
They were in a small room, a quiet resting area far from the chaos that ensued with a comeback stage. Her boys were busy with hair and makeup, swamped with wardrobe malfunctions, and last-minute changes. They'd sent JieMi out from the mess of the situation and into Amber's arms; they'd decided that he needed to clear his head and siphon some energy from the soul bond.

A good decision, because JieMi was pacing about, jittery and filled with nerves despite his seven years of experience. But it was different to them this time, because it could be their last comeback stage. It could be the last time they ever performed, and that…That changed things.

They wanted to go out as the brightest of stars in their darkest times.

"They are." Amber agreed, closing her computer to look at him, an essay on soul art and its history. JieMi looked like a king with a circlet of pure heavy gold on his head, nestled in permed raven dark curls that framed a pretty face that seemed to only grow prettier the more she knew him. And the dark suit with its see-through mesh and floral lace was enough to send an infuriating burst of heat through her insides that made her thighs shake and her insides clench. "They would rather make the choice themselves first."

JieMi's face crumpled at her words, handsome nose twitched. "I don't want that. I didn't want any of this to happen… I didn't want them involved. I didn't want you involved. God…I'm so weak." He thumped a hand to his chest, nibbling on his lips.

"Don't say that." She took his hand in hers then. "You're not weak, never." And he gave her a weak pained smile that she knew without a doubt did not come from the depths of his heart. "And even if you are, it's okay to be weak. It's okay to not be okay."

He snorted, and a real smile dancing in his eyes. One that made her pathetic heart skip two beats. One that made the thunderous beat of her heart pound in her ears and grow so loud that she swore it might just escape from her fleshy chest.

"You just need to have hope, okay?" Amber sighed, giving him a pointed look. "If you don't believe in yourself, believe in me. Believe that I can withstand whatever shit life throws my way. If you're worried about the world coming for our asses, believe me, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

"Liar. They would." JieMi's eyes were dark, shards of ice and fire. "You know they would."

"Only because they hurt you," Amber replied with a scoff. "Only because you let them hurt you. Only because you aren't happy." God, she wanted him happy. She really wanted him happy. "Fuck the world. Fuck your fans. Fuck the haters." Heat coiled in her chest, and something within her reared its ugly head, pissed that her soulmate was being attacked. "And Ha-Eun? How dare she beat you? How dare she threaten you? I'm angry JieMi, I'm angry at her and how she treats you because you deserve so much better. You deserve to be happy."

And his lips were on hers, gratuitous and wanting. JieMi kissed her with an unshackled ferocity, pushed her against the couch until their bodies were flushed tight and heat radiated between them in a never-ending cycle. And his fingers roamed, broke the flimsy barrier of fabric and scalded her pliable flesh, stroking, touching, moving, yearning. A broken glass of need that spilled and flooded their system.

It was a kiss that was long overdue and begging to be fulfilled. A kiss that was all primitive and beyond human cognition and deeper thinking. And his lips were suckling on hers, his tongue meandering and twisting with hers, satin and sticky fire. His moan was a call from a siren that echoed straight to her wet, dripping cunt. Hungry and desperate, wordless and yet so much more. And his naughty, naughty fingers were moving, unfastening, unbuckling, picking at the strap of her bra and she had to stop him even if her core was pressed flushed to what she knew to be his aching, hard cock.

"JieMi…" she breathed and he froze, eyes wide and blinking, wet and dripping with unshed tears.

"A-amber," he breathed, tongue stained with affection, eyes warm with lust. "Amber." He wanted her and she could see it in his gaze, in his eyes, in his ragged breath and swollen lips. He wanted her just as much as…as she did.

And when had everything changed?

Or maybe she had always wanted him from the start.

And maybe…


They were always, always meant to be.

He moved back from her then, shifted in his seat, cheeks flushed and shoulders heaving, sheepish and ever so quiet. And then her eyes shifted to the door of the room, and then back to him and to his swollen cock that bulged in the leather of his pants. The shiny material so tight that it bulged at his thighs and stuck to his cock like a second skin. She bit her lips, reaching for the box of tissues.

Time check…15 minutes.

"Come here," she groaned huskily and he froze, doe-eyes so wide that they were mirrors to his and her soul. The boys always said that when her voice dipped an octave or two, their insides would melt into goo, and it seemed to be working on JieMi because he was blushing bright red. "Let me take care of you." He hesitated then he moved.

He inched closer to her, so close that she could feel his heart thumping against her chest. And she grinned, pressing a smooth kiss to his neck as her fingers moved, drifted down to the swell of heat that she had touched more than once. Her fingers dipped into the silk of his underwear, cupped the heat of his long hard pulsating length and she squeezed gently. Her thumbs pressing against pulse points that pumped with urgency.

The gasp from his lips was almost musical in her ears, panted and strained against her neck that he muffled into her skin. And she was stroking, fingers moving to thumb his frenulum and then the ooze of his slit, bountiful in its creamy drip. And she was fast, moving so quickly that his breath caught and tore through his throat, an echo straight to the thrum of her clit.

She moaned as he made soft noises in his throat when she caught the mushroom head of his cock between the thin skin of two fingers and stroked over sensitive glands. And he was holding her, digging his fingers into the curve of her ass so tight that his fingers made dents in her soft flesh as his body rocked and shook in her grasp.

Skills that she had learnt from her six.

"I-I want to," he groaned, lips dripping with seduction, eyes a blur of heat, lips sticky with saliva. "I want to touch you too." He whispered, fingers flickering down her clothes and dipping straight to her soaking wet cunt. And it breached her easily, slid deep into her slobbering cunt that twisted and clenched over his pumping fingers that dug into a spot that made pleasure spike.

And she liked how his breath hitched whenever she squeezed over his fingers and took him deeper into the warmth of her pussy. And so she did it more, sucking him within her as their lips met into a kiss that was so deep it was soul to soul.

It didn't take long for him to melt in her touch, whimpering on her lips as he groaned and drenched her hand in his hot, burning seed. His moan so vulnerable and raw that it sent her heart into a stampede. He was shuddering as he came, biting onto his lip as he grinded his beautiful, sleek, toned body against the small of her hand. Eyes rolling back into his head as his lips parted into an 'o'.

The curve of his muscles, taut with pleasure was ever so beautiful in the mesh, his hair sleeked back and a little wet with droplets of sweat, and his cheeks a burning crimson. And his plump pink tongue, pressed between adorable teeth. And then she was seeing stars too when he rolled her clit between long fingers with eyes that spoke of sinful things, writhing against his body as he smiled with lips the colour of rubies.

"You're fucking beautiful," he groaned, "this is so damn nice." And within that voice she heard him again. The JieMi that was confident and vibrant, energetic and vivid. The JieMi that coloured the world and strove to dominate. The JieMi that thrived.

And her soul cried for his return.