His Soulmate

Sieon grinned when shivers darted down her body as his fingers travelled over her skin, dancing down to the heavy swell of her breasts. He bent down lower to press a smooth kiss to her naked back as she pumped JieMi's cock between her fingers. And the action only pushed him deeper into the hungry, salivating pussy of his lover, the vacuum like suction threatening his release.

"You're so deep," she groaned and he smiled, pleased at her words, aroused by her raspy groan from a voice that could make him cum in seconds. He cupped her breasts to rub at the hardened tips in slow gentle strokes that would bring her the greatest amount of pleasure.


"Don't you dare stop."

"Never." Sieon thrusted, and bit back a groan as he watched her pleasure slip down her legs, messy and wet arousal that glistened and coated his thrusting cock. She was beautiful when she squirted and he loved how dirty she could be, how wanton she was in her pleasure. And Sieon loved her pleasure.

He loved how her body would grow dewy with sweat that glistened like gemstones in the light. He loved how her eyes would dilate so wide that they turned into abysses in the night. He loved how her body would spasm and contract under his touch, and how she couldn't stop the jerks of pleasure that made her body undulate and clamp over his struggling cock.

And the pleasure that she gave him was unimaginable.

"Y-you feel so d-damn fucking amazing, I could almost cum right now—" He gasped, tongue a flopping mess in his mouth as her body squeezed and milked his stiff cock. "I d-don't even know how the guys could last so long in your tight little pussy—Fuck!" Pleasure wrecked through his body, sending his hips jerking deeper into her and he could feel the spongey bump of her cervix. "Fuck!" Talking about his pleasure only seemed to make it worst, and he could almost die having to hold back his cum for her pleasure. That and he didn't want JieMi to see him as a lousy lover.

JieMi was aroused by the act, cheeks red and lips parted into an 'o'. His eyes were glazing over as he stared between the two of them jealousy brewing within its depths. It was that jealousy that pushed Sieon to continue. He always did work the best under the eyes of an audience, fuelled by limelight and attention.

"Baby-mmmph-please," Amber groaned against the ground, shifting her hips. Sieon knew what she wanted. His soulmate couldn't achieve orgasm easily without a firm thumb to her clit, and Sieon would give it to her.

He pulled her then, dragged her up to sit her over his thighs as he bounced her over his dick in one quick swoop. She didn't seem to expect it, her eyes going round and her gasps turning frantic as her body lolled awkwardly in his hold. She smacked his arm when he sat her down onto his pulsating cock, groaning low in his throat.


He laughed, taking her lips into a kiss that smothered her cries, devouring her until his lungs were pleading for air and warmth danced all over his skin. He continued tongue fucking her mouth as his eyes lazily met JieMi's, his other exposed hand running under her clothes to tweak at her nipples.

It was an open claim, one that Sieon knew JieMi hated. But JieMi needed to understand that until he wholeheartedly agreed to this, he could never have her as his own. That right now, Amber was his, and all JieMi had was her goodwill and occasional kindness. Sieon watched as the youngest did nothing but grip at his cock pumping it to the sight of them fucking, as he did before at the door.

A voyeur, an outsider, a peeping fucking tom that knew his place.

That's right, Sieon smirked. He needed to know his position in their family. Sieon thrusted into her until her moans grew sharp with gasps, searching for the spots that made her pussy clench harder and her thighs shake. And an idea formed in his head, one that he wondered if his girl would allow.

"W-wait, Sieon, what about JieMi—" She groaned when he toyed with her clit, pulling back the hood to stroke at the sensitive bud.

"I told you it doesn't have to be all about him, baby." He murmured into her ear as she glanced up at him. "You don't have to work for him, why don't you tell him to work for you?" She grew confused, her nose wrinkling as his digits, plucked and strummed her clit, pumping more pleasure through her system.

"What do you mean—"

Sieon glanced up at JieMi. "Do you know how to pleasure her?" He pulled her up then, parted her thighs so far that she squeaked, revealing the erect bump of her clit, swollen and glistening with her cum. JieMi blinked, eyes widening and then he grew embarrassed, nodding carefully. "Do you mind baby?" Sieon asked, stroking his fingers over the parted plumpness of her pussy. But he knew she wouldn't mind not with how much the thought made her pussy clench down over his cock, and her body shiver against his.

"Okay," she whispered, "but you don't have to do it. I can—"

But JieMi was already before her as Sieon hoisted her up to her knees, pulling her higher for him as he parted her folds with his fingers. For a moment his eyes met those of JieMi's, shocked at the warmth that glistened in those eyes, oddly thankful and filled with something else, something that he understood, something that both men couldn't explain.

And then his fingers were gliding over her sticky, sopping core, toying her clit with skill that he'd learnt from countless partners. Amber jerked, crying wildly into a hand over her lips. Sieon pulled them back, forcing her body to mould to his touch.

"Look at you, you're so swollen he's practically jerking you off," Sieon growled in her ear, nibbling at the soft cartilage and she panted in his hold. "Look at your shiny little clit and how big it is between JieMi's fingers." And he groaned when she squeezed over him at his words, tortured by her pleasure.

"Mmmph—Please," she groaned and JieMi's eyes grew wild with heat as he stroked her faster, rubbing her clit with a muscular arm that flexed and popped with thick, pretty veins over his skin. Sieon knew she liked the sight of it because her hips jerked against his.

"Your pussy's strangling my cock. You like this don't you? You like how I'm fucking you as JieMi fingers your erect clit. What do you think the guys will say if they came back to us fucking in the laundry room?" Sieon crooned, groaning against her skin.

"Don't stop," she rasped, moans spilling from sweet lips, "it feels-ahh-so damn good. I'm so close Eon, I'm so damn close."

"You're so lewd baby-God-so damn lewd. Your pussy's so wet I can hear you, slurping me all up—" Sieon groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut at the painful pleasurable shudder that coursed through his veins. "I can't take it anymore baby, I'm going to cum."

"Not yet, please!" Amber gasped. "Please, I'm nearly there!" But Sieon couldn't stop it, not with how new the experience was to him. And he cursed as his cock pulsated and trembled within her, seconds away from erupting.

It was then when JieMi knelt, resolve sharp in the darkness of his eyes. His mouth was on her in seconds, lips clamped over her clit, suckling hard and fast as he worshiped her body. And Sieon's eyes widened at how quickly he'd moved to oral sex.

Amber seemed just as surprised.

"JieMi! What are you—Nnng."

Sieon came from the jerks of her body, came to the squeeze of her pussy over his cock. She was undulating in his hold, mouth whimpering obscenities and whispering with pleas for more as Sieon continued to fill and empty her pussy with sloppy jerks of his hips. JieMi never stopped licking at her clit, suckling her between tight lips as his eyes remained glued to her face, unable to look away.

They only stopped when she dropped in his hold, relaxing in his arms, boneless and gasping. Sieon watched as JieMi rose, lips swollen from friction and wet with juices. JieMi licked at her release, eyes dark and wanting but cock wilting from an orgasm. He'd spurted all over the floor, released milky white semen into his hand from just the taste of her cream. And it was odd to watch the ears disappear into his hair, the hybrid soul bond disappearing steadily after their lovemaking.

Something had changed between JieMi and Amber, something that Sieon wasn't sure if he accepted. Sieon realised, staring at the look in JieMi's eyes and the way the love of his life seemed to accept it, dazedly glancing up at him. A growl threatened to erupt from his chest and Sieon tilted her head back quickly, pressing a kiss to her lips.

A reminder that she was more his than she was JieMi's.

"Love you," Sieon mumbled and his eyes flickered to JieMi watching the quiet horror flicker through his eyes. The pained realisation, and the stark truth that seemed to slap him across his cheeks. He smirked as JieMi stumbled back, muttering apologies and excuses as he left the laundry room without turning back.

That's right.

He needed to understand exactly what he'd decided to throw away in exchange for whatever the fuck he'd done, and exactly what he'd lost.

In order to truly appreciate Amber for what she was.

His soulmate.