sit down



His fingers feathered over soft, smooth pliable skin, digging into the slope of milky flesh, thumbs running along muscles that stretched and tapered to hips that had whispering trails of pink and white marks. The answering shiver to his touch brought an eager smile to his lips, and his heart pounded, blood warm in his cheeks.

With his head between her legs, he was limited to her lower half; his sight consumed by the trembling heat that quaked with his every breathy laugh. But the sight of what he'd done, the saturated sweet musk that sang to his senses like a siren to his cock, was enough for Oliver to cum hard and fast into his dress pants. A fact that his cock made known with another dangerous twitch that nudged painfully at the zip.

And Amber was beautifully soft. He tugged at the silky dress, pushing it aside to reveal the sweet white lacey panties that clasped tightly to soft flesh that curved ever so slightly at the edges. The gooseflesh that popped over her skin sent another breathy, disbelief filled laugh through his lips and he cupped her waist with his hands, palming her chilling flesh with strong strokes that made her cute little tummy jiggle just a little.

Softness had a sexual beauty that not many could see, and not many understood until one striped as bare as they were when they came into the world. Not many could understand the temptations of softness as compared to thin solid bone, and not many would in this lifetime with the current societal definition of beauty.

But Oliver understood it, the way he'd understood the reasons why the Goddess Aphrodite had been sculpted from marble, soft, sensual and healthy, instead of thin, hard and lean. Softness was a rotund wealth of cock-whispering heat. And it always felt so damn fucking good when he ran his hands, huge on her skin over those folds and squeezed.

Clear wetness stretched, gooey and thin when he pulled her panties off her hips, a flattering drip of silky arousal that pooled over fabric. But Oliver couldn't be too sure considering the wonders of feminine cycles and discharge. Still, his index finger slipped deep into her cunt far too smoothly and too eagerly, and the trembling suckle of heat over his fingers told him that it had pushed her high into pleasure land as if she'd already taken their cocks for the day and was now sloppily wet and well-stretched.

The situation was giving him the upper hand, and her arousal only benefitted his task. He licked his lips, pushing himself forward to slowly nuzzle at her clit, exhaling heavily over pink, glistening flesh. The clench and unclench of muscles, twisting tight over his finger was a rewarding burst of exhilaration through his system.

God, she was so damn fucking sexy.

He took a slow languid lick up her labia and swirling his tongue over her clit, and a soft moan escaped his lips, muffled against her skin. The taste was unexplainably sweeter than it should be, lacking in the rust or the fish he'd been introduced to at the start. It had a taste that reminded him of watered-down honey.

It was an undeniable fact that the seven had agreed on. They'd once wondered if she might be diabetic considering the definite levels of sugar, a thought that was debunked by a yearly body check-up trip to the doctor's. She'd just had too much fruit and already smelled heavenly sweet to their soulmate-bias noses.

She clamped down on him, and she scooted back into her chair out of his grasp, sitting up straighter in defiance and attempt to reduce his hold upon her. But that wouldn't be fair for him. He easily pulled himself closer to her chair, pocketed her panties and hooked her legs over his neck, securing his grip over her as he parted her thighs as far as they could go to give him greater access to her cunt. The soft wayward curse from above had him snickering.

The love of his life was a gift that he would always hate to receive without payment.

Oliver didn't feel adequate for her love; he didn't feel worthy of her dependence; he didn't feel good taking pleasure from her soft, beautiful body just because he could. It didn't feel right to pluck a sacred apple from a tree that was not his and dig his teeth into its sweet juices without something in return.

And maybe that was why he hated it when she let him fuck her just like that. He hated it when he had to ravage her body and try to be dirty, bad and so damn fucking mean. He didn't have to be mean, he knew that. She enjoyed it too when he told her words of truth straight from his delicate heart. But he knew she liked dirty and so he tried his best to say it even though it felt so wrong to.

Maybe that was why she'd seen the distance in his heart.

God, how much he longed for her to hold all the reins.

"Are expressions allowed?" Amber whimpered from above and he smiled, letting her clit pop out from between the gentle clamp of his lips. She was growingly aroused, her lower lips were plump and red and her clit protruded from its hood, erect and eager for his love. He kissed it and the gasp that escapes her sent his hips jerking against the carpet, cock automatically seeking release that he knew would be better felt deep in her cunt.

If she didn't cum soon, he most definitely would.

"Of course not, you fail if they know," Casper replied, voice tight with tease and warm with arousal. Oliver knew the face she was showing him was utterly divine, reddened cheeks and bitten lips, and eyes so dilated they dripped with lust. "And you fail if you cum before this ends.

"This is so f-fucking unfair-ah," she hissed, masking the moan into a sigh. "You both know I can't last more than thirty minutes."

"And we," Casper teased, a deep chuckle vibrating through the air, "don't give a fuck if it's unfair."

"Oh-f-fuck you both," she groaned, fingers gripping the edges of the seat as he suckled at the dribbles of arousal that seeped from soft wetness. "I g-guess at least it isn't Ezra or Minnie—" Oliver's heart stuttered at her words, and a scowl dawned upon his brow. He dove down harder, tongue writhing over her clit with a brutalizing intensity that he'd learnt from said men. "OH—fuck!"

"Insulting," Casper tutted, clucking his tongue with a soft hiss. "Thinking about other men when we're here before you."

"Mmm-I wasn't—"

"Well then, let's discuss this absolutely wonderful book I came across the other day. Hmm?" There was a rustle of cloth as Casper reached for his phone. "The writing style is most immaculate and I'm sure we can learn a thing or two from the author's sexual prowess. How convenient it is that we have a similar scene in this book."

"Oh God, Casp—"

"She moaned, a garbled shriek escaping her lips as her thighs clamped around his head. He was laving at her clitoris, dipping his tongue into the concealed hood and then flicking over the bundle of nerves at rapid speed."

"No!" The love of his life was scrambling to get out of his hold, leaning forward against the table, and Oliver knew without a doubt that she was reaching for Casper's phone, hoping to stop him from reading her story. But Oliver wouldn't let her leave for a break, not with her so close to the finish line. "Casper!"

"You think this was going to be easy?" Casper teased, his voice dripping down low into a soft purr that Oliver knew first hand could make their fans cream on the spot. It seemed to have the same effect on his soulmate, because her thighs quaked and her pleasure pulsated through her, muscles throbbing at his voice.

"We didn't say anything about you reading my erotica to me!"

"Sit down."


"Sit down."