
"What do you think?" She snapped the thing open and waved it at Hikaru. He blushed, nibbling on his lips nervously, fingers laced. JieMi would be nervous too if he were in his position, and his fists clenched at the thought. If only he could be… And annoyance built in his chest which he hastily smashed down with a firm stomp of a metaphorical boot. Idiot. He didn't have the right to ask for it. "Want to try?"

"O-okay," Hikaru whispered and she grinned, obviously excited by the prospect as she crawled up to him, locking him against the bedstand. JieMi leaned against the door, heart racing hard in his chest at the sight of her, and how deliciously sexy she was with her body arched and her ass in the air, round, soft and oh, so pink. "Ah-Amber."

Her fingers were moving, unbuttoning Hikaru's jeans and pulling them off to reveal the enormous swollen cock that drooped over his inner thigh, throbbing and soaking his underwear. JieMi sucked on his bottom lip, feeling a tad jealous. Hikaru was built like a fucking horse, but too bad he didn't use it much.

"Don't be shy." Amber giggled and Hikaru stretched, making a face as he tugged at the cuffs in an attempt to burry his cheeks in the crook of his arm. And then she was pulling off the tight fabric of his underwear. His hard cock bounced in the air, literally slapping her face and almost taking out her eye. Panic erupted in his chest, and JieMi's cock literally wilted almost immediately.

Was she okay?>

"Amber!" Hikaru squawked and JieMi rushed over, tilting her face to check the damage, thumb rubbing over her cheek. She simply laughed, waving it off as she stared back up at him, impish and mischievous as always although there was a red spot on her cheek.

"I'm fine, totally fine." She snorted, giving Hikaru's dick a somewhat affectionate pat. Although JieMi did catch the glint of embarrassment in her eyes. "It'll be funny if I lost my eye from this, what would I say to the hospital?"

"You can laugh now, but cum in your eyes can be a pain in the ass. It's salty and it burns like hell." JieMi hissed, rubbing a thumb over the pre-cum that had narrowly missed her eyes. He shook his head. "Woman, can you play a little safer?"

"Fine." She stuck out her tongue, wiggling the pink appendage before him and his heart skipped another beat. "You sound experience, got cum in your eyes before Mr Wang?" She teased, tilting her head and letting locks of brown hair dust over the tips of her honey eyes. He blushed at her words, squirming a little inside but holding his ground.

"I-I did." He shrugged, biting his lips. He did. It hurt like a motherfucker. "I missed the tissue."


Oh fuck.

"Uh…Last week." He blushed then, squirming under their gaze as he waited for them to connect the damn dots.

"Is that why your eyes were swollen?" Amber chuckled, and the sound was cupid's arrows to his weak, fleshy heart. He was melting in his head, melting into sweet caramel goo. "I thought you cried! I babied you all day, you cheater! I felt so bad when you just kept crying."

"I-I enjoyed it." JieMi grinned brightly, bubbles of laughter frothing in his chest. "A-And I was crying, just not for the reasons you think I was."

"Damn you." She squeezed his cheek then, pinching it lightly and he scrunched his nose up to give her a face. But the squeeze was affectionate, and it warmed his insides, making his head feel light and a little dizzy. It was then when Hikaru made a soft groan, and their eyes drifted to him. He flushed, squirming on the bed.

"S-sorry, couldn't help it." He stammered out, shifting his hips to Amber's slow strokes. She was still happily pumping away at his cock, stroking the mushroom tip casually like one would to a pet. Amber was ridiculously good at hand jobs, and JieMi had a feeling it might be because of that one time when they exchanged bodies. "Don't keep touching it if you don't want me to—Ah!"

JieMi's eyes widened as Amber opened her mouth, kissing the tip of Hikaru's cock. What the fuck? He stared, completely mesmerized as she took a slow lick from the bottom of his pale shaft to the top, tongue darting out to catch droplets of pre-cum that was oozing out in a steady pace. Then she made a face, gagging a little.

"It tastes icky."

"Then d-don't lick it!" Hikaru squeaked, clearly regretting his agreement to the handcuffs. "It's dirty! Momo, baby, you don't have to."

"I want to try with you." She grinned, taking his cock again into her mouth. "I'm going to suck at this." She said over his cock, the words coming out in garbled noises, words that resulted in vibrations that made Hikaru look as if he were going to heaven. "Not suck like suck suck, but I'm going to be so shitty at it. You might not like it—"

"He likes it," JieMi groaned, low in his throat. "Look at his face, Amber." He knelt on the bed then, hand on her back, guiding her carefully. And with his enthusiasm, his confidence blossomed. "Suck on the head, swirl your tongue over it." He licked his lips, fingers drifting down her naked back and over her spine.

The choked gasp from Hikaru was an expected response.

"Flick your tongue over the sensitive parts, you know where they are don't you? You've used my cock before. You've felt my pleasure." He groaned, fingers dipping into her panties when she didn't reject his advances. She was completely soaked, so wet that sticky fluid stretched over his fingers. "You're so wet, Amber." His thumbs sank into her flesh, and a gentle push had her pert ass up and legs spreading. So damn fucking receptive. His eyes snapped up to Hikaru's and lust took him whole. "Tell her what you want bro."

Hikaru blinked, but opened his mouth with conviction as JieMi took his time to move behind her, admiring the curve of her ass and the dripping wetness of her panties when he peeled off her pants. He moaned softly in his throat, running a finger along the sensitive lining that quivered and shook. "Take me deeper," Hikaru groaned. "Look at me when you do it, please."

JieMi was shocked at how easy it was to sink his fingers into her wet warmth, desire spurting from his chest and weeping from his cock when she squeezed around him, drenching his fingers in her want with gooey strings that felt silky against her walls. And his cock throbbed, loud and heavy to the thump of his heart. God he was smitten with her.

"Squeeze my fingers." He commanded, voice dipping into a low growl. She squeezed and he found his way to her G-spot, digging into that rough fleshy spot as she tightened. And he smiled, pumping hard and fast, drumming into her body. "Keep doing it." Her insides began to quiver and his heart soared as her wetness began to drip down his fingers, choking over him and spitting out dribbles of juice. It was then when he leaned forward, pressed his lips to her clit and sucked hard.

She came, thighs spasming as she choked over Hikaru's cock. And she must have deep throated Hikaru by accident because his older brother's moan rose a pitch, hips frantically thrusting into her mouth. And JieMi simply smiled, relishing in his ability to make her come so hard and so damn fast. It felt so damn fucking good, to have the love of his life break apart under his ministration.

She rose with a cough, turning over to look at JieMi, lips wet and sticky with saliva, hair messy from sex and eyes burning with passion. She was beautiful, so damn beautiful that his world disappeared before him and all he was left with was her in his eyes.

"You're good at fingering."


JieMi grinned, licking his lips as his eyes darted down to hers. He kissed her then, gentle and sweet. And despite the taste of Hikaru on her tongue or the fact that he knew he wouldn't get a chance to fuck her that night, he was happy and he didn't care. Not with how fast his heart thumped in his chest, or how hard his cock grew. This was enough for him to masturbate till dawn and come to her memory. She rose, leaving him to squat over Hikaru as she peeled the packet of a condom.

The look on Hikaru's face was almost tortured, and he spluttered in protest, swivelling his hips, his eyes growing wet with his need. He was almost crying at that point, cheeks a sweet pink and bottom lip trembling. "Baby, please, please. Please."

JieMi began to pump his cock with his hands as he watched her impale herself over the monster, watched as her folds gobbled up Hikaru slowly until she bottomed out, seating fully on his crotch. Hikaru's eyes had long rolled back into his head and he was shaking. And JieMi knew how good it must feel to the eldest. The eldest who had waited so damn long for his soulmate until his soul was depleted and lacking.

To JieMi, Amber's touch was aphrodisiac, it was warm treacle on pudding, it was hot chocolate on ice cream. It was the after effects of an orgasm, buzzing and hot in his system. It filled him and it pulled at his heart, begged him for more. To Hikaru, it must be extreme to the point where his mind could scarcely understand the pleasure. It must feel like fireworks exploding in his cock, like a tsunami, like the galaxy, like the world.

He could only imagine, what it must feel like to Hikaru.