
Oh, fuck her.

"Amber…" he hissed and she laughed.

"I'm sorry baby, I know. I know I'm not treating this seriously."

She kissed him then, soft lips moulding over his and it was rainbows and unicorns all over again. Him and her floating over clouds at dawn, him and her running through fields of wheat to a brilliant blue sky. Him and her holding hands as they strode through the forest. He sighed against her lips, body curling around hers.

Oh, it wasn't fun being mad he'd rather not be mad. He pulled her closer, desperate to mix their souls together and taste the apple pie that wafted from her body. His cock throbbing as it brushed against her body. Oh, he needed her. He wanted her. His kisses ran down the column of her throat, finding purchase in the steady thump at the corner of her neck. He wanted to—

The sudden low groan, wet and thick with pleasure had him sitting up in shock. Ezra was panting, pillow clenched between his fists as his hips twisted and turned. The older male glared at him then, freezes, hips jerking forward as his muscles flutter and twist.

"You can't just fucking bail on me, goddamn it. What am I? Your fucking plot device?"

MinJae winced, but gave him a sniff. "Just take it out on your own, we'll just do it the normal way—"

"No Minnie."

Amber stopped him, kneeling before Ezra as she dragged her fingers over his skin. He shivered and she twisted his nipples, thumbing and flicking them with ease. She turned to look at him, smile bright on her face.

"Let's continue playing the game."



She would take a picture if she could; one that featured her soulmates, naked and horny with the perfect pinch of dumbstruck on their gorgeous faces. Oh, it'd been weird to watch them kiss. Weird, in an I-can't-explain-what-I'm-feeling sort of way. It was however, first and foremost, beautiful.

A divergence of blonde and black tresses, of sweet cream and milk, of soft pink and rouge. A smaller, slender, shorter frame with a taller, leaner and broader build. They were pressed skin to skin in an unholy mixture of carnality and lust. Light and darkness, day and night.

Her eyes had roamed over skin—guilty pleasures displayed before her in the dips and bumps of flesh that only succeeded in drawing the thud of her heart into a beat that strained and burdened. Each feature was mapped and recorded within the crevices of her mind, documented and stored.

In her traitorous eyes, they were Gods. Aphrodite, decked in lilacs and gossamer, blossoming soft pink all-over, and Erebus, with softly shimmering skin despite the darkness of his hair and eyes. Her fingers had twitched and her mind had travelled towards a realm of art. The convenient stack of pencils and papers within her bedside drawer had been the push she needed to draw.

She'd managed to capture their essence in the paper, so inspired that each stroke was a beautiful twist of bone which she'd later hewn to muscle. The dips were expressive, the twists were guttural and the eyes were primal and filled with lust. She'd scribbled and moved, blood rushing in her ears until there was nothing but the awareness of her and her models. And between her legs was that heavy, heavy thump of awareness.

The sets of eyes that greeted her later, no longer teeming with the swarm of anger and lust was comical. She'd pushed it, knowing now that MinJae wasn't as mad as she'd assumed and that their words were just excuses to create a scenario that didn't usually happen.

They'd told her once during a cuddle session that while they were exes, there was no reason for her to fear for their loyalty. It was a strange statement that had made her smile. She hadn't considered the possibility but honestly, she didn't mind if it occurred within the family of eight, as long as they continued to respect her as their soulmate.

It'd been an offhand remark but Ezra had joked about a threesome and MinJae had slid the idea of double penetration on the table. They hadn't been serious, and she'd laughed it off with a shrug and a 'sure, why not?' But the seeds of thought had been planted, and it came back to her during weird times of the day like during a lecture, or when the suds dripped down her back in the shower.

It would be awkward. She'd assumed. But exciting, really, really exciting.

There was nothing awkward about their game now that she was deep in it. And she was sure of that as she scooted closer to her soulmate, running her fingertips over Ezra's breath-taking body. His eyes moved to grace her form, narrowing into a lazy suspicious slit that had a giggle bubbling from her chest. His eyes never wavered from hers, scoring over her skin and lighting her on fire.

"You're plotting something," he groaned, a generous husky timbre spilled from his lips sending a pulse of heat through her sex. Oh, she was. Her lips twitched into a wry smile as she ran her fingertips up his body, gauging his reaction. His body jerked forward at her touch, twitching as his muscles curled and moved, abs tautening into definition. She grinned when he bit his lips, and his throat bopped in a nervous swallow as the gold spun and coiled between them both.

So damn fucking nervous.

"There's not much to plot," she raised a brow at him. "With a vibrator up your ass we both know where this is going to go." She jerked a thumb at MinJae, and said man leaned over to rest his head on her shoulder, nuzzling his cheek against her skin. He was acting soft and docile, sweet like the calico cat he would usually personify.

"Fuck," Ezra hissed letting a long droned out complaint that felt more like a heavily concealed moan. He turned to look at her, dilated eyes fluttering as he struggled for breath. He cleared his throat and the sound escaped pretty pink lips, laboured and deep. He was a mess of nerves, and they all knew it from the scratchy pitch in his usually monotonous drone. "We can take out the vibrator in my ass. Then we can just take turns eating you out and fucking you until you're a hot, wet, needy mess—"

Her fingers caged his cock, thumbing the pulsating slit in slow gentle circles and his breath escaped in a sharp whiz of sound. He blew out another low steady breath, twisting his hips and her lips curled at the sight of his pleasurable torture. Torture that he seemed adamant to not let her see despite the steady beads of sweat that formed over his glistening, dewy skin. His expression twisted and her heart soared.

"Scared Ezra?" she taunted, locking his eyes with hers and daring him to look away. He didn't, but the whimper that seemed to escape bottomless depths was all the answer she needed, even if his lips parted to form something else.

"You fucking wish."