
She descended over his cock, taking it in deep until the head hung wet and sticky at the back of her throat. She bopped pulling out delicious gasps from his lips as he fisted at the roots of her hair, hips twisting and turning in her grasp. It seemed almost to thicken in her lips, growing larger with each slather of her lips.

"You are so fucking good," he groaned, his encouragement sweeter than the tongue to her pussy. "My beautiful, beautiful girl." The praise was another gush through her system which MinJae took note as he chuckled against her lower lips, taking the chance to drag his tongue over her labia and tug at the hood of her clitoris, blowing over the uncovered bundle of nerves. She groaned and her hips twisted against his face, biting down the pulsing need to cum.

A glance upwards and she noted the blown dullness of Ezra eyes as he devoured the sight of her struggle to accommodate his cock in her mouth. She worked fervently, lapping at the sensitive spots that she knew pushed at his pleasure from the vocalised whiny alerts that escaped his parted lips.

"We taught you so fucking well," he spluttered through gasping moans. "You suck dick so damn fucking good." He was dewy and wet with perspiration, body strained and hardened from pleasure. And her pussy clenched as MinJae pressed his lips around her clit, painting slow circles over the sensitive bud. She hissed when he closed his teeth gently over the surface to scratch at the soft flesh, spiking her pleasure.

"Like a trained slut." MinJae giggled going in deeper between her legs, as his grip over her skin tightened and pinched.

"Our trained slut." Ezra agreed.

"Only for my soulmates," she agreed against his cock and he hissed as she gobbled him down until it grew difficult to keep his sweat sticky thighs apart as he thrusted and twisted, wild and beautiful in his pleasure. The vibrations must have excited Ezra because he bucked upwards, going deeper into her throat and she gagged, coughing around him as she gave him a scowl.

"S-sorry baby, sorry," he groaned, pushing his hair back to reveal dewy skin. "You're just too damn good I—" She fiddled angrily with the vibrator, pressing the buttons until a sharp wail permeated the air in a high-pitched scream.

"FUCK-Ah!" He screamed, shocked flickering through his system as his back arched cleanly off the bed, completely immersed within pleasure. His thighs parted as his hips shook, clear liquid squirting down his bouncing cock as she rubbed at the underside of the head. His lips were parted, eyes rolling back into his head as his hips jerked and spasmed under her touch. She smiled as panic and pleasure flickered over his face, as his hips stuttered emptily in the air, twisting and seeking the wet warmth of her mouth.

"No Ezra," she taunted spreading his thighs apart and he made a face, as she gently pulled out the offending vibrator. He gasped, cheeks turning a vibrant red when he comes down from his high, eyes accusatory and dangerously angry.

"I could have cum."

"Not until the main event, sucker."

"Thank you for preparing him for me baby," MinJae whispered, giving her a chaste kiss on the lip, uncaring of the traces of pre-cum on her lips. In fact, he sucked them clean, licking her until all she could taste was him and the traces of her on his tongue.

And then he tugged at Ezra's legs pulling him close. She watched surprised as he sunk his cock into him with ease, like knife through butter and Ezra gasped, mouth wide open as he drooled and contorted, eyes wide as he stared up at the ceiling. She pressed a hand to her lips as she watched his condom covered cock sink deep between plump flesh and bottom out deep within.

"Shit this feels so damn fucking good. Fuck."

"This is your prostate," MinJae explained, lazily moving his hips upwards and against the spot. "Feel it?"

"Shut the fuck up. You know I can fucking feel it." Ezra growled as he tossed his head back into the pillow, digging his fingers into the sheets. He was shaking so hard; his body was flushed from overexertion and almost as pink as her skin. His eyes glazed over and he turned to look at her, fingers gripping the base of his cock for dear life, pleading and scared. "Amber…Amber…"

MinJae persisted, thrusting his hips upwards and Ezra screamed low and throaty, his eyes rolling back into his head and his body curled in against MinJae. His orgasm came rapidly and Amber watched as he contorted and strained and then jerked upwards as a throaty moan escapes his lips, wet and carnal. It burned her alive, sending a jump of pleasure through her pulsating, neglected clit.

"I came, fuck I came, dry fucking orgasm." Ezra gasped with a laugh as he slumped against the bed and MinJae only chuckled, pulling his legs closer as he continued to thrust with hard forward slams of his hips, going faster and faster with the trained precision of a dancer.

"It's crazy isn't it?"

"I can't this is too much, slow the fuck down. MinJae. Fucking slow the fuck down."

"No." MinJae grinned and he continued, hammering him with ease and twisting his hips such that he dug deeper and with greater accuracy. "No, no, no, no."

"FUCK YOU!" Ezra screamed, low and thick as his groans deepened into wet grunts straight from his chest. Amber stared as MinJae carefully unpeeled a condom and slammed Ezra against the bed, pushing him out of the way and giving her a better view of his red, shivering body.

Ezra's cock was now ruddy and drenched with his liquids, but still curiously hard and swollen despite the multiple orgasms. She flicked it and it slapped against his abdomen with the pound of MinJae's cock, hard and heavy with arousal.

"Wear the condom."

"Then slow the fuck down!" Ezra hissed. MinJae complied as he wiped at his cock with a towel, carefully pinching the plastic tip and slipping it over. Ezra gasped when it was done and MinJae pumped at it for good measure. He turned to her with a smile, reaching his hand out to take hers.

"Darling, go ahead and sit on him."

"N-now?" Amber swallowed, crawling over to peer at Ezra's cock.

"Climb over him baby, I prepared you properly, I promise." MinJae coaxed sweetly with a cute tilt of his head, a viper convincing a rabbit into his nest. She listened, carefully moving over him to straddle his hips. Ezra's cock brushed against her folds and he shivered again as she parted her folds with her fingers. "That's right, slowly."

They both groaned when his cock entered her, sliding into her until it reached the hilt in a slow, languid drag. She took her time with him, taking pleasure in the twitch and spasm of his cock as she sunk inch by inch until she was fully seated, arms wrapped around him and legs straddling his thighs. She bounced over his thick cock. One that slid in and out of her with the fluidity of silk over satin, so well-lubricated that no resistance was provided except for ripple of muscle within her body.

Ezra was a mess by now, panting hard as he fisted the sheets with a squirm of his hips. His hot breath escaped him in low steady pants that danced over her skin and made her pussy clench and squeeze over him. The answering moan only tightened her over him and Ezra panted, sweat dripping from his skin.


And then MinJae started thrusting for real.

Amber squealed as each drive of his pelvis bombarded her insides, deep and vulgar. Ezra was cramming into her body, filling her and emptying her again and again. Her juices spilled from her, coating his stomach in wet sloppy splatters. Ezra came quickly again in another orgasm that was more dry than wet, hot breath escaping him in a growingly high-pitched scream that he muffled against her shoulder as he was milked from both ends.

He went down from his high and then groaned at the oversensitivity, as his cock remained hard as ever from the constant pounding in his ass. She stared at him then, eyes soaking in the lost, the beautiful shimmer of soul bonded skin, and the part of pale pink lips. Her soulmate was utterly fucked out, and there was nothing he could do but ride out each over sensitivity until drool spilled from his lips. The tears that dripped down his cheeks was unexpected and alarming, and she turned back to MinJae worried that he might be in pain.

"He cries when he bottoms," MinJae explained with a low grunt as his eyes drooped into sexy hooded lids. The wet smacks that continued to echo in the room was lewd and sinful, as was the dangerous curve of her soulmate's beautiful lips. "But I've never seen him like this so soon, so fuck it must be you and that bond." He whined at the end, giving her an adorable little pout despite the pleasurable anguish that tightened in his brow. "Kiss me baby. Kiss me. kiss me."

She did, with a zeal that had him thrusting faster and harder into Ezra as their lips entwined, blind and messy with a mixture of tongue and heat. Ezra's grip on her thighs tightened as his body clamped and shivered shaking so hard that each thrust was a desperate hammer through her body that pulverised her g-spot. They were sharing their pleasure and it didn't take long before the reservoir of heat within her ballooned and exploded, pulsating tight in her cunt that fluttered torturously around Ezra's cock.

MinJae seemed to know that she was on the verge, because an experienced rub of her clit between his fingers sent her shattering into euphoria. She climaxed, eyes closing as she ascended into nirvana, the world consumed by white hot heat. MinJae came quickly from her desperate moans, burrowing his own into her neck.

"You're perfect." He groaned. "Perfect, perfect, and ours. Always ours."

"God," she groaned, clenching around Ezra as tightly as she could. "Come on baby, fucking fill me up one more time, pump my pussy full with your cum—"

"FUCK!" Ezra came with a gasping scream, unseeing eyes black with night and fire, meeting hers as they kissed once again, tongues battling in wet heat. His groans were desperate and needy, rough and ragged. And then his face contorted, lips trembling as his orgasm swelled and broke in scorching hot spurts.

He came harder than he usually did, spewing into the condom in thick ropes of semen as she climbed off him to lay on his chest. It takes a minute for his moaning to stop and another for his ragged breathing to die down into a constant inhale and exhale.

When they finished, they spent another minute or two just soaking in each other's presence, her eyes combing over the flush of their cheeks and the erotic beauty of their well-fucked bliss. Ezra's body continued to shiver, muscles clamping and shaking from too much stimulation and she smiled.

"You're not getting up anytime soon."

"No," he said, voice weirdly pitched as if all he remembered was how to moan, he swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing. "You need to pee. Don't wanna get a UTI. And then eat."

"I'll help her." MinJae offered, stretching his body to take her hand in his. He flinched, pausing to make a face. "My muscles are burning."

"I'm not…going to get up…Until I take a nap." Ezra murmured.

He was out like lights in a matter of minutes.