
A flash of skin was revealed as he hooked his thumbs on the waistband of his pants, tugging at the dip that she knew should reveal the generous bulge of a swollen fat cock. But MinJae had always been a tease and he slinked off with a turn, pulling back his rippling body with a taunting smirk as he twisted his supple, bubble like ass away from her straining eyes.

I wanna lick your water~

The peel of his outer button-up shirt was dangerously quick and he sauntered over with a textbook weight change, body pop and slide. She gasped as he moved, fluid like swirling paint in buckets of water, fluid like dancing silk in the wind. And then he was before her, looking down with a taunting tilt of his chin as he breathed. He slowly inched his clothes higher up his waist revealing carved taughtened abs and that alluring fuzz of hair that she knew, first hand, thickened at the tips of a snake.

Chug it down straight from the nozzle that's dripping so damn wet~

He nosedived and she choked as he pushed apart her legs in one quick swoop that led to a phantom rush of air between her thighs and snaked over her skin. Wind that was all just part of her head. His fingers dug into her shoulders as he danced between her legs—a slow sensual grind of skilful hips against the floor. He wet his lips then, turning them dewy and supple in the soft glow of light. An act that felt a little too connected to her clit. This…she realised with rapt satisfaction…Is a lap dance.

"Minnie," she groaned, unable to stop the soft exhale of wonder. Supple lips pulled and a smirk dawned upon a heavenly face.


He pulled himself up, arching his back with a soft sweet moan on his lips that had her thighs trembling with want. The exhale of hot air from plump lips was maddening as it ghosted over her throbbing and dripping core and she squirmed desperate to escape, desperate for his lips to lock with hers. His eyes snapped to hers then as if he could read her mind, pupils dilated and blown so wide he seemed drunk on kindling lust, and her pussy throbbed.

Fruit so secret I'm not allowed a taste, gonna feel so damn guilty but fuck that, mmm ~

He twisted the chair, pressing it hard against the bed with a heavy heart stopping thump. And then Ezra's hands were stroking her hair, sweet gold spilling through the seams as his hands dragged over the base of her throat and pulled through long locks. Look at him, those hands said, don't you dare look away.

How could she look away?

MinJae stood on her chair then with a nonchalant step between her legs. It had him teetering at the edge, cock straight in her face. She sucked in a startled breathy laugh as he leaned, painfully swollen bulge growing closer and closer to her lips. He popped off the buttons to his jeans, and then tugged at the zipper with a tantalizing drag that stopped right before he could spill-free.

He pulled back with a naughty laugh that had her insides shivering.


"Fucking tease," she groaned and snickers erupted from Ezra. MinJae shook his head, as he stalked up to her, pressing a dangerous tongue between his lips with a pitying pout. Poor baby, his eyes said, all pent up and swollen.

Never mind, night's getting dark and cold, there're better ways to warm up than to hold~

And then he was gone, flipping backwards in the air and landing with the grace of a dancer in a deep plié. Her lips parted into an incredulous, proud smile and her hands twitched eager to clap. But he twisted and looped his legs around her waist, straddling her against the chair as he grinded against her body, hard cock brushing against her body as their eyes remained lock, two stars heading towards each other for cosmic collision.

Cock in hand, pumping to a beat that spells out your damned name, a curse from devil's lips~

The shudder that quaked through his body from the friction was a triumphed she didn't know she would appreciate. She squealed as he slammed her chair onto the ground with an impatient groan. He was peeling off the shirt, revealing nipples studded with gold and a body that could only be food for the gods.

A dense mass of long, lean muscle that wasn't soft and squishy like hers was, but all rippling stone. And what delighted her the most were those deep, deep Adonis Belts that sliced down his hips and straight to his pulsating cock. A cock that he refused to show her that night, and she knew that from the toss of his head and the proud preen of his body.

Climb on top, toes clenching, could melt her, but I'd be lying if I weren't explodin' burnin' comin'~

He knelt before her, thighs caging her face, groin hovering over her lips, and then he was thrusting to the beat, his body moving so fast and so sensually that her heart throbbed with lust-filled anguish. Her body was shaking as he tugged at the zipper and for a moment she wondered if he'd finally put it on her lips. But he changed his mind with a sweep of his legs. Either an angry flounce that was a result of their argument or a sashay that was the result of the choreography.

Twin stars searching, soaring, white and fiery gold exploding, we're mixin', grindin', movin'~

He pulled her up to her feet and she screamed as he bent her over and onto the bed, cock pressed tight against her ass as he grinded over her dry. She was looking at Ezra now and the man simply smirked, bringing a knee up in a lazy action as if they were just making some popcorn and this were just some shitty movie. But the thick bulge between his legs was all she needed to read the truth in the dark glow of his eyes.

We're getting tipsy tonight, sipping on burnt sugar and melted cream, we're getting there~

MinJae pulled her legs over his shoulders, and he grinded, slow and always never touching. Never ever touching. It was a painful mimicry of much needed sex, each stroke to the heavy beat of his and her heart.

And he knew that when he pulled her so close that their breaths mingled, sweet and sugary. He knew that when her breast met his chest with each languid stroke, and her nipples, unprotected except for the thin cotton shirt, would swell into sensitive tips. He knew that when their eyes met and lilacs dripped and swirled from his curls, fluttering and then vanishing. When soft heady gold orbs glistened and melted into a dark, sexy chocolate. Her cunt was screaming at that point, dripping thick and sticky dollops of slippery juices that coated her panties.

He turned her over and she gasped as he continued to press his hard throbbing bulge against the curve of her ass, pounding harder against her skin. He was fucking her dry, practically rutting against the curve of her ass through rough cloth with a growling ferocity as he held her arms behind her back. And he did it, moaning into her ear with a voice that could rival a porn star's.

"Going to fucking destroy you," he groaned, the sound an opposite to his sweet dulcet, low and creamy with need. "Going to fuck you so hard you see fucking stars." His voice dipped into a cruel chuckle. "And I'm not going to let you fucking cum." Her eyes fluttered, heart pounding as her inner succubus begged him to turn her over so that she could see his face. But he continued, and continued, a beast that pulled her pleasure up the ladder through the unforgiving friction of his covered cock against her clothed clit.

And all Ezra did when she mouthed at him for help, was smile.

I will fuck you all night until you're trembling from bottom up~