hummed low in his throat, the sound escaping his lips in a mess of satin and silk. Rich and sweet like thick cream. His large hands were splayed over her hips as he held her close, and they moved up her skin, feather like touches that end with his hand on her waist. Hands that dragged her closer to his body.

His eyes were growing closer to hers now, so close that she struggled to focus on each dilating orb. He released her hand then from the safety of his interlaced grasp. It didn't matter really, for the soul band ensured that their wrists stayed locked together. But it made her heart leap upwards into her mouth, a touch of fear and excitement that coursed through her system. And then the tips of his hand was ghosting over her throat, running over her collarbone, and up her neck to cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing against the bone of her jaw.

And the look in his eyes was the rainbows hidden behind the clouds, the dance of light over a trickling stream and the glittering sea. And a throaty squeak snapped through her throat, ragged and raw with her need for something more. He paused at the sound, continuing to massage her skin, the hand on her waist tightening as he pulled her until he couldn't pull her any closer to his skin. And that was when she felt the thick length of his hardening cock pressed against her belly, a reminder of what she could do to him.

And now she was so hot that she burned, her core aching with need.

"May I touch you?" He groaned softly, a low soft hum that she wouldn't have understood if she didn't want it as much as he did. And if she wasn't wet then, she was definitely soaked through now. Her panties coated with so much want that she was positive that he could smell her in the air.

"Please," she begged, her bottom lip trembling. And the hand he had on her waist moved, drawing her shirt up to reveal skin. The press of fingers against her hot skin was electrifying and she squeaked at his touch, a sound that seemed more of a hybrid between a moan and a yelp.

"You sound so pretty," he said softly, absentminded as his fingers drifted over her body. "So, so pretty." The tips of his fingers danced over her breast then, he stopped briefly giving her a look. "Allow me?" He whispered, his sweet breath fanning over her lips. She chewed on the skin nodding to his request.

His hand moved, inching into her bra to cup her heavy flesh into a hand that felt like the fucking sun. It swallowed and burned, drawing an incoherent moan from her lips. He kissed her then. His kisses swallowing down the surprised gasps of pleasure as he rolled her soft flesh, brushing his palm against the engorged nub of her nipple slowly.

He kissed her as if it were his last day on earth, as if the sun wouldn't rise again if he didn't claim her lips as his own. He kissed her like he loved her, and her heart pounded in her chest at his touch. As his tongue rolled with hers, tangled in a dance meant for the closest of lovers, his fingertips brushed against her nipple bringing her greater pleasure.

His fist was stretching her bra strap until it grew tight against the skin of her back as he moved to thumb her nipple. And he was slow with his caresses, so painfully slow that her skin grew tingly and hot with her pleasure, her soul melting from his sweet tweaks and pinches of sensitive flesh.

When she thought he had enough he worked on the other drawing out her pleasure with skilful ease, slow and almost painfully gentle. The sounds that drew from their tangled lips, seemed to please him greatly because his cock throbbed and grew impossibly larger, hot and heavy with his own need for her. And now she was quivering in his arms, her panties completely soaked as she stared at him with dazed eyes, panting hard and trembling with her desire. Her nipples were completely hard and sensitive, poking against her bra, twin rock-hard nubs of pleasure.

"Good?" He breathed, his voice deep and spellbinding, drawing her further in. "The other guys like it fast but I like it slow. I like to take my own damn time." He explained, murmuring against her lips that he nipped and suckled between teeth. "I'll love to edge you."

And Oh God she almost died from his words.

"Edge?" She stammered out weakly and he smiled, pulling back with a sly grin that revealed the dimples that seemed to innocent on his handsome face.

"Drag out your pleasure," he explained. "Keep you on the edge until you're begging me from release. Strap you to the bed and play with your breasts and your clit until they feel like they're melting. Would you like that love?"

He spoke the last bit in English, his lips curling over the words sinful and seductive. And she almost came right then and there from his words. Her cheeks burning like a damn inferno, searing her skin into a deep crimson red. She tried to speak but found that she couldn't her tongue flopping about in her mouth weakly at the idea of him working her body to its absolute peak. The soft chime of his phone however saved her from having to reply because he frowned cutely, slipping out the device from his pocket to read the text.

He stepped back quickly after that, his expression falling a little. "It's getting a little late, but thank you for that," he murmured pressing a sweet kiss to her cheek, he pulled the soul band, working on it and she watched as she was free from his touch. Her breath caught in her throat as she braced herself for the onslaught of pain, but nothing happened. "I have a timer set on the band." Casper explained. "Rest up a little, you can take a shower if you want? One of us will come get you in a bit. We'll get everything prepared for your parents and your best friend."

"My parents?" Amber blinked, raising a brow at the sudden topic. She blinked again. Miri?

"That's right, they're visiting you today. Didn't you know that? Since you were discharged so quickly, they'll be heading over now for dinner." Casper chuckled, scratching his cheek. "The guys wanted to impress them so they're completing some last-minute touches to the roof terrace. We'll do a barbeque."

And it was at that moment when Amber realised that she had completely forgotten about her parents and her best friend.


"You've forgotten about me already? Ambs, you asshole!"

Miri slapped Amber on the back good naturedly, wrapping her arms around her in a half hug. Amber grinned sheepishly, pressing her face into Miri's jacket and inhaling the familiar scent of expensive fabric softener and sweet shampoo. It wasn't a full hug because her other arm was tied to Casper, who stood watching them with a gentle smile on his lips, which made the hug a little awkward but nothing Amber couldn't handle

Her best friend was first to show up for dinner. Miri had appeared, dressed in her 'lazy attire', black jacket, jeans and a white long-sleeved, a basket of fruit hooked onto her arm. It was Amber's get-well-soon gift from her and Deok-Su. Miri had later leaned in to whisper into her ear that she'd included a box of flavoured condoms, and her favourite sort of ribbed condoms for 'extra fun'.

Damn it, of course she did.

"It just slipped my mind," Amber admitted giggling a little as Miri jabbed her waist, clucking her tongue.

"Too much mind-blowing sex?" Miri snorted. "I get it, I couldn't stop thinking about Deok-Su's dick once I started riding it. Sex with your soulmate is like eating creamy chocolate cake after years of shitty bland, stale biscuits. Once you start on those cakes, or should I say sticks—" Miri whistled, shaking her head. "Whew! You start craving it all the time."

"God, Miri!" Amber spluttered, her cheeks blossoming into twin circles of red. Trust Miri to not filter her words carefully before she spoke. But she had missed her dear friend's quirky sense of humour, and it was nice to hear it from her in person.

"Oh, not yet?" Her best friend raised a delicate brow. "I assumed you would. Strange, didn't the doctor recommend it for your soul? If I were you, I would have jumped their bones by now." Miri winked and Amber flushed, turning into a brighter shade of red. Her mind flew to what had transpired between her and Casper just minutes ago and her breast ached, nipples suddenly horribly sensitive. Casper's grip tightened over her hand, a soft breathy laugh escaping his lips.

"We'll get to it," he promised in English, "anything for her recovery." And Amber's cheeks disappeared into a sea of flaming red. It was a turn on for her to hear him speak in her first language. It did things to her heart, made it squeeze and flutter pathetically in her chest. Or maybe it was just his voice and the way it rumbled out like smooth, creamy chocolate mousse.

"That's the spirit!" Miri laughed cheerfully. Her best friend stepped back, giving her a look all over a tender smile on her lips. "I'm just glad that you're all better," she grinned, and this time her smile was soft and raw with her emotions. "I told you things would get better, didn't I?"

Her best friend winked, and Amber was smashed with a rush of memories, good and bad. It was only just months ago when Amber had sobbed into her phone, crying about her soulmates who did not want her. And now here she was, surrounded by their presence and drenched in their love.