
Sieon splayed his hands over his Amber's waist, bringing her to him, a simple stake of claim. An open declaration of war, if he was being dramatic. Sieon stepped up closer to him with Amber, drawing her to his body, nuzzling her hair with his nose as he inhaled her sweet scent. Actions that she didn't even react to because she was too used to his need to touch her. But JieMi's eyes snapped to his, confused and deliciously hurt.


Sieon smirked, eyes hooded and teeth glinting in the light. He tilted his head to a side, giving him his classic smouldering look that would turn his fans and the love of his life into a whimpering mess of need. But was essentially a smug, shit-eating grin of a winner in life.

"Did we wake you? I promised you that I would be more careful, I'm sorry—"

"No, I uh- I walked out. Toilet," JieMi explained hastily. "And uh-I…the soul bond. I couldn't help myself." JieMi swallowed thickly, sucking on his lower lip as he rubbed his nose. "I just-How do you want to-?" He blushed and Sieon blinked, surprised at how adorable JieMi was acting. It made him want to laugh. "We can—"

"No sex." And JieMi's face fell, or at least Sieon knew it did. He covered another snort, strangely pleased at his privilege. "It just doesn't seem right to me…But I can take care of you," Amber murmured, gesturing to his hard on. Sieon bit his lips, raising a brow. A hand job, huh? "On my terms." She glanced back at Sieon as if seeking for comfort and Sieon made sure to give her that, holding her close with a gentle smile on his lips. It was then when an idea flickered in his head, and he drew her closer holding her tight to his erection.

"It isn't fair if he's the only one getting pleasure out of this," he purred, running long fingers through her beautiful hair. The shiver that he elicited from dancing finger tips brought a jolt of joy through his system and his smile only grew wider. "We can continue, sweetheart." He gazed up at JieMi, narrowing his eyes. "JieMi doesn't mind, right?"

He didn't have the right to mind, he did after all, trespassed on their private lovemaking. Said man gulped, nodding quickly. "I don't mind…" JieMi's lips quirked, a quick smile for Amber's comfort, a signal to tell her that he was okay with it. Good, Sieon grinned.

"Do you want me to continue, sweetheart?" He growled low in his throat as he pressed himself tight against her ass, a hard rod of pure steel that pulsated and begged to be loved. "Behind?" He asked, gliding his cock over her folds, smothering it in her glistening cream. "Like this?" He dug his fingers into her ass, digging into the sensitive spots that he'd discovered with his friends. The lightest of touch sent her body quivering and relaxed, receptive and ever so hungry.

And God, he knew she wanted this as much as he did. She'd been the one to pounce on him that morning after all.

"Okay," she breathed, voice tight and full with lust, and Sieon grinned, pulling her to the floor. His cock was throbbing, sensing relief. He raised a brow at JieMi, gesturing at the ground with a nonchalant tilt of his head. It would be awkward if he stood there watching them while they fucked.

"Get down."

The younger man did with a clumsy drop to his knees and his soulmate pulled him to her without another word, already with her head in the game. Sieon chuckled. She could always read him so damn well. JieMi gaped as Sieon's fingers skimmed over the beautiful round exposed globes of her ass, dipping into the gooey mess of her glistening pussy, a little raw from their previous lovemaking.

Sieon slapped it, unable to help himself and his cock only grew harder when the pink flesh jiggled. "Ass up baby," he bit his tongue between teeth, heart pounding in his chest as he ran his fingers over the dip of her hips.

"Sieon!" She snapped at him giving him a fake glare, but he knew that she was more than aroused by his actions. Her cunt dripping with even more want over his cock. He winked cheekily, rubbing his palms over the blossoming red.

"You don't even know how hot you look like this," Sieon groaned, hissing between clenched teeth as he grinded his cock over the dip of her ass. "All ready and wanting for me, are you needy baby?" He dug a knuckle into her gaping pussy and she gasped, the sound raw and so damn fucking delicious. JieMi seemed to agree, from the way his ears jerked upwards, alert and ready. "Gonna make you cum so hard you'll see stars."

She snorted, and he watched as her fingers darted over JieMi's pants. "Where did you learn to talk dirty like that?" She asked as she pulled down his grey sweats. JieMi's cock bounced free, angry red and swollen from overuse. Sieon squinted at the size, making a face. He was pretty sure he was a tad bigger than JieMi. A smile blossomed over his cheeks after a quick confirmation. Yep, he was.

"Porn?" Sieon shrugged, then licked his lips.

"Are you taking lessons for me?" Amber turned to look at him with a smirk and Sieon's grin widened, enjoying how nonchalant she was with handling JieMi's cock. And how much it seemed to affect the younger male. His eyes widening into trembling orbs. She was stomping on his confidence, tossing the importance of JieMi's first hand job from his soulmate into the damn wind, and she didn't even know it.

Or maybe she did and she was just playing with his feelings.

"Maybe," he caught JieMi's eyes, enjoying the way dark orbs seemed to glitter with hurt. And the redness in his cheeks had transformed into more than just embarrassment. "Minnie gave me tips," he admitted. "We talk about it before bed."

"You're practicing with him?" She laughed then, her voice bubbly and bright with amusement. "So you're talking dirty to each other before you sleep? You could have just practiced with me; Eon, I wouldn't have judged you even if you suck. Then it wouldn't have been as awkward."

Awkward was what JieMi must be feeling, with his dick out and his soulmate on her knees, only she wasn't even paying any damn attention to him. Sieon smirked, massaging her ass with his hands enjoying the supple softness of the fatty flesh.

"You forget baby, that I don't have a thing for men." He moved then to rub the head of his covered cock against her lower lips, it seemed to suckle at him, desperate for pleasure. "And we have you in our lives. Other distractions cannot compare to our soulmate. But I can kiss JieMi if you want men on men action," he winked at said male and JieMi gaped at him, disgust strong over his face. Spoilsport.

"Don't tease him," she chided but her voice was light with laughter. "But your sessions must be the reason for Minnie's dreams." She told him and Sieon watched as JieMi's eyes grew round, and his lips parted as she moved her fingers over his hard shaft. And Sieon grew envious of his pleasure, emotions churning in his chest.

"Dreams?" Sieon continued to toy with her pussy, stroking his cock lazily over her puffy slit. Her breath hitched just as JieMi's did when her hands moved to palm the mushroom head of his red cock.

"He gets wet dreams that makes him really horny," she explained and Sieon enjoyed the soft red that dusted over her skin as she continued to speak. "He…When you guys leave for dance practices, sometimes, he'll…"

"Make love with you?" Sieon asked, raising a brow, straight to the point.

"Yeah, but it's a little different when he's so pent up." Sieon's lips twitched at her words. Different, huh? He smirked, letting the head of his cock run over her erect little clit. Her breath grew ragged. "He gets a little—"

"Rough?" Sieon nodded sagely, that sounded just like his best friend and his occasional mood swings. "So he fucks you? Takes you all over the house when we're not there? Let me guess, the kitchen counter?" His best friend could be a freak and Sieon knew that, everyone knew that. Not that MinJae was the only freaky one in the house.

They were all freaks in bed.

"Yeah…" Amber coughed, turning to look at him with red staining her pretty cheeks.

"Tell me, tell me how he does it," Sieon egged, running his fingers over her skin, enjoying the control he had over her body. He enjoyed teasing her when he could, because it made her so much wetter when he did. And right now she was literally pouring, her want dripping over his cock in wet glistening sticky streams.

"Uh," she cleared her throat, her skin heating up with embarrassment. "He doesn't care much about kissing. He'll just put me onto the table and then take what he wants." She gulped, licking her lips, her ass shaking as she spoke in a voice that did things to his heart and his cock. "He…He uses toys to get me off. And when I cum too fast, he gets angry and he'll give me more orgasms. He only stops when we cum at the same time."

"Mmm," Sieon groaned in his throat, raining kisses over her sweet back. He couldn't help himself then, and with a little too much force, drove his cock straight into her until he touched bottom, sliding in so easily that it was almost knife in butter.

Her words ended in a strangled moan that escaped her lips in a pitched wail. A gasp that made his heart sing and roses blossom, travelling up his flexing arms. And God, at this angle he was in so deep that the pleasure was so sharp it took his breath away. It took everything for him to not lose himself into the condom immediately.

"Sieon!" She gasped.

"Sorry baby, I got a little too excited." He gave her rump some comforting rubs, swirling his hips inside her to ease her into it as he met JieMi's eyes. The guy seemed nervous, looking away almost immediately. It was a tad odd, he had to admit, to stare into each other's eyes with their soulmate between them. But Sieon triumphed in awkwardness and it was nice to see JieMi so utterly distraught and confused.

It was fun.