a distraction

Amber bit her lip, chewing on it nervously. Her heart was pounding in her chest, so hard and so fast she swore it might just escape the cage of her chest and soar into the sky. She couldn't look at her men, not after spewing all that dirt from her lips. Not after exposing her inner most wants, her greatest needs, her dirty little secrets. Everything. Every damn fucking thing. And now her cheeks were on fire and her head went light and dizzy from her embarrassment.

Fuck. She was starting to regret her decisions.

"It hurts?" Casper murmured out loud and for a moment Amber was filled with the urge to let out a bark of breathy laughter. Trust her men to focus on that word. And she knew they did, their concern was thick in the sharp gasps from their lips and the never-ending hum of silence in the air; a silence that was pregnant with their hesitation, loaded with their questions. "What hurts?"

She licked her lips, her mouth strangely dry as she squirmed in her seat. She tried to speak, tried to form the words in her head. The words that haunted her dreams, the words that made her feel as if she had been poisoned by sin, as if a succubus had taken her mind, as if she were the devil.

I don't want just kisses, heavy petting or even oral sex. I want more. I want everything you can give me. I want you to take away the ache between my thighs, to take the dirty thoughts in my head and make it a reality. I want you to complete me. I want to be filled, I want to explore, I want to learn. I want my soul to be whole again. I want to be loved. I want all of you to show me that you love me.

"I-it's not pain," she whispered unable to look, the words tumbling from her lips in splutters of sound. "Just, just—" Need, deep aching need. A corrupted sort of desire that plagued her mind and tortured her body.

She squirmed. Why did she have to explain that to them? She'd already said what she had to say and it had taken most of her courage. Maybe all of it. She felt as if she were toppling down a waterfall, her bravery plummeting with every second. She was a deflating balloon, a lonely little sprig in the desert, a damned virgin. And her insecurities bubbled and pooled, filling her head. She couldn't do this. Maybe, they weren't ready. Maybe they didn't want her as much as she thought they did. Maybe…It was all just her. And the thought of that hurt her; a spark of discomfort in her chest.

"Forget it," she said, her mind was a mess of heat and embarrassment. "Forget it." She turned wanting to leave, only she was chained to Casper and leaving was never an option anymore. She paused, looking away, horribly aware of the soul band that kept her to Casper. Goddamn it. And now she wanted to cry.


MinJae's voice echoed through the silence, an arrow through her thoughts, a song of hope from an angel. His voice was soft, mellow, sweet. Her eyes darted upwards, her mind dropping its guard from the sugar and honey that spewed from full, pouty lips. And her heart raced at the sight of him.

Milky full cheeks, stained the prettiest of pink. Eyelids, heavy and hooded with lust and desire. His jaw was angular from exertion; he had bitten down so hard on his teeth that the muscles at the sides of his cheeks rippled and jerked. And his body was…Taut, flexing muscle, and a dripping angry cock, so violently red that it looked as if it hurt. His eyes, dilated pupils that were so, so fucking wide he might as well be on drugs.

Only there were no drugs.

Only her.

And then she was pulled to him. A hand on her waist, the other to her cheek and his face so close to hers that she was forced to look at him. For a moment her vision blurred and then fixated on eyes the colour of burnt sugar, melted candy and morning dew.

"Darling," he teased low in his throat and her heart pounded harder. "You're trembling, don't be scared. Hmm?" He hummed softly, his finger on her waist were feather light touches that danced over her skin, igniting wildfire and heat. And so, so many filthy thoughts, thoughts that made want and need drench her panties. "Where did all that bravado go?"

"N-n-nobody answered me," she replied softly, her voice trembled and cracked, and she had to pause for a second to breath. "I-I thought—" And his expression melted into one that was all soft and warm. The sort of smile that was from the land of unicorns, sunshine and rainbows. And she knew then and there that she was safe in his arms.

"We were all just taken aback by your words," MinJae explained smoothly, a soft coo that caressed her quaking heart. "We didn't know what to say. And when you said you hurt, we grew worried, but I know now." He smiled then and the softness in his eyes vanished like water with sugar, like ice with heat, like oil to fire. And her pussy ached in ways that she didn't quite understand. "You're just like us."

He dragged her to his lap and she squeaked, pressing a hand to her cheeks. How was he so fucking strong? Her back was sandwiched against his body and she could feel his erection pressed hard against her back and dripping with pre-cum. "I want you," he whispered and her breath hitched. "I need you. Can't you feel it?"

He shifted his hips then, and she could feel it more strongly now, the burning hot head of his cock against her skin. It twitched, and the splash of warmth that coated her back made her cheeks burn. It made her heart pound and butterflies flutter within her stomach. He was so wet. The dribble of liquid pleasure down her back mirrored the one that stained her panties, dripping down her inner thighs. Oh God.

"Now look," MinJae coaxed softly, his voice hypnotic and smooth. "Look at your soulmates and tell me what you see." And she peeked through her fingers at the men that surrounded her and her heart skipped a dangerous beat. God help her.

They were absolutely wrecked with lust, heat radiated from their frames, drenching the air in sexual frustration and want. Sieon's eyes were darker than sin, jaw clenched and tight with muscle. The desire blossomed from his eyes, it spread from his very being, coiling over his taut muscles and to the edges of each trembling limb. A beacon of extreme desire.

Hikaru's cheeks were bright crimson, but his eyes were eager and wanting. Interested, surprised and oh, so concerned, but within the innocence was…Curiosity. He wanted to see more and she could tell from the wideness of his beautiful almond eyes coated with a shimmer of tender, loving tears.

Ezra was smug, knowing, understanding, maybe even a little excited, definitely a little too happy. The glee was in the gummy grin on his face, in the buzz of energy over his skin. He looked a little like a kid when Christmas came early and when her eyes met his, he returned her gaze. Good girl. His eyes said. Very, very good girl. She broke from his stare, flushing as she darted her eyes to the next soulmate.

Oliver was zealous, eyes bright and focussed as he stared at her. Waiting, watching, wanting. The desire was the strongest and most honest in those clear eyes, hidden by nothing but love and affection. And Casper, Casper's eyes were unreadable. But they never left hers and they stayed on her skin, dark and hard but with a touch of dancing colour.

There was one thing they all had in common. One thing that made her inner muscles clench deliciously and her clit pulsate with pleasure. Their cocks that had risen to full mast, completely hard and stiff with want, dripping with so much pre-cum that she was sure that tons of it had spilled over her sheets. But she didn't care if it did, she didn't give a damn about her white-as-hell sheets. They could stain it as much as they liked.

"I—" She couldn't speak. "You're all—" She didn't know how to put it, not with the smouldering burn of their gaze on her skin. Not with their eyes roaming over her body, not with the lust that bubbled in her throat and threatened to overflow.

"See?" MinJae giggled, rubbing his thumb over her skin. And she did see now. He trapped her remaining hand to his cheek, pulling her to nuzzle into her palm and Amber watched, entranced as he brushed his soft lips against her skin. Her palm tingled, burning as he kissed her hand. "Do you trust us?" He asked, his eyes hard. There was no coddling, no gentle questions, no push for her to get out of her predicament. Just…Trust. Did she trust them? Amber licked her lips, swallowing hard. She did.


And he took her into a kiss that drove out all her insecurities, all her doubts, all her worries. His kiss was fire and melting syrup with waves of nothing but salacious desire, rolling tongue and sticky affection. A deep throaty whimper escaped his throat and a shudder ran up her spine from the delicious sound. Fuck, he was so sexy.

Somewhere between kisses, the lights dimmed into a gentle warm glow and someone had turned on music of soft pulsating beats and low moans from a sensual singer. A grin danced over her cheeks. They even thought about setting the mood. How cute. But the music seemed to pull at her body. She was a puppet to a puppeteer, and she was kissing back with newfound energy siphoning courage from the music that played.

Amber was pushed onto her back, pressed tight to the bed with MinJae straddling her waist. He rose from the kiss, lips swollen and plump, tossing his head back to reveal dewy skin. She watched transfixed as he brushed his thumb over his lips, pushing at the plump red flesh that seemed to jiggle and shake. It reminded her of a cup of jelly, his lips, rubescent red and dripping with syrup.

"You taste good," he said absentmindedly, uncaring of how his dick was almost literally in her face. She tried not to look at the curve of his girthy cock, at the rod of steel riddled with plump veins that led to a bright pink head. He didn't seem to notice how she struggled desperately to not look at his cock, humming softly to himself in that low breathy moan. "Breath mints too? I like the preparation." She shot him a sheepish expression, biting her lips.

The lilacs in his hair were blooming with his love for her, dripping with dancing light.

"An extra precaution," she answered. "If-f I didn't get anything out of this, at the very least I wanted some kisses." She wouldn't have settled for nothing.

"I don't like the way you're describing your situation," MinJae said, frowning down at her and tapping her nose. "I told you we're good soulmates. We'll give you anything you want."

"Maybe, it's time we changed her mind," Casper growled softly. "She needs to understand, just how much we treasure her. She—" His eyes darkened then, narrowing into dangerous slits. "—Needs to be punished."

MinJae seemed to like the sound of that, a flicker of a smile ghosting over his lips. Shit. She knew that smile. It was his evil smile. The one that reminded her of snakes and serpents. Amber licked her lips, wetting drying skin as his fingers dragged over her clavicle, smoothing over her skin before toying with the straps of her bra. His eyes were lost, dazed and filled with glittering lust as his gaze danced over her covered breasts.

And then her breath caught in her throat at the sudden onslaught of new sensations. They were touching her, whoever they were. There were fingers trailing down her hips, hands coping a feel of her thighs, digits swirling patterns of heat over her covered slit that made a gush of arousal spew from her netherlips. Her eyes widened as she craned her neck in an attempt to see past MinJae's hulking form on her belly.

Who was it? It was at that moment when Casper's grip on her hand tightened, digging his nails into her skin and she gasped in surprise. Ow! That hurt! She glanced at him, confused by the sudden attack and then it was his turn on her lips, his mouth on hers, his tongue coiling with her own.

A distraction.