

When she opened her heart to JieMi, it felt as if she'd finally found the missing piece to her jigsaw puzzle, as if she'd climbed the final step to the heavens. That phantom weight that once sat heavy on her chest, a feeling that she was so used to that she didn't know it existed, had long disappeared. How was it possible to be filled with so much more love? How was it possible that her heart, so full with her six, could tremble and tingle, melt and fall, drip and flow for a seventh?

She was in love.

And it was a strange to wake at night to the breath-taking sight of beautiful skin, velvety hard and radiating heat. A chest that rose and fell against her cheek, thundering with a steady beat as it pulsated with blood. It was a sound that told her what laid in her arms was her soulmate, her final missing piece, her other half. His nose would scrunch, arms would wrap tighter around her middle, curls would fall over his face and he would sigh softly.


Why the fuck was she so damn lucky?

Amber would wonder as her eyes drifted to her other soulmate, her prince of gold, with features worthy to be sculpted, carved and made into that of a sublime sculpture. And he too, snuggled against her, pressed his face to her hair, lips to her palm.

It was a gift, to be so dearly loved by seven of the most beautiful souls in the world. She must have saved a Kingdom in her previous life, must have rescued a hundred princesses, must have slayed a dragon. She must have done the impossible to deserve this love.

They would deny that thought. Her men didn't think this was all just about coincidences, luck, love and fetishes. It was about damn time the world stopped caring about proper family units, but of people who loved each other. Two fathers, two mothers, a group of best friends staying together. It was about damn time they moved away from biology and the ideals of procreating in an already over-populated country, towards a society that loved the mind over the body.

She digressed.

There was something strange about her dream.

Her breasts ached, heavy and full, sensitive. They tingled and hurt, and felt so damn tight that she wished for the pain to go away. And she was sleepy, so sleepy. There was a soft murmur from a low baritone, and the soft coo and shushing sound from a sweet timbre. And then she was gently pushed up by strong arms, propped by a hard body that caressed her and pressed kisses to her cheeks.

Hey, sweetheart, you can sleep after this, okay?

She'd nodded, blinking but the room was dark and her eyes were heavy with sleep. She wanted to sleep, her bones felt like lead and her body a mushy puddle. Something warm was pressed to her arm, something that struggled and moved.

It made soft sounds, whines that made her heart twist and turn, and something warm spilled down her front. There was a soft coo from a strong body that supported her, a rumble of sounds. Something wet and warm latched on to her nipple, it tugged and she winced, and then it pulled, relieving the sensation.

So cute.

The person behind her giggled.

Ru Ru is so cute, like a little bunny, a baby bunny and her mama.

"Amber," JieMi whispered. "Amber, are you awake?" She roused, blinking sleepily to the sight of her handsome soulmate trailing fingers over her skin, muscles flexing in the light. He'd gazed at her, tucked stray locks of curling hair over his ear and given her a dazzling smile. "Ambrosia," he breathed, tenderness dripping from his voice. And her heart fluttered at the sound, the dream fading to the back of her mind as her eyes focussed upon JieMi.

He'd pressed his lips to her cheeks, kissed each side and then her fingers, lashes fanning across cheeks as he moved to worship her skin with so much love that she thought she might die inside. Or maybe she was already dead, her heart completely skewered by the hundreds and thousands of arrows her soulmates shot her way.

Cupid's arrows.

"Momo," her eyes fluttered as Hikaru groaned, voice rough from sleep as he snuggled to her side, gold spilling across his and her skin. It pulsated and spun, drawing a heart over his chest that glittered like stars. "Momo, baby, good morning." He'd mumbled in Japanese, hair a mess of curls that stuck out in awkward places.

She bit back a laugh as she smoothed it down and he blushed, milky cheeks stained a deep pink when she sat up exposing her naked perky tits. Her eyes drifted to JieMi noting the red stain over her cheeks and she smirked.

They were so different, her men, some stared, others touched, and then the cutest would blush. She leaned back for their benefit, propped her hand against the bed and watched with rapt satisfaction as their eyes drew to the peak of her nipples that grew taut from the cold.

Heat ran through her body, bubbling in her lower belly that throbbed, swollen and overused from their lovemaking.

It would be a lie if she said she wasn't tired from all that sexual activity. Her body, while used to their advances wasn't as physically active as theirs were. Or just as used to 2hours of sleep after hours of exercise. On some days when she didn't have classes, she would sleep till afternoon after fucking till dawn.

"Get up you bastards, it's already mid-day." A raspy voice groaned from the door and she automatically squeezed her arms together to hide her breasts. Something she honestly didn't have to do in their household, in fact she could strut around naked if she wanted to. The repercussions were however, horny soulmates that would pounce on her the moment she gave in.

And it was difficult to reject them, impossible even.

Ezra was pressed against the doorframe, crabby as always from a hard night at work, but just as handsome despite the dark eyebags. "You two are making lunch today, because there is no way I'm making you lunch in bed." His expression twisted and he made a face, as more complaints spilled from his lips. "Argh fuck you all. I'm so fucking jealous! Why the fuck did I even become a songwriter? Fuck that shit. I want to stay in bed and fuck our beautiful girl all night too."

Amber flushed at his words and JieMi only laughed, chuckling behind his palm as his fingers inched over her waist, fingers drumming over her skin. A sign of proximity he once would never dare to do but now naturally did. Oliver stepped into the room, strangely sunny despite the lack of sleep, tousling Ezra's hair with a bark of laughter.

"So angry. You were the one who said you didn't want any help."

"Bro, you think I'll let others listen to the raw audio of our soulmate cumming? You must be out of your fucking mind." Ezra jerked a thumb to his chest. "That's only for me to fucking listen to and us to jerk off to. But you know what's sad? Listening to that on repeat with a hard on while the live-action replay is right at home waiting for me."

He was cranky and horny at the same time. Her cheeks reddened at his words, heat pouring from her skin and burning the air as she shrivelled back into the bed, begging for the covers to swallow her whole.

"Oh, shut up, at least you're working on that instead of the fucking Christmas tune." Oliver snapped back. The bright grin, disappearing almost immediately behind dark tumultuous clouds that streaked with lightning. "If I hear one more happy jingle I will lose my shit. I am this close to dropping it and—"

"I love you." Ezra immediately piped out, stepping away from her fuming soulmate. Direct translation: Don't give it to me please. Oliver only sighed, shaking his head as he pressed a palm to his forehead, clearly exhausted from work.

He perked up suddenly, eyes moving to stare deeply at Hikaru. He waggled his brows, lips stretching to reveal the heart-shaped smile he was ever so famous for as he stepped closer to their bed, an arm looped around Hikaru's shoulder, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"Lost your virginity, didn't you? How was it?"