
His voice dropped dangerously low, so low that she couldn't believe that it was him she was listening to. Him, the boy whose voice was candy floss and honey. The boy who sang at a pitch that millions of men could never accomplish. It was dangerous now, that sweet voice, lurking at the depths of his throat. It was the voice of a lion ready to pounce. And her body was melting from the change. He smirked, his lips quirking upwards at the edges.

"So receptive, my darling," he purred, "your eyes are so beautiful, blown wide open just for us."

"I used to like the soft browns of her eyes," Hikaru said softly stroking her skin, "but I change my mind, I like it black."

"Agreed," MinJae nodded, pressing a palm to her pussy. Her clit twitched at the friction of a warm hand rubbed over her most sensitive area. "So slippery, they're right you did drench your clean, new sheets." He clucked his tongue, his voice tinged with tease. "Naughty, naughty."

"What a dirty, needy girl," Ezra growled. "Give it to her." Casper's arms tightened over her arms, pulling her close to him until she could feel his metal riddled cock on her back, the texture, a dichotomy of hot and cold. It pulsated, twitching against her skin and Casper hissed through his teeth. Another Amber would have grown aroused by the sound, but this Amber was distracted by the pretty man knelt between her thighs, a delighted glint in his sharp eyes.

"I'm going to taste you." MinJae parted her pussy lips, dragging his thumbs over her slit. "I'm going to lick and suck this pretty little pussy until you're begging to cum. You're going to lie down and take it like a good girl." His words made her skin burn red, her body heating up steadily with arousal.

MinJae strummed her clit, teasingly pushing and pulling at the bundle of nerves. "And then Ezra will take your virginity and give you an orgasm. Does that sound good?" Her breath hitched and her soulmate smiled. Ezra was going to take her virginity? Her eyes danced to said man, but MinJae caught her chin tilting her head to him. "Nuh, uh, talk to me. I want your consent my love. I want your words; use your tongue and I'll use mine." He stuck out the pink appendage then, letting it stick in the air, mischievous and demanding. His tongue, he was going to go down on her. Her mind reminded her of what he had said in the hospital.

Ezra's all about the tongue, but I'm good at sucking.

"Yes, yes please," she whimpered out without second thought. "Please."

And he was on her. His wet tongue darted over her folds with skilled need, lapping and sucking at everything in his path. He flicked her clit with the edge of his tongue until she was bucking against his mouth, writhing and squirming from his touch. Her fingers digging into the mattress for dear life. her back arched and her thighs parted wide open involuntarily, her own body needy for more. His tongue breached her, pushing upwards into her walls until she screamed.

"That's it," Casper groaned in her ear, continuing in his ministration on her sensitive nipples, gentle flicks of his thumb over engorged, hardened nubs. That would occasionally turn into pinches and tugs, light scratches and kneading of her soft, fatty flesh. "Such a gorgeous voice."

And MinJae's tongue continued in and out of her, swirling around her clit. He sucked on the sensitive nub until her fluttering pussy squirted and gushed with juices. The sounds she made only grew louder with time until the tension within her curled and cracked, the edges of her dam shattering into bits. Her eyes were rolling back into her head as the familiar white bliss of an incoming orgasm flickered on and off. She was never quite there yet but always so, so damn fucking close.

Amber was going to die like this, with her thighs spread wide open and her body melting under her soulmates.

MinJae only grew rougher and more desperate with her climbing pleasure in his suckles of her clitoris, his tongue pounding and bashing into her sensitive nub. Somewhere in her head, her dazed mind told her that her soulmates were touching themselves to her cries, and their pants and groans mirrored her own desperate moans.

And MinJae entered her a thick finger into her pussy that her body seized in a vice-like grip, sucking in and milking it for what it could not give. The orgasm that threatened to tear through her was coming and she knew it would be indescribable. It would be massive; it would leave her wringed out and completely satisfied. And she wanted it, she wanted her pleasure. But it never came, ebbing away once again. MinJae rose to lick his lips a sheen of her juices coating his plump lips and she whined, frustrated, her eyes prickling with tears. Why wouldn't they give her what she wanted?

"She's crying," someone said with a soft coo.

"Tears of desperation, not pain."

"She wants to cum so much, look at her she's trembling. It's so erotic, so damn hot."

"Shh, darling, Ezra will give you your orgasm, you won't have to wait any longer," MinJae soothed with a gentle kiss to her lips. Amber could taste herself on him, her musk sweet on his tongue. There was a rip of a condom packet and she stared as Ezra slipped the condom over his hard, bobbing length with ease, brushing his hair back with his hand as he crawled over to her. He pulled her down easily then, hooking her legs onto his thighs and digging his fingers into her hips.

He was glowing, her firefly, his skin shimmering in the darkness like the moon in the night sky.

"We're going to finish this baby," Ezra grinned, squeezing a good amount of lube over his condom covered cock. Her mouth went dry as he stroked it, coating his hard length with the slippery mixture. "Just you and me."

And he entered her.