come in

"Wanted to be inside you, wanted to cum inside you one day. Wanted to fuck you until you—oh shit. I'm going to cum. I can't fucking stop it. Sweetheart, I—Fuck!" He ejaculated, making a quick move to thumb her clit as he did. And she didn't know it would do the trick, but the sight of his face, all red and ruddy from his orgasm and his eyes wide and rolled back with his pleasure dragged her straight to the finish line.

She was squirting over him with soft wails that she muffled in his shoulder, sounds that he echoed with low groans that seemed twisted out from his soul. He came in pulses, seed hot and deliciously warm despite the condom. And he rocked against her, riding out her orgasm with twisted moans that spiked as she clamped over him and groaned.

The sounds that escaped her was incoherent and blurry, the pleasure spreading from top to toe. She was floating and then descending from a place that was sightless and soundless. Her eyes focusing upon the beautiful, dewy face of her gorgeous, regal soulmate. But it was too damn short and she heaved, swallowing thickly.

"Eon," she panted against him, leaning her head against his chest. "I want more, I'm still horny, baby." She glanced up at him with eyes that she knew he could not resist. "Please." Her soulmate raised a brow and then grinned, lips spreading wide.

"Fuck yes," he crooned and her libido only spiked, as he gestured to his rising cock. "I'm not done too." And his lips were travelling down her skin, fingers reaching into her clothes to toy with her breasts and tweak at her nipples. "Good?" He suckled on her skin, tongue wet and deliciously warm, creating deep violent hues that would tell everyone exactly what they'd done in the laundry room.

It was then when the door squeaked and they stopped abruptly, her soulmate freezing and turning to shield her from unwanted eyes. Her eyes darting upwards to the stunned gaze of a bunny at the door. His hand outstretched and shock colouring his round, beautiful eyes, hair messy and cheeks swollen from sleep.

JieMi stared, nose twitching, ears alert as they shifted and turned in his hair. His sweats were see-through gossamer and she could see the hard length of his cock pushing against the thin fabric, just as needy and painful as Sieon was. His lips parted and he took an embarrassing step back, stammering out his apologies even though she knew he'd been masturbating to the sight of them, his fingers sticky with pre-cum and his pants soaking with a wet-spot from arousal.

"What the fuck man?" Sieon growled, growing defensive. "Why are you here? Get out!"

"I'm sorry!" JieMi squeaked, cheeks reddening as he pressed a trembling hand to his lips. "I-I couldn't help it. I—"

"Wait!" She stopped him mid-step and she glanced down at her Sieon, meeting his eyes for a brief moment. They were confused but accepting, and her lips pursed together as she glanced back up at JieMi. They might as well solve more soul related issues.

She met his eye, holding him steady as she judged the situation. JieMi looked so fucking embarrassed with his cheeks red and his eyes desperate to break away from her gaze. She crooked a finger, her eyes finding a gaze within his embarrassment that was teeming with heat and lust. Come in, her gesture said, before I change my mind.

And her rabbit stepped forward into the light, closing the door behind him.