Tell Me

"Please, please," she begged, writhing her hips. He dove then, dragging his tongue over her slit, not wasting any time to lap at her cunt like a kitten would greedy for milk. His eyes were dark and dangerous, sharp with his clear pleasure, all the while as he pumped his cock between a tight fist.

"You smell so good," he groaned as she tossed her head back, hips twisting over the vibrating machine that made her breasts bounce and her nipples chafe over the fabric. "Always so soft, and so sweet. I want to fuck you so damn much." His body shuddered as pleasure quaked through his skin.

"It feels good, Eon," she groaned, and he pushed at her knees with hands that could nearly burn her skin, lifting them so that she was spread as far as she could go, just as he dug his thumb into the soft inner part of her thigh. The wet, sleek sound of his thumb over her clit and his cock pumping in his fist resounded across the room in a dirty, mouth-watering melody.

"You're so wet for me," he groaned back over the bud of her pleasure and the vibrations shot up her spine like a drug through her system. He lapped at her clit, drawing circle eights over the swollen pink bud just as he promised months ago. "Amber, you're so damn beautiful," he moaned and her confidence soared, completely banishing all hints of inadequacy that flickered within her chest.

Sieon eagerly sucked and flicked, desperate to push at the wanton ache that ballooned within her. He didn't hesitate to moan over her throbbing clit when his hips jerked upwards from sensitivity, didn't hesitate to murmur sweet nothings over the pearl of her pleasure. And he chuckled when she grew tight with orgasm, arousal gushing from her cunt.

He only pushed more, lips descending over the stiff, erect bud of her clit and taking it deeper into his lips into a vacuum like suction that made her body writhe under his touch. Her body heaved, wrecked with pleasure and he stopped right then when she thought she might see stars, pulling away to lick his soaked lips. She growled bitterly and he only laughed.

"You were going to cum," he stated, grinning up at her with mischief, pulling out his cock to wrap a condom over his length. He pumped at it, desperation etched in his face as he squirted lube over his thick length. It was dripping with pre-cum, salivating with thick tacky streams of milky liquid that glistened over his hard cock. "I'm not letting you cum, not until I'm inside you." He growled, voice deepening into a rough groan that turned her into a sensitive mess of goo. "Not until I can feel you milking my cock."

"You learnt that from Minnie," she groaned, whining as she pushed her hips towards him, needy for relief. "Hurry Eon, hurry," she groaned, parting her thighs for him, hooking a leg over his waist to bring their bodies together. "I've been waiting all damn night." His cock thumped against her dripping slit, cock head coating itself in her sleek. Sieon only grinned, dragging his cock between the seam of her pussy lips.

"All night? Why didn't you come out and say something?"

"Didn't want to wake JieMi up," she admitted, pursing her lips. Sieon smiled, rubbing her cheeks with his large hands as he continued with the torturous grind of his hips against hers.

"My good girl," he praised and her heart pounded at his smile. "My strong, beautiful girl." He took her lips into another kiss then. One that was soft and gentle, tranquil and sweet, with strokes that made her heart quiver and shake. "I'll do anything for you," he breathed, panting against her lips. He moved then, dragging saliva sleeked lips over her skin to nip at her ear. "Anything."

His cock was big, bigger than what she had with the other more experienced soulmates in the group. And for a moment her heart pounded in her ears, fear and excitement coursing through her system. He laced his fingers with hers as he positioned himself before her. His cock hovering over her wet slit as he leaned in for a kiss that reached her soul, desperation clouded in his breath. "I love you so much," he groaned, musical timbre that dripped, exotic from a beautiful mouth.

Her lips spread, heart pumping with endorphins. "I love you too, Eon."

She watched, enraptured and touch starved, as he pulled his focus from the wetness seeping between her legs, chin lifting to look at her as his hair curled down to dust at his eyes. The look in his gaze silenced her with a firm heavy hand, the heat in those sultry eyes predatorial and hungry. They caught her in its sticky molten depths, pulling her into his gaze.

And smoothly he drove into her without breaking their gaze, stretching her slowly and carefully. And she stared as his eyes flickered and his pupils dilated further as pleasure swallowed him whole. The choked surprise that engulfed him at her warmness was followed by a wash of sweet, sweet delight and then suffocating lust.

He waited until her breath no longer hitched in her throat, until his eyes could focus and his muscles no longer trembled with the need to spill into her warm depths. And all the while as he did so he suffered under the clamp and spasm of her cunt, as her mouth opened and her eyes squeezed at the delicious stretch. He was so big that it felt as if she were a virgin again, all aching and raw from the unfamiliarity. And God, her body was sobbing from his fullness, only those were good tears.

"You're so tight," he rasped, teeth clenching and jaw muscles rippling. "I can't last too long, this is—This is more than anything I've ever…" He waited, basking in the squeeze of her slobbering pussy, his cock ensnarled deep within her. "You squeeze me whenever I—" He swivelled his hips and she shuddered. "God." His cock throbbed within her, hot and thick and her pussy squelched as he continued. "Fuck!" He pushed through, so deep that his cock kissed against her cervix, strangely good and so, so damn full.

"Eon," she breathed. "Eon." There was nothing else she could say.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice begging, begging her to be okay. His eyes were tight with emotions as he stared up at her, brows lifted into a twist of worry. "Sweetheart?" His grip tightened; fingers laced with hers.

But she was okay, more than okay.

And the moment was more than anything she could ever dream of, more than anything she would ever need. In that laundry room, she was saturated with his love, warm from the delicious burn of his skin, with perspiration dripping from their bodies. The intimacy was sweet in the air, his touch reassuring and kind.

And he was her soulmate, her darling soulmate.

And his eyes reminded her of the time when they first met, of how she'd been electrified by his gaze. A gaze that now remained locked with hers, a gaze that now followed her wherever she went. A gaze that was hers and hers alone.

"Move, please," she beseeched, pressing her forehead to his. "Baby, move." She squeezed, pulled his cock into the crevice of her needy pussy and he gasp, letting out a breath that he held for far too long. The rush of warmth from his lips, sending his hair fluttering over his face. He moved then, thrusting his cock in and out of her, slow and steady with quiet unbearable pleasure, as their eyes remained stuck in an exchange of unsaid words.

And she couldn't look away. Not with how beautiful Kim Sieon was in his throes of ecstasy. His eyes hooded, glistening with pleasure, the dark pupils dilated so far, they were almost black. There was a wrinkle in his brow, a clench in his teeth and a twist of his lips whenever his body jerked within her. His cock brushing against the spots that made her lower abdomen warm and her pussy clench.

It didn't take long for the ache to dissolve into pleasure and for her pussy to grow used to the fullness of his length. While tight, it no longer protested and writhed when he pushed in too deep and her breathy gasps turned into low strangled moans as he pulverised her deepest spots.

It was then when their soul bond blossomed, the flowers on their fingers forming under his touch and she smiled as the roses unfurled—a promise ring, a wedding ring, a ring of the soul. He grinned, eyes alight with gold and bright with the glow of fire from the string that tied their pinkies together.

And they were complete.

He began to thrust, his instincts consuming his mind as he moved into a desperate pace that was hot and fast. And for some reason his control remained ever so strong, his ability to move his fingers down to rub her clit never faltering with each earth-shattering thrust. Bliss coloured her vision and whitened her sight. They locked lips, messy and needy as they pressed tight against one another as Sieon hurtled towards orgasm.

"You feel amazing, this is—" Sieon huffed, catching his breath as he continued at a dizzying tempo. "I'm never using the washing machine again." Amber snorted at his words, unable to stop herself from laughing. And his expression rippled as he suffered under the squeeze of her cunt, spewing a plethora of expletives from between clenched teeth.

"Ezra will be angry if he knew you used the machine like this," she giggled and he grinned.

"Yeah? But you're my partner-in-crime now sweetheart, we're soaking the machine with your juices, painting it with your cum," he groaned, making it a point to fuck her with tighter and sharper thrusts. And she flushed as he tapped into the spot that made her gush and run, squirting over him with each pulsating pleasure. "The laundry room is going to smell like you and me, and you know what? I don't fucking care if Ezra slaps me on the ass. He's going to have to deal with the fact that," he caught her lips in his before breaking apart again, "we might have spewed cum over his clothes."

"Mmmmph," she breathed over his lips and he broke apart from her again, sweat beading over his forehead.

"I've came so many times to the thoughts of you like this," he confessed, eyes glazed with lust. "Dreamt about this so much that I wake up soaked and aroused, so fucking hard for you, sweetheart." Her arousal spiked at his words, her heart thundering in her chest.

"Y-yeah? Tell me Eon, tell me about them."

"You riding my cock, like this in some weird fucking place in the house," he groaned running his fingers up her clothed covered body to tweak at her nipples. "You cumming on my cock, milking it. You, smiling at me, like this. Looking at me like this. You don't know how much I wanted this, how much I—" His expression grew pinched with the rush of an oncoming orgasm.

"Tell me," she egged, excitement fluttering in her belly.