
"He's scared," MinJae answered in a soft, gentle giggle and curve of his lip. Her sweet soulmate had lost all that hot steam that had burned in his chest and she could almost literally see the hearts in his eyes when he looked at her, all cuddly and warm. "We've only done this a few times and he spent most of it drunk as fuck."

"I was sober when we did it in Brazil." Ezra hissed, clearly grateful for the distraction and Amber glanced at him, watching the twitch of his brow and the harsh bite of his bottom lip. His muscles were rippling under her touch and he was trying his best to keep it all in.

How cute.

"You were not with all that cachaca!"

"Uh—China I wasn't—"

"You were drunk as fuck in Hangzhou. You sang mid-fuck."

"I did? I fucking did not!"

"Ezra, you were screaming the lyrics to Dream while riding my dick!"

"I don't—"

"Boys." She stopped them just before the argument could escalate, and the two stared at her. Deer caught in headlights. Gorgeous deer. Ethereal deer. Damn fucking beautiful deer. "It looks like the vibrator isn't enough." She murmured, twisting the thing that hung between Ezra's parted legs. His breath hitched in his throat as she tugged at the string and his cock twitched as another bead of pre-cum spewed from the heavy tip.

He wouldn't be able to bite down his moans with another vibrator against his prostate.

"W-what are you doing?" Ezra choked as she turned to rummage around in her drawer. She pulled out the pink egg-shaped vibrator and it roared to life with a high-pitched scream that had her soulmate's eyes widening in fear. MinJae laughed, snickering into his palm at the sight as he looped his arms around her waist.

Anger completely forgotten.

"We'll double it!" She grinned and Ezra panicked, inching back quickly into the pillows with horror in his eyes. He was different, the seductive smirk that was usually plastered to his face was replaced by the twitch of sweet fear. It was a different look on the handsome dark seductive lover she called her soulmate.

"Sweetheart, baby, darling, love of my fucking—"

His words were stifled by the quick swipe of her tongue. She leaned forward, closing the gap between them with a smooth kiss as she tightened her grip over his cock, pumping it gently to ease his nerves. Her thumbs curving over the fleshy bump of his glans and over the sensitive frenulum.

She was gentle at first as they exchanged heavy breaths and suckles that had him gasping, but later deepened the kiss to draw his mind away from fear. It didn't take long for him to relax, for the graze of teeth against teeth to draw soft growls from his throat, and for him to sink into her embrace and burry his fingers in her hair as his hips pumped upwards, seeking pleasure.

He was distracted, and she would be too if not for the slow circles that MinJae painted over her hips siphoning shivers and gooseflesh from her body. Ezra groaned as she ran her fingers down his thighs, digging into the dip of muscle and skimming the smooth flesh that resisted the push of her fingers. The room was spinning with their scents, cold sweet mint and floral tea. And that delicious musk that was heady with lust and dripping wet.

She was nudging at him with the vibrator, quickly lubed by an attentive MinJae. It slipped in easily, too easily and Ezra jerked backwards against her lips, moan escaping him as it slid straight to his prostate sending a ripple through his body. Amber only smirked, diving deeper into a kiss that screamed her adoration and devotion for him. Sloppy, wet and intense.

"Fuck…It's too much, this is—Ah-" he hissed low in his throat. "Amber…"

"Shhhhh baby, shhh."

Amber pushed him down, forcing him to lay against the pillow as she pushed the vibrator deeper into his body, twisting it and tugging it. His eyes flew open and his body trembled as it hummed, lips parted in ragged exhales and his body arching as each tremor sent him clamping down and shaking against the device. It was strange watching him break under her touch, the usually impatient, dominant man turning into a melted goo of want as he twisted and turned, lips parting and closing.

"The prostate is 2 inches in and feels like a smooth firm ballooned bump," MinJae explained softly taking her hand to prod at the vibrator, Ezra cursed in response, abs flickering into existence and then vanishing as he stretched. "Just by pushing the vibrator upwards and against it should—" Ezra whined, the sharp pitch unlike the usually low male and he blushed turning bright pink as he buried his face in his arms. "It's not a magic button, takes a while to really feel it, and depends mostly on rhythmic thrusting but once your body understands it. It feels fucking amazing."

"Like?" Amber breathed.

"Like you're cumming non-stop." MinJae stuck his tongue out, giving her a lazy smirk as he pursed bubble lips, red and swollen. "Like it's building and building and building but it never comes. And when it comes it just keeps coming." He purred, caramel voice dipping into a low growl that pulsed straight to her clit.

"So…Like edging?"

"I guess you could say that. But I can cum without touching my cock. Him? Not so much."

She turned to look at Ezra and the man gives a soft sigh and a partially embarrassed huff. But he splayed his legs, pushing it apart to give her greater access and twisted into a comfortable position on the pillow. He didn't look at her, hands clenching against the pillow that supported his frame but his cock bounced and hardened as he moved. Eager.

Her eyes meandered over the hard, muscular slope of his body drawing to the rise of his cock, red and riddled with thick veins that curved over the shaft towards a spongey ruddy head. It was completely hard and pressed against his belly, oozing with stringy, wet strands of pearlescent liquid.

"You're more swollen than usual," she cooed, fingers drifting over his skin, and he shivered again. His penis trembling under her touch with a life of its own. "You like this."

"My cock's the same, you just don't see him because most of the time he's buried in your sweet, tight little cunt—" Ezra hissed as she tweaked at his nipples, leaning down to nose at his skin. He buried his face into his palms, running fingers through his hair as a coping mannerism. "Fuck I'm going to regret this; I'm already regretting this can we—"

"You're not backing out of this." Amber tutted as she leaned forward to swirl her tongue over his nipple, and then moving down his skin in a slow sensual drag. He jerked forward, hissing through clenched teeth and a moan escaped his parted lips, ragged and giddy. "This is way too much fun." He scowled.

"Fucking hell, baby. Your face, you're so goddamn excited."

"I'll give you more," she stuck out her tongue, tapping at it and winked. He gulped nervously, then his tongue swept out, and he held it between his lips. Nervous as fuck as he chewed and nibbled on the steadily reddening flesh. "It'll make it feel better."

"W-wait—" He jerked upwards, crawling back and she glanced at him with a confused smile. He must be joking. Ezra swallowed, a panicky smile gracing his features as he shifted on the bed. "I-I'm already feeling it in my belly. I'm fine this is—"

"Are you actually rejecting a blowjob?" she snickered softly under her breath and MinJae giggled behind her, equally amused. Ezra flushed turning bright red and she could see the annoyance that tinged in his jaw at their rudimentary attack at his pride. She offered him a smile, the sweet doe-eyed subservient look that would twist at his supposedly radiating masculinity.

He broke.

"Fuck, fuck. The vibrator's just fucking with me. Yeah, fuck yeah, no man would reject a blowjob from his soulmate," he groaned as if it were a chore with a fate-accepting slump of his shoulders. Amber grinned, brushing her hair to the side, she nosed at his cock, nuzzling at the base and twisting her fingers through his pubes. She would braid it if he let her, but this was not the time.

It smelt divine, like a wintery, minty feast edged with a sexy smell that was all beautiful, beautiful Ezra. It excited her, pulsating straight to her clit and sending a rush of slick liquid down her cunt. And she hummed softly giving him a sigh and a smile that she knew would drive him mad with lust.

"You always smell so good," she groaned and the vibrations that rippled over his skin seemed to turn him on even more.

"I know." Ezra groaned, heavy and breathy as he watched her through dull, dilated eyes. She licked him, tongue lazily darting over the shaft and down to his balls, which quivered under her touch, shaking from pleasure. She was teasing him, turning him into a mess and he knew that as he shifted his hips, thighs parting and closing, muscles rippling. He hissed, a soft growl that had her heart pounding hard. "Stick your ass up baby."

Amber blinked glancing up at him, and then MinJae was tugging her down pulling at the zipper of her pants and tossing it away. She gasped as he squeezed her ass, hands digging and shaping into the pliable mound of fat. She turned to give him a look which he returned with a proud, lecherous grin.

"Ignore me," he murmured through sexy, swollen lips that were red from abuse. His fingertips dancing over the dampness of her panties and scooping the dribbles that slipped as he tugged it away. Her clit thrummed with anticipation at his touch and she fought down the gasp that bubbled at the tips of her throat. "You're so damn wet."

"That line is getting old as fuck," she grumbled and he laughed.

"What else do you want me to say?" he smirked, rubbing his thumb up and down her drenched panties. "We say it all the time because your pussy clenches and unclenches like how it does now when I talk dirty to you." His fingers dipped into her cunt and she squeezed around him, cheeks burning at his words. "It's sucking my fingers in baby and you're still leaking."

And he dove down, eating her out with quick laps that had her thighs trembling and her lips parting. The pleasure rising within her was unleashed as he pulled her clit between soft lips, teasing it with his tongue in gentle strokes that had her squeezing her eyes shut. The fingers that ghosted over her jaw, bringing her gaze fluttering wide open was unexpected.

"You offered. And I'm getting what I fucking want." Ezra threatened and she nodded taking him whole. She could taste him against her tongue. Salty but yet so thick with his scent that it drove a stampede of pleasure through her fluttering cunt. MinJae laughed, the vibrations sending her squirming against his lips.

"Can feel her heartbeat here." He chuckled, nosing at her cunt. "She might cum faster than you do at the rate her pussy flutters."

"Really?" Ezra chuckled and she growled.