flesh and blood

Hikaru gaped at him, a startled squeak tearing from his throat as his body turned red with a hot blush. "I-It was uh." He choked, scratching the side of his cheeks as his mind seemed to explode again and again at the memory of what they'd done. "UH…"

They didn't stop with just two times, JieMi went on and on, determined to fuck her until he had his fill, and then Hikaru grew jealous and painfully hard. They took turns multiple times that night, drawing orgasm after orgasm from her body until she was so sensitive that tears started dripping from her eyes when JieMi went in a little too rough. They stopped then, not after giving her a final mind-shattering orgasm that sent her straight to sleep like a baby.

"It was okay…"

"Okay?" Amber blinked, gaping at him in horror. "Only okay?"

What the fuck? He couldn't mean that, not after how she'd rode him like a porn star. Or maybe, it was precisely because she had ridden him like a porn star, a sadistic porn star. She bit her lips at the thought, heart pounding hard in her chest at the memory.

It was fun to watch his eyes grow teary with the overstimulation and she wanted to see how far she could push Hikaru's pleasure especially since it was his first time. Plus, she realised that after each orgasm, if she left him flaccid in her body, he would grow hard almost immediately. But she had to admit that she might have pushed it too far with the cock ring.

Hikaru was twisting and turning in the sheets as she ran her fingers down his chest, thumbing his nipples as she rode him hard and fast. She'd smirked, rolling her hips over his cock, forming the letter A, and then B, and then C…He'd started to sob at K, lips twisting as his moans turned into wails and then later shrieks when she repeated it all again as JieMi held a suction toy to her clit. She was squeezing him and drawing him deeper into her cunt when she came over his sex-toy-like cock, using him more for her own pleasure than his.

"N-No more, I want to cum. I want to cum. Please, no more," Hikaru had sobbed, tears dripping down his cheeks as he writhed under her touch. His thighs were shaking so hard that he seemed to be on the verge of a never-ending orgasm, his body glistening with sweat as abs she didn't know he had rippled over his abdomen with each contraction.

"Just a few more letters baby—"

"FUCK THOSE LETTERS!" He'd shrieked, something so unlike him that she'd been a little startled. He'd panted after that, the words mixed with a stretched-out moan that never seemed to end. "Fucking let me cum already. Urgh-Nhaah." He'd shuddered, body convulsing as his eyes rolled back into his head, drool dripping from his lip, his grip tightening over her from the dry orgasm. She decided to give it to him then, unlocking the ring that extended his pain and pleasure.

Her soulmate had screamed so loud she was pretty sure the neighbours would have heard them, legs shooting up from pure pleasure as he pounded into her harder than before. Her insides had been battered after that, swollen and a little bruised from the strength of each desperate thrust as he pumped his seed deep inside her.

And after he came, he'd spent 30minutes shaking and convulsing in a ball from the after effects of an orgasm that might have been too much for his body. JieMi had only explained later to her that having waited for so long for his soulmate, Hikaru was particularly sensitive to her soul and was experiencing pleasure like no other. Said soulmate had glared, and blubbered out that she was a bully that deserved to be punished.

JieMi took it as a sign that it was his turn to fuck her up.

She really didn't mean it…

"No, no. I mean." Hikaru shook his head, hands waving in the air. "I mean…It was…" He licked his lips, so embarrassed that he was sweating from their gaze. "It was intense."

"I pushed too far," Amber groaned, slapping her palm to her eyes. "I'm sorry—"

"No, I liked it, that's why I didn't reject you," Hikaru pulled at her wrist. "I just wished I could have lasted longer." He bit his lips then, nibbling on it. "So it was okay, because of me. Not because of you, does that make sense? It's my fault—"

"You two are sickeningly sweet!" Ezra piped out, soiling the mood with his bluntness. "Don't worry bro, we'll get your revenge. Next time we'll edge her and make her cry harder." He stuck her tongue out at her and Amber snorted.

"You can try."

"Is that a dare? Are we doing a competition here? You versus Karu? How about we try it out now—"

"No, no," Hikaru stood shakily, blushing hard. "I-I need a break and I'm going to use the toilet." He stumbled a little, and jumped when Oliver slapped his ass cheekily, shrieking as he ran out of the room. Cute.

"He's all embarrassed and worn out! You must have been amazing last night, it's too bad we missed it." Oliver laughed.

"Still can't believe you took the reins with the handcuffs and the cock ring," Ezra grinned. "Maybe we can spice it up a little more."

She sat up then, confused on why they would know. "Who told you?" She murmured, frowning.

"That little boy sitting beside you," Oliver shrugged. She turned to give him a look and JieMi blushed, cheeks reddening under her gaze as he fidgeted. "He was so excited he told us everything via text and seriously, that was the most I've ever seen him type in our group chat."

JieMi buried his head in her shoulder. "I was just happy." He mumbled softly, slipping out of the bed. Amber watched him go, blushing at the sight of red scratches over his back and bruises on his neck from her kissing, hickies that mirrored those on Hikaru's pale skin.

Maybe, she was a little too enthusiastic.

"You did a number on him too," Ezra drawled and she flushed as he smirked taking her hand to kiss her palm. "Are we not satisfying you enough, honey?" She pursed her lips and he laughed. "Go brush your teeth and then come give me a French kiss, baby. I'll make you a matcha latte."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Fucking exhausted but I love you too much, so hurry up." He slapped her ass and Oliver laughed when she squealed, moving to the bathroom. JieMi was already in there brushing his teeth and smoothing down his messy curls with water. He panicked when she entered, doe eyes widening a little at her nudity. She made a face, peeing without giving a flying fuck that he was in there too. She'd long lost her definition of personal space due to the soul band and there were too little toilets in the huge house to really accommodate the company of eight.

He didn't seem to mind, continuing to brush his teeth as he stared back at her with wide, doe-like eyes. She flushed and then took her toothbrush from the rack, brushing her teeth as she pulled on her sweater, concealing her nudity.

He snorted, nose twitching and she smiled noting the way his eyes seemed to caress her legs. He spat out his toothpaste, gurgling mouthwash and then began to comb his hair, all the while staring at her. She searched for clean underwear, found some quickly and made a move to put them on.

She squeaked when he swept her up, pulling her onto the sink in a whirlwind of muscle. She squeaked as he pushed her thighs apart, eyes glinting sharply in the light, a dark abyss of heat that smouldered and burned her insides. And the giggle that escaped her lips was pulled by his eyes, dewy and wet with warmth that caressed her skin.

"Continue brushing your teeth," he commanded, voice a deep growl that she only saw in bed.

This was the JieMi that dominated her, this was the JieMi that asserted. This was the JieMi that breathed and lived sex, and she loved him for that. She knew how much he needed her, how much he was begging for her cunt. Not just because of the animal his soul had openly declared him to be, but also because he'd verbalised it that night.

You feel so damn fucking good. You'll kill me one day. I'll die from you, your cunt and how much it seems to melt around my cock like goddamn syrup. You're always so wet and so damn silky, you don't even understand how good you feel to me. You don't even understand how much I know you're made for me.

He'd orgasmed after that, not before revealing the tears that dripped from his eyes, tears that she shed too because it was all too much and too good. They had long passed a point where there were no boundaries, no restrictions, no useless worries and concerns. A place achieved after cumming for probably the tenth time that night, and the phrase 'I love you' was no longer awkward on the tongue but fluent and wanted.

And she knew he wanted nothing more than to experience it again. To relieve the feeling of her around him, to solidify their relationship, to achieve assurance that everything that happened last night was not a dream, but reality. He swallowed thickly, unapologetically touching her skin, fingers feathering over her inner thighs and squeezing her ass. And he liked to touch her rolls, he said he liked how soft she was, how huggable she was, just how welcoming she felt in his arms.

Amber knew for sure that he was comparing her with Ha-Eun, her and that model like body, the normalcy with perfection. She was glad that he seemed to like her more. She didn't need the reassurance from his lips that he did, because she knew he did from how different he was with her when it came to sex.

Unbridled, raw lust in the form of flesh and blood.