


Life fucking sucked, but JieMi was at his happiest.

He was so damn fucking happy that he was sure that if he had wings, he could fly. And God, did it feel good to love his girl without the stab of guilt and regret in his chest. It felt good to just look at her and simmer into an oily, sticky pot of affection and need. It felt good to look at her and just- just- accept it all. His heart, that melted for her, his head that went fuzzy for her, and his cock that went hard for her.

It felt good to call her his in his head instead of denying it every other second. It felt good to be able to stand with his brothers and snuggle into that bubble of warmth without feeling like a piece of shit trying to siphon off whatever extra love she could give. It felt good to be part of the family again, and not a parasitic lump in their body of love. And his chest felt lighter than it had ever been before; the tension that had once tied him down into a tight ball of struggling feelings had disappeared completely.

And he loved it when he came home with the guys, shrugged off his jacket and untied his laces to their hearty laughter and boisterous chatter. He loved it when he stood, cold and confused to the sight of Amber standing before him. He'd been startled at first, jumping just a little but enough to slam his head into a low pillar and groan out loud from the pain. His best friends had laughed so hard they had doubled over.

His Amber had given him the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen in the world, the kind that lit up his insides like fire to petroleum. Not before fretting over the forming bump on his head, small hands rubbing at the bruise, and panicking as she ran to get ice.

Welcome home JieMi, she'd said later when they deemed that his head was alright, and he was seated with a plate of her best dinner, sweet and salty marmite chicken on rice. He'd stared at her, wide eyed and frozen in his seat, Bambi in headlights. Then a hot blush had flooded his system, starting from his head to spread over his pale skin, his cheeks radiating with heat. The guys had laughed and teased, and Amber had shoved them then, feigning anger as she threatened them with dessert.

And at night as he laid in her bed with Amber who was snuggled against his side— a privilege he received because of how fucked up his soul was. His heart would feel so full that he would start to cry, sniffling softly in the darkness, unable to bear all the emotions that churned in his chest. It was just so damn surreal that life could change like this and he could finally get what he wanted the most in his life. It was just so damn strange that just days ago it had hurt to even breathe, that just days ago oxygen felt like ice to his body, and he'd struggled to take each breath.

And it was all because he'd been too scared to die

She would rouse despite how quiet he could be, despite how much he tried not to wake her. She didn't have to wake up for him. Her eyes would sleepily search for his face in the darkness, cupping his face and shushing him softly, and then she would kiss his cheeks, his eyelids and then his lips. Her arms wrapping around his body and holding him so close, that he would shake and break.

Don't leave me, he would whisper and she would smile, pressing her forehead to his, nose to nose. And her eyes would be so bright in the darkness, gold like their soul; skin glittering with traces of Hikaru's bond and shimmering with Ezra's; hair twisted with tiny lilacs. A goddess that possessed his soul. An angel from the heavens. His saviour, his gentle, kind hero.

I won't leave you for anything in the world.

Life was good in his peaceful bubble, one that he desperately hated to break. One that he wished he could stay in forever. And at night when the heat would rise, his heart would pound and his need would skyrocket, his cock twitching in his pants, he was allowed to join in the fun. No, he became part of the fun. JieMi was no longer an outsider, watching from the door, listening from his room. He was participant and family.

He got to kiss her, he got to taste her, he got to watch her writhe on his brother's cocks, he got to watch her cum again and again. And he didn't care that there were other men in her life now, he didn't give a fuck that he had to share. Those excuses of how he hated a polyamory was now gone in his head, wiped out by the evidence that stood before him, plain and stark in the air. Evidence that told him this relationship would work.

There was nothing to be jealous about in their relationship of seven, not with how the warmth in her eyes never dipped or rise with each of them. It was always equal, and always so, so gentle. Her heart was bigger than the world, and they were simply seven planets revolving around their sun.

And maybe, it wouldn't have worked if they weren't friends. But his brothers were his family, and for what Amber could not give, they provided in the form of gentle hugs and kisses on his cheeks. They provided in the form of laughter, chatter, playful arguments, teases and fun. They were whole with each other. Seven souls in a continuous loop of love, seven broken souls, seven parts of one whole that became completed with the final missing piece in place.

A family.

God, he loved her so much he hurt inside.

Hikaru was pressed to the bed, eyes wide and full lips trembling as he stared up at their love. It was another one of their work nights and the rest of the guys had left the house. Amber was straddling him, a hand pressed against his chest, a wicked smile on her lips, naughty and so different from the looks she gave them in the day. He knew those eyes, dilated pupils, rings of sweet, sweet gold. And the soft apple that seemed to grow sweeter in the room, thick with her lust. JieMi quietly closed the door behind them, moving to tie her hair into a tall ponytail, running his fingers through heavy locks that were growing longer by the day.

He knew the drill. And if they were being honest, the men in the house were always ready for it. Behind the laughter and teases, behind the play and love was a strong fucking lust that tugged and pulled at their conscience. It begged them to take her as many times as they can, begged them to fuck her raw until she grew round and full with their children.

Soul Yearning, it could drive soulmates mad with the need to procreate the longer they denied their connection.

"M-Momo, what are you doing?" Hikaru stammered, too flustered to speak clearly, it was uncharacteristic of the usually confident loud man that JieMi knew. He always did reveal a sweet, panicky side when he was with their love. A side that JieMi had never seen before. It was applicable to all his best friends, and they each grew softer in the presence of their soulmate. It was kind of cute. JieMi snickered softly to himself, a grin on his lips.

"You've been running from me," Amber teased; voice a husky groan that shot straight to his cock. And JieMi watched, utterly enraptured, as she pulled her shirt over her head, revealing the black bra that clung tightly to her perky breasts. The bra seemed uncomfortable, pushing against her breasts and pressing them tight against his chest. JieMi's mind flashed him with the image of them, freed and bouncing, and his fingers twitched with the need to unbuckle. "Even when Ezra gave you the chance, you didn't want to."

JieMi had to hide a chuckle behind his lips at her words. It'd been hilarious to watch, Ezra had pulled out, looking irritated as fuck. He'd dragged Hikaru before her, but the man had faltered and stepped back in panic, just enough time for Sieon to slip in for more. JieMi pressed a tongue to the corner of his lips at the thought.

Sieon had been insatiable ever since he'd lost his virginity to Amber. JieMi had caught him shoving his tongue down her throat in the most random parts of the house. And once when Amber was just about to close the door to pee, Sieon had stormed in to kiss her desperate for love. She'd told him to get the hell out, and the man had emerged with a disappointed whimper.

"I j-just didn't want to disappoint you," Hikaru murmured, taking her hand in his, dark eyes wide and begging despite the words on his lips. It had been strange at first to see his friends turn mad with lust, a little awkward even when their eyes would catch for a second or two. Even more so, when they came eyes locked with the wrong person. The only people who didn't seem to care was MinJae, Ezra and Sieon. But he knew that was only because the former two swung both ways, Sieon was just too haughty to give a fuck. "Sieon's younger…He's more—"

"Shhh, it doesn't matter to me, okay?" Amber shushed, pressing a finger to his lips, and Hikaru spluttered, blushing into a bright beetroot red. "Just let me do what I want to do with you, and don't run away again, okay?" She let out a soft breathy laugh, turning to look at JieMi with wild desire in her eyes. JieMi loved it when she was horny, it spurred something within him, a fire that danced in his chest, hot and begging. Needy. "Could you find the handcuffs?"

"Handcuffs?" JieMi's brows would shoot up straight into his hairline if they could, and his lips stretched with amusement, nose scrunching a little at the thought. "That's kinky as fuck!" He laughed then, breathless and exhilarated as he searched through the cabinets for some of MinJae's toys. He found some at the back of the drawer, fingers deftly moving over the cold metal and settling on something that felt soft and smooth.

At this point, Hikaru was openly gaping at her, jaw dropped and eyes so wide that JieMi could see the tremble in them.

"Mmmhmm," his goddess nodded, taking the cuffs from him.

It was made of a smooth leather-like material, lined with soft fur for maximum comfort and just a little stretchy for safety. She pulled at it, slipping the cuffs onto her own wrists to test the give. And JieMi was struck with the mental image of her squealing under his touch as he fucked her from behind, wrists bound and back arched. He blushed, cock hardening in his tight jeans, twitching in his pants.

He would have to scrub it again tonight.