good way

She continued brushing her teeth, cheekily probing her toe at the bulge between his thighs, thick and heavy with blood. It jerked, throbbing with need for her, forcing a sharp gasp from his lips that pleased her heart. But he took that foot before she could do more, his tongue pushing out from the seam of his lips to trace over her inner step and then up to her ankles.

The gasp from her lips was involuntary, but he didn't give her the time to speak before he was at her inner thigh, suckling and lapping, as he dragged the sweater up to reveal the puffy swollen pussy that glinted and dripped with arousal. The smile that broke over his face was one that made her stomach flutter with hundreds and thousands of butterflies. The innocence gleaned from the shape and size of his eyes disappearing with the sharp smirk on his lips.

"Beautiful," he breathed, soft, sweet. Too sweet. And his eyes grew round at his prize as he darted a finger over her clit, circling it, tugging the hood and then digging into the bud of nerves that jerked under his touch. Her hips writhed and he held her still with strong arms that rippled with strength. He didn't seem to care about anything but his prize, the glint in his eyes were that of a shark staring at its meal ahead.

The desire that surged through her was expected, nothing too mind-blowing but enough to send her head reeling. He seemed to understand her body the way a pianist would to his instrument, long fingers tapping against her g-spot with a precision that should scare her but didn't. But she knew he'd been studying her far longer than she'd been studying him, watching her as the others made love to her, watching her as she came.

It would have been creepy, if not for the fact that she loves her seventh.

The condom was on his cock before she knew it, the length thick and bouncing, still as pretty and as pink as ever. It was strangely bigger in the morning light, illuminated by the glow of the sun. But it was redder at the head, almost purple even from the lack of relieve. He tilted his head, innocent and gentle face, violated by desire and it sent another quiver of heat down her spine, a beat straight to her dripping cunt.

She made a sound in her throat that she was sure sounded like 'you horny ass.'

He chuckled and she swore he almost purred. "I need more. Much, much more. You drive me crazy, so, so crazy." He rubbed himself over her dripping want, smeared his length from base to tip. "And I can tell that you want this too."

Not wrong, never wrong.

He entered her and electricity shot through her body, the verge of an orgasm peaking almost immediately. It surprised her and him alike, and their eyes locked as her body spasmed. His ego only grew larger.

"Already?" He pulled her closer, dragging her hips to his until his cock was buried to the hilt. And it was then when he let out a soft sigh, throwing back his head and closing his eyes as he relished the sensation. "I don't want to tell them. Let's just finish this quickly." He explained, letting out another low sigh that was borderline a growl. "But you are impossibly tight. Seriously. You're clinging to me. You're going to make me addicted to sex."

Don't flatter me, she garbled out through the brush and he shrugged.

"It's the truth."

He fucked her hard and rough then, made her clit pulsate and jump, her pussy quiver and convulse over him. He was thrusting with the ferocity of a tiger, dragging her straight to the cliff of an orgasm with a low growl and grit of his teeth. Their fucking pulled a moan from her unwilling throat, a deep sound that she'd never made before. One that surprised her so much that her eyes flew open.

It only made him smile and then he faltered as his pleasure peaked, his thrusts grew flurried and his voice changed from grunts into whimpers of delight. And Amber knew he would come the moment the rock of his hips grew still, and his body trembled and quaked in hers. She came with him easily, fingers gripping against his for dear life. The hammer of his cock against her g-spot was too good for her to resist the waves of orgasm.

It seized her and took her whole, made her legs clamp over his ass, pulling him deeper into her. The act forced his orgasm to prolong into something that made his eyes roll back and his groans turn sharper with need. They clung to each other as they rode out the pleasure, held each other so tight that the white abyss of climax didn't feel as lonely as it should.

And when he stopped, they finally breathed, their eyes locking with one another's. Doe-eyed Bambi with hers, and then she swore their hearts became one, grew so in sync that she could see his soul spilling from chocolatey debts. He smiled and her heart sped up, faster, faster, faster, and her legs grew weaker, weaker, weaker.

In that silence, they spoke a hundred words.

In that silence, they were one.

Amber spat out the toothpaste and his lips were on hers. JieMi was entangling their tongues, tasting her lips. He was pulling at her lips, biting them gently, nibbles that made tingles spread over her skin and teased moans out from her lips. He was teasing her flesh with his own, wrapping their mouths together into a dance that was filled with his love—

"What the ever-loving fuck!" Amber's eyes turned to Ezra's dark, angry ones. She was pulled then into a kiss that drew her breath away, Ezra taking her lips with a pounce. Ah shit. She wasn't going to get much sleep today.

They were ruining her, but in a good way.