a dance

There was a moment of heated silence, the air was fizzing with electrical tension and her body burned under their gaze confusingly aroused by the fixation. Strangely hot despite the anger. Her brows furrowed. Paint? Her naked? Why naked? She raised a brow, then dropped it not wanting to piss him off further. She would think he wanted her chained and flogged on his bed rather than— Where the fuck was this going? Her greedy clit tingled in response, already aware that the smouldering burn of their gaze could only mean one thing.

Or maybe she was just a horny bitch who got off on her soulmates' demise and anger.

"I know okay? I know, and I'm so—Ezra!"

She was lifted over his shoulder with a nonchalant toss and the world spun as she settled heavily on his arms, over muscles that taughtened and fingers that clung. He carried her in quick strides and it took more than three seconds for her to get out of her self-created stupor and absorb all the new information presented to her on a golden tray.

She was being carried to her bedroom.

She tumbled clumsily in a chair, blinking rapidly as Ezra sat heavily on the bed, man-spreading and annoyingly sexy with a rude tongue to his cheek. He raised her brow at her, then crossed his legs to lean forward, tapping his feet impatiently on the carpet.

Tap. You. Tap. Are. Tap. In. Tap. Big. Tap. Trouble.

She shot him a pleading look as her eyes darted to MinJae who stood by her work zone, observing the mess of scribbled draft work and the rendering programme on the computer. For a moment she prayed that he wouldn't kill the power in spite. Then she mentally clubbed herself in the head for even thinking that way. Her Minnie wouldn't go that far even if he were that pissed. She glanced back at Ezra mouthing her plea. Help me, please. The sneer came unexpected, a mischief filled blow of air through an amused host.

You're joking, he mouthed back with a grin, this is going to be fun.

The sudden wash of darkness alarmed her, and Amber turned to see MinJae tugging at the curtains and pulling it to a sharp, startling close. He stepped forward, tongue pressed to his lips, his face illuminated by the soft glow of yellow light from the lamps that flanked her bed and the flutter of the sun when the curtains blew.

He mirrored a sun god, drenched in gilded arrows and rippling with power.

"I'm mad," he repeated with a low snarl that brought a glint of madness into eyes that were pure steel.

Then he peeled back his jacket, pulling it off to toss it haphazardly at her desk. The toss was enough to tilt a cup of pens and a stack of blank paper that fluttered to her floor. And she winced, her eyes moved to MinJae who gave her a ruthless smirk. Fine, point taken. Please do not accidentally lay your jacket upon the conveniently placed delete button on the keyboard.

"I know, I know, I'm—"

"I'm angry." He scowled at her words as he tugged at his collar, popping the buttons to reveal creamy pale skin on a neck that was milky sweet. Her eyes blew wide open and his expression only soured. There was a picture painting in her head, one featuring a little puppy that was mad at its owner and desperately attempting to stay mad. Her lips quirked and he glared.

"Sweetheart…Stop smiling like it's your birthday."

Ezra's voice was a husky groan laced with amusement that had a full-blown smile blossoming over her cheeks. His words were all the answer she needed. MinJae's nose crinkled as a ghost of a smile flickered over his cheeks, but then his glare deepened into one that tore into her skin. She desperately slapped a hand to her lips more for him than for her. What the fuck was he trying to do?

"You're such a bitch," he hissed and her brows raised, mouth dropping at his words. That was rude! He sniffed, tilting his head to stare at her. "That's your safe word." She blinked, astonishment filling her trembling frame. What? A safe word?

"You actually meant that," she blurted.

"He did." Ezra agreed.

"I'm pissed at you!" MinJae snapped out but it no longer held the power it once had over her heart, and she now knew that she was in for a delicious, mouth-watering treat. MinJae slipped his phone out from his jeans, placing it on the desk. She stared, transfixed as he caught her gaze, drawing them to drum of his fingers over his phone.

The music began, a low pulsating, and yet fatal beat that drove its way through her body and tingled over her skin. The sexy groan that spilled forth, like water bubbling at the beginnings of an incoming fountain, was familiar. That voice…She sucked in a deep breath at the soft breathy tortured moans that was followed by the raspy groan of timbre, a rolling spit of fire and stone.

Ezra and…Her. Her eyes widened, breath hitched and tight in her throat. Those were her sounds.

"Look at me," MinJae snapped, slipping the belt from his hips with a sharp whir. His pants hung a little lower than before, clinging to his tight hips for dear life. Without breaking eye contact, he spun on his feet, music seeping through his skin and clinging to his muscles—a marionette to an invisible hand.

A dance.