

He was the luckiest man in the whole world and nobody could convince him otherwise.

His cock nudged at the mouth of her cunt where it fluttered and throbbed. It seemed to have a life of its own, the dark pink petals of her netherlips suckling on the mushroom tip. It was desperate to swallow down his length and choke over the hard flesh, eager for a taste of his cum. And Ezra couldn't help the twitch of hard on, his cock was impatient and needy. But he had to have control, needed to be able to hold back the spasm of his hips. He wanted her first time to be perfect, for a goddess like his soulmate deserved nothing more than perfection.

The love of his life was crying, tears dripping from her eyes and spilling down her cheeks, beads of glittering dew on peaches. Another Ezra would hurt at the sight, his chest would ache and twist at her tears, but this Ezra was nothing but sad. He enjoyed those tears of hopeless pleasure, for it was in such desperation would she experience the greatest of pleasure. And he would give her satisfaction. Orgasms that no other man or toy could ever provide.

She was tight, too tight and hot pleasure blossomed at the back of his spine, the gold coating around the length of his cock. Ezra hissed between his teeth, biting down on his bottom lip hoping that the pain would clear his head. But sex with his soulmate was not like his one-night stands, nor was it like sex with MinJae and his tight little ass.

Nothing could beat the feeling of their joining souls as his cock eased into her tight heat. Or the sight of her writhing body aglow with their soul bond, a soul bond that only he had the privilege to see. And Ezra loved how the soft shimmer of her skin made it seem as if he were making love to a goddess that had descended to earth, or a fairy that he had caught from the heavens. She was beautiful, so beautiful that his mind drifted into a haze of adoration. And he lost his head again to those cotton candy coloured clouds.

"Does it feel good?" Sieon chirped curiously and Ezra would have slapped him for the disruption if he weren't struggling to stay still.

Another minute waiting for her to adjust to his thickness had felt like another damn year to his body. Fuck, and they had picked him only because he was the most experienced in the group when it came to giving others pleasure. MinJae had vouched on that for him with a lewd, dreamy smile. He'd promised to them all that he'd be gentle with their girl. But if he didn't keep his cock in check, he would be breaking that promise.

"Fucking amazing," he growled through clenched teeth. "Best fucking pussy I'll ever have in my whole damn fucking life."

An inch was gained deep into her walls and Ezra grinded his teeth, straining to let her adjust. His muscles rippled, veins popping over his neck as her pussy twisted and milked his cock, squeezing him so hard it grew difficult to push. Fucking hell, he was going to die why the fuck was she clenching down so hard? His eyes darted to hers, a tic in his brow and noted the fingers toying with her breasts.

Oh, that motherfucker. He shot a glare at Casper; the jerk was still playing with her nipples and said man returned his frustrated gaze with a sly smile. Casper had a thing for breasts. It was fitting that their soulmate would have generous curves for him to play with, big enough to fit in his palms. But he was not making this any easier for Ezra.

"Relax." Ezra stroked her cheeks. "You're forcing me out, sweetheart. I don't want to hurt you."

Wide eyes stared back at him edged with fear but black with her lust. Maybe this position wasn't a good idea, he licked his lips. He should have gotten her to sit on him, let her impale herself on his cock and take him as deep as she wanted him to go. But Ezra made a face at the thought of pulling out and restarting the whole damn torturous process. He buzzed, growing ridiculously impatient with each second. Fuck it. He swivelled his hips and darted his thumb down to her clit, pressing against the engorged bud.

She squeaked, her cunt fluttering around him, gasping along with her and he took that chance to bury himself further into her. The muscles in his ass clenched tightly as she began to shiver from his deepness, flinching a little from the sudden push. There was a hint of resistance in her eyes from the fear of the unknown, but her pussy was honest. It wrapped around his cock, grateful for something to grip on to, slippery and so, so hot. The fucking soul bond was being annoying as hell, begging him to pound into her and take her.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He closed his eyes, veins popping over his skin as beads of sweat dripped from his brow. He blew out a low breath, tapping his fingers on her middle. This was fucking torture. Why the fuck did he think being her first would be a good experience? He groaned in his head, trembling as he held her. This was a fucking battle of damn wills. Goddamn it, he started to count in his head giving her the time to adjust. One thousand, two thousand, three fucking thousand—

"Why aren't you moving?" He opened his eyes, giving her a lazy annoyed stare. Her nose was scrunched up, all cute and sweet as she panted in his arms, squirming just a little with her cheeks ruddy red.

"You're ruining my concentration," he told her stiffly. "You think I don't want to move?" He complained, drawling out the words with even, steady breathing. "I'm giving you the time to adjust which feels like fucking torture." The word reminded him of his cock half buried in her cunt and it twitched desperate for greater friction. "Oh fuck, if I talk anymore, I'm going to start pounding in to you already, so shut up and let me concentrate—"

FUCK! His eyes flew wide open as she slammed her hips up against him, taking his entire cock in to the hilt until his balls were slapping against her ass. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, hooked onto his back like a pole dancer to her pole and her walls clenched and trembled over his entire length, deliciously hot and slippery wet. What the fuck? He stared at her, eyes taking in the wince of pain and the tremble of her lips. Oh, God she would be the death of him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He panicked, pulling back just a little but she refused to bulge, he choked at that. "Does it hurt? Sweetheart—"

"No pain, no gain." She replied back harshly, letting a sultry smile dance over her face. His Amber wriggled her hips teasingly and his breath caught in his throat at the sight of her impaled fully onto his dick and needy for more. "Just move already." She licked her lips, her expression dazed as he swivelled his hips and dug his cock into a spot that made her gasp. "I'm already so damn fucking," she swallowed, "wet for you." She winced. "Why are you so big?"

"That's really cheesy," Ezra snorted, a smile stretching over his face as pride blossomed in his chest. Damn, it felt good hearing her say that.

"Yeah, and he's like one of the smallest here," Sieon piped out, annoying as ever. "Wait till you try mine." Ezra's mood soured. Asshole.

"And you're going to cum in two seconds flat," he snapped back, bristling angrily.

"Eyes on the road people," the love of his life groaned, slapping a palm to her forehead. "Are you seriously arguing now? Way to spoil the mood." But Ezra knew that the distraction had helped to ease her fear. Her pussy seemed to relax just a little, enough for him to swivel his hips and piston his cock lightly into her wet heat. Good, he could give her all he had now.

"Did you just call yourself a road?" Ezra chuckled and she clenched around him, forcing his hips to jerk forward. "Oh FUCK! You minx!" And he was rewarded with a smile that made his heart flutter and his chest tight. He took that as his sign that she was ready, digging his fingers into her hips and bracing himself on the bed.

And then he surged forward. He pulled his hip back, thrusting into her spots, angling his hips into places that his previous conquests had enjoyed. He searched for them all, experimenting with each until he found all the spots that made her breath hitch and her eyes go wide. His balls were aching, tight with cum and ready for release but it held it all in with fierce determination. Her wet, sweet pussy was heaven to his salivating cock. But If he let go now his time with her would be robbed by another. He bit his lips, dragging his thumb down to her pert nub to rub viciously at her swollen clit and she spasmed in his arms, jerking and mewling.

"You're not a virgin now," he laughed, breathless from the pleasure. "How is your first experience?"

"You. Always. Talk. To. Much." She rasped out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, until all he could see was the whites of her eyes.

And he laughed, taking the chance to drape her over his thighs for the other men to get a good view of her. They seemed to like it if the furious pumps of their fist over their cocks were any indication, and her inner muscles squeezed over him so tight that it pulled a low moan from his lips. She was going to feel this for days with all that fucking squeezing, her inner muscles so sore that she would be reminded of him with each step she took.

"F-fuck, I'm close." She whimpered and Ezra could feel it too, in the rapidly rising pulse of her pussy, in the tremble of her feet, in the coil of her spine as her body tried to stuff her fuller with his cock. She was ready, practically crushing his cock in her vice-like grip and he would take her as high as she could go.

"I know," he bit out gruffly. "Can feel it in your needy little pussy, squeezing around my cock like a good girl, taking me so deep." He groaned, ploughing into her frame as he circled his thumb and his index finger over her clit. He rolled it, tugging at the nerves and she convulsed. "You look so pretty stretched on my cock. I bet you'll look prettier riding two. FUCK!" Amber contracted violently over him and he bit down harshly onto his lips. He was going to lose it soon.

"Let your soulmates see you cum," he groaned, turning her over and draping her over his frame so that he could see her in the mirror.