
And Amber was itching to give them the experience, but she didn't have the heart to leave JieMi's tight cuddle. She bit her lips, chewing on her lips and a naughty smirk peaked over her cheeks. It wouldn't hurt to go look for one of her men right now to seek relief, she pressed a hand to her lip, biting down the bubble of excitement that threatened to escape her lips. She pranced out of the room heading down the hallway with a bounce in her step.

Their home was quiet, save for the sound of birds chirping in the morning and the soft hum of the washing machine. Her brows furrowed as she peeked into their rooms, noting the made beds and empty rooms. Devoid of presence, lacking in warmth.

Where were they? Had they all left for work? It wouldn't be odd considering the time. She pursed her lips together, her eyes locking on the clock. It was close to afternoon, and she'd essentially spent all night and all morning lying in bed with JieMi. She turned another corner, heading towards the sound of laundry.

It was then when she heard it. A low, guttural moan that trailed through the air, deep and spicy with a velvet timbre akin to honey. Amber froze, blinking rapidly as her eyes darted over the darkness of the penthouse. It searched, flittering about until it landed upon a singular light source leading to the laundry room. With shaking feet, Amber moved, heading straight towards it without a second thought, an insect towards light.

For a moment her eyes were blinded by the wash of yellow light, and she had to blink it away to focus on the figure before the washing machine through the crack of the door. Her Sieon was naked waist up, well-sculpted back muscles illuminated and traced by the hanging light. He stood before the washing machine; one arm pressed steady against the plastic, flexing and cut with muscle, the other hidden behind a sublime body of sharp definition and utter strength.

Another sweet moan escaped his lips, thick with something more than just pain, something dark and hungry. He leaned against the vibrating machine, and it was only then when she caught the sight of fabric clenched to his nose. Red lace dripping with see-through floral, the colour stark in the white of the room. Her mouth dropped open at the sight. That was her underwear. What the fuck was he—

His hips jerked as the machine pulsated, vibrating with a huge load of wash and her eyes snapped down to his thrusting hips. For a moment, he convulses, body twisting and she caught sight of the head of his exposed aroused cock, peaking up from his sweatpants. Pink and sodden with pre-cum, wrapped with veins that traced an angry anatomy. And she watched with caught breath as he pushed the head of his penis against the vibrating washing machine, and another dribble of pre-cum oozed from the slit of his thick cock.

He was masturbating with her panties using the washing machine. Her lips quirked and she couldn't help the open mouth gape from transforming into an open mouth smile of triumph. Was he seriously doing this? Was this why he happily did the laundry without complaint? Oh my God!

The delicious, husky groan that spilled from his beautiful lips distracted her again and she watched, curious and strangely happy as he pressed the messy head of his heavy cock against the machine and muffled his groans beneath the fabric of her underwear.

Somehow, it made her feel good to see him use her things to masturbate, and it was such a turn on to see him like this. Her heart raced in her chest, beating in time to the pulsation between her legs. And her arousal was stewing within her, boiling and frothing at her edges. She couldn't help the cheeky smile from forming over her cheeks and she carefully pushed open the door, creeping up to him when his eyes were closed and his hips continued to jerk. She hesitated for a moment as she stood close to him, inhaling the musk that was all Sieon and rain. Her eyes drew to the ripple of defined muscles on his back before she decided to fuck it.

She cheekily reached for his cock in one swoop, pressing her right hand against the head and her other skirting over his back, nails dancing over hot skin and pressing lightly into the dimples of his body. And their soul bond thrummed to life like a well-oiled machine, a burst of sweet, sweet completion that warmed her insides.


Her soulmate screeched. He jumped, tottering forward and panting hard as he turned back to look. His beautiful smouldering eyes were round with horror and confusion. They only grew wider at the sight of her, as he seemed to remember exactly what he had been doing. And what she had essentially caught him doing.

"Uh, hi!" He spluttered out, tongue no longer working. "This isn't what it looks like."

She ignored his words, stroking the tip of his cock with her index finger and it shivered under her touch. Whatever he was doing, it was exactly what it looked like. "There are so many sex toys in this house, why are you using the washing machine Eon?" She smirked, pulling him over to face her, with a quick tug of his hips. He leaned back against the machine, arms propped as he stared at her with sweet eyes, his hair curling prettily around his face from the humidity of the room.

"A-amber, sweetheart—"

"Tell me."

"It's convenient. The machine vibrates and I can just use your clothes," he blushed then, sweet and strangely innocent. Amber let out a soft breathy laugh, a smirk on her lips as she leaned her head against his arm.

"That was really interesting to watch, you should have invited me," she continued to tease, rubbing her thumb over the oozing slit of his cock. It trembled, quivering and slobbering under her touch, more honest than its owner.

"H-how long were you there, why didn't you say anything?" He stammered, shaking under her gaze and her smile only grew wider as her eyes roamed over his muscular body, dancing over the ripple of muscle.

"A while. And I didn't want to miss the show." She tightened her grip over his cock, pulling it out to stroke at the throbbing vein. Sieon looked as if he'd gone to heaven and back when her fingers danced over a particularly sensitive spot. He shuddered, blushing brighter under her gaze.


"Eon, I'm horny." She complained, snapping him from his stutter as she lazily stroked his cock, working him through his arousal. He gaped at her, blinking rapidly then licking his lips. He seemed a little shell shock from her sudden surprise attack, for he remained stiff and confused.

"You are?" He began to recover, clearing his throat as he wrapped his arms around her waist. And she watched, amused as his eyes brightened and his face practically lit up like the sun. "Do you want to…" He coughed, then grew nervous. "But the other guys aren't here with us, they went out to get food and groceries."

"You don't need the other guys," she told him, raising a brow. "Didn't you say that you wanted to," she bit her lips, "masturbate while eating me out?" He blinked. "Lose your virginity?" He gaped at her then, eyes starting to sparkle. "We could go get condoms—"

"There are condoms and lube here." He fished it out for her to see, looking a tad too eager, grin so wide that he might just split his lips. "They're all over the house. Ezra and Minnie made sure." Amber blinked, raising a brow. Interesting. It was then when she felt the heat of his stiffening cock, pressed tight against her belly and her cunt began to seep, weeping for touch.

She stepped closer, enjoying the feel of his fingers feathering over her skin and his eyes warm over her face. It didn't take long for their lips to connect, for his fingers to take root in the curl of her hair and for her hands to wrap over the plump of his waist. Their kiss was heaven, a heaven of completion, of enthusiastic exploration, slippery muscle and the clash of clumsy teeth. And when they parted, chest to chest, their eyes locked, enamoured and brimming with love, lips swollen and slick with saliva.

Sieon seemed like sex-incarnate, with a body meant for sin and eyes so full that they might swallow her whole. They panted, dizzy but drunk on the scent and taste of one another. He moved then, unable to wait, glancing up at her with wide, begging eyes. Please, let me touch you, they said.

She nodded and he lifted her up onto the shaking machine, arms wrapped over her skin and fingers squeezing at her ass. He knelt, pulled at her sweats, peeled off her sticky underwear in one quick excited swoop, he let out a breath laugh when he saw the strands of glossy want. His fingers drenched in her juices.

"You're wet." He examined her, scrutinised the musk of her pussy that her men said smelled like the sweetest of honey. And his thumb slid over her slick cunt, spreading her open for a better view. His fingers lightly pulling at the hood of her clit, sending another thrum of heat through her system.

"You think? You're so hot Eon," Amber groaned as he began to fist his cock, his eyes drinking in the sight of her that no doubt spoke to his pleasure just as how the sight of his nudity spoke to hers. "Is this better than sniffing my underwear, baby?" She hummed, propping her leg up without an ounce of shame in her lust hazed mind. He nodded, fingers dipping into her slit, his knuckle sliding in so easily that it made his breath catch in his throat.

"So much better," he leaned in then, nosing at her clit to blow softly against her folds. It pulled at her, pushing another burst of soul-sucking pleasure through her body that sent her mewling and panting for more. Her soulmate only chuckled, biting lightly against his lower lip with eyes that screamed for sex.