pls fk me

"What?" She raised a brow, anger and sexual frustration coiling deep in her belly. "But I lost!"

"You did, but you don't have to do this," Hikaru said carefully, worry flickering in his eyes as he looked back at her. She opened her mouth wanting to interrupt. "You don't have to push yourself to—"

"It feels a little bad for you to be naked while we aren't." Oliver explained quickly for him, cutting in before she had a chance to retaliate. "We don't want to be the ones taking advantage of the situation." Taking advantage. Her eyes narrowed. When would they understand that she loved them and wanted them all the same?

"Oh yeah?" She grinned, leaning back against the bed. "Then strip," she spat the word out forcefully, toying with her bra strap as she leaned back. And their eyes moved, involuntarily following the bounce of her breasts. Heh, maybe she did have control over the situation. "All of you."

There was silence as they exchanged glances and then Ezra was standing on the bed, pulling off his Calvin Klein's without another word. Amber blinked her eyes met by his semi-hard length, at the creamy skin and straining muscles that were a little too lewdly obvious. He flopped back down onto the bed, kicking off his boxers to the side. He propped his leg up then, an obscene sort of man spread that made his hard cock bounce in the air. That was fast.

"Ezra!" Oliver gasped.

"What? She wanted it. She just wants to see who has the piercings." Ezra shrugged, giving a bored look, but Amber knew him well enough to read the neutrality in his expression. She could see the quirks in the brows, the cheeky lift of his cheeks. He knew what she wanted. He definitely did. He met her eyes then as he growled, "just give it to her. I don't deny my soulmate what she wants."

The last sentence seemed to be the perfect push because the rest began to take off their clothes with MinJae leading the team. Amber stared, breath caught in her throat as they all peeled off their underwear leaving semi-hard cocks to bounce and throb in the air, beaded with droplets of pre-cum. And her heart was pounding madly in her chest. It raced at the sight of her soulmates naked and needy before her; at the beautiful, lean, toned bodies that seemed hewn with pure muscles and almost zero fat; at the red blush on their cheeks that was the cherry on top of her desserts. At those cocks of so many different colours ranging from a deep, swollen rose to a soft smooth pink of cotton candy and fluffy clouds at dawn. On second thought, they wouldn't like it if she told them she just compared their cocks to cotton candy…

And then it was Casper's turn and— Oh God. Her mouth went dry at the sight of the barbell sticking vertically right out of the head of his half hard cock, the single flat bead of metal on the swollen, almost purpled mushroom head. Then her eyes drew down to the ladder of metal balls on the underside of his dick. They sat snug against his long shaft; metallic grooves that laid alongside protruding veins that dragged across his cock. Holy fucking shit! Her mouth dropped open at the sight of them, unable to look away from his bobbing erection which spewed a droplet of arousal. His cock was beautiful, decked in glittering silver balls, but at the same time it was…Awfully intimidating. She couldn't speak as her mouth opened and closed. Her hand twitched, itching to touch it but she swallowed down the urge.

"I had them pierced mostly for female pleasure," Casper explained softly and her eyes darted up to him, finally remembering that the metal monster of a cock was actually attached to a person. A living breathing person, she swallowed thickly. He pierced his cock! How the hell did it not hurt? It looked like it did! "They took a while to get used to, and can be very good with a skilled partner." He pulled at the head, lifting up to show her the other end of the bar. "This is an Apadravya piercing, it goes vertically through the head. And the bead here," He rubbed his thumb over the flat metal circle at the top of his cock head. "Will massage your G-spot if used properly, maybe even your A-spot if I do it properly."

"Then the tinier beads?" She whispered out, awestruck at his tolerance with pain and incredibly, incredibly excited.

"Those, add to the texture," he murmured, running his fingers down the shaft and over the ladder of metal "They rub against the womb, creates a very different feeling during sex, like a ribbed condom." He whispered and she flushed. Holy shit, He was a walking sex toy. He was a walking sex toy. Excitement thrummed in her lower belly at the idea of having sex with Casper. What would it feel like to have those metal orbs press into her insides? She sobered up quickly as her mind rapidly reminded her of caught metal. What if she hurt him? What if he lost a jewellery inside her?

"Now, I sort of wished I had the balls to get piercings." Sieon whispered out loud. "Look at how interested she is." Amber blushed but she couldn't look away, her eyes remained upon those beads of silver at the tiny reflection of her face in the metallic silver. It was fascinating, she'd never seen someone with cock piercings in real life. She couldn't help paying extra attention to his dick. It was studded with jewellery; how could she not notice?

"It's not easy to use," MinJae murmured back. "Some guys don't know what to do with it and can really hurt their partners. And while it is an interesting sensation, we can always use ribbed condoms. We don't have to worry about icky things like getting the jewellery infected."

"I know how to take care of my piercings, I've had them since I was 21," Casper answered back with a roll of his eyes. "And I can take them out, I take them out all the time." He explained, then turned to look at her with furrowed brows. "Don't worry, it won't hurt when we get to it because I know how to use them."

"I'm not worried about that," she answered back, biting her lips. At least he was open to 'getting to it', she was starting to get the impression that she was going to live like a nun forever with Casper around. "I think it's sexy as fuck, you're insane. Casper, that must hurt!" Her soulmate simply smiled, running a palm up his hard cock and Amber was suddenly reminded of how sexual it was for him to touch himself with her watching.

"Physical pain is nothing, compared to the pain of my soul," he shrugged and removed his hand letting his penis sway and throb with his pleasure. "This was my act of rebellion against my parents, against myself for hating jewellery. It was something to remind me that one day I'll be able to pleasure my soulmate, that one day my pleasure could be her pleasure. These piercings were for me but also for you." He smiled then, one that made his foxy eyes darken into a dark muddy hue and Amber's mouth went dry at his words. She looked away, unable to meet his fiery gaze to glance at her soulmates who were eyeing her carefully.

And she felt like a lost lamb that had walked straight into the lion's den.

"Tell us what you really want," Ezra growled from his corner of the bed, crossing his legs. "Don't lie. Strip poker? There's only one-way strip poker goes Amber and it's never PG-fucking-13."

"It's simple, isn't it?" Her heart was pounding, so loud that she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. "I want to see our soul bonds, all of them. I don't want to be tied to one of you, it's nice but…I hate peeing when you're around. I want to be healed and fully recovered." She was babbling at this point.

"You're not being specific," MinJae teased, his smile growing so wide that his eyes had disappeared into moons. "We don't read between the lines, but we're good soulmates. We will give you what you want as long as you ask for it. Right BFFs?" He turned back to the rest.

"We'll give you anything you want." Hikaru whispered breathlessly, his eyes meeting hers.

"Anything," Oliver agreed.

"So say it." Sieon's voice was husky, rough and raw with need and the words escaped his throat in a whimper.

"I want to lose my virginity. I want you all to make love to me. T-the Soul Yearning it hurts me." Her bottom lip trembled then. "Please, please fuck me."