
His voice was as authoritative as always, laced with danger and warning. Oliver didn't understand how he did it, but even he could feel the need to obey his leader. Amber sat back down, relaxing into Oliver's hold and he pulled her closer readily, tongue diligently laving over her just as her book had described.

"I'm going to cum in five minutes," she whispered.

"Good then we'll win," Casper chuckled. "And we'll get to show you off to the guys. What do you think of them fucking their dicks with their hands as we take you?"

"That's nothing new. You love edging me."

"Oh, it will be when you're bounded and gagged, hanging from the wall desperate for cock."


She trembled, squeezing tightly when Oliver's fingers breached her, but oh she didn't seem to understand that clamping down over him like this in defiance would only give her greater pleasure. She seemed to love the idea of bondage, judging from the pulsating strangle of wet muscle over his well-milked finger.

"He sped up his pace, pressing a hand firmly on her lower abdomen as he flicked his tongue over her clit, strumming it quickly."

Oliver strummed her clit with his tongue letting it flick over the hood up and down and in circles, just as Casper described it. He dragged his tongue over the sensitive bump, circling the uncovered bundle of nerves gently and then running his tongue hard over the covered hood. The answering convulse of her pussy was his beautiful reward.

"He dipped a finger into her vagina without warning and her body instinctively clenched down on it, suddenly finding itself filled with something solid and real to hold onto.

Oliver slipped in another finger, digging into her wet warmth and searching for the spots that made her gasp. She remained wordless and indignant, but he knew it was working because her thighs were trembling harder than ever, her back curling against the table as her muscles contracted harder.

"She was squeezing, squeezing on his fingers as her pussy pulsated and fluttered against it. It felt so good; her hips grinded against his lips, pushing into his face as he sucked and pumped her with his long digits."

The door clattered open and his breath hitched tight in his throat as the waiter entered, oblivious as fuck to what was going on. Oliver could practically feel her heartbeat racing in her pussy that mirrored his own. But Casper didn't seem to care, and so he continued fingering her with rapt intensity as he suckled her clit until she bucked against his tongue with need.

"Her pleasure built, soaring higher and higher. She climbed, her body heaving as he moved and she watched him unable to do anything. His tentacles unfurled from his back and they moved, sliding up her body to dip into her dress, rubbing against her concealed nipples."

She was angry when the waiter left, angry enough for some of his work on her clit to recede and for her body to not respond when he curled his fingers tight and scooped at her pussy. But the blush had spread far down her body; her pussy hotter than before and almost audible with each wet pump of his fingers that battered hard against her swollen g-spot. He knew her pleasure was climbing from the gasps that escaped in the rhythm of her stuttering hips.

"Casper! Y-you what the fuck?"

"He doesn't understand, I promise."

The appearance of a stranger was working because now even the slightest touch to her clit made her body spasm and shake, and he knew it wouldn't take much for her to cum not with the juices that coated sweetly over his tongue. Not with how their souls seemed to have melted into one, and he felt as if he could feel phantom ghosts of her fluttering pleasure on his hardening cock. He too was thrusting hard and fast in the air, rubbing against his clothes as his cock spluttered and choked with fluids.

"The sensitivity was too much. Each stroke mirrored the licks of his tongue on her throbbing clitoris. Her pleasure climbed, her heart soaring in her chest as she finally reached the peak of the mental mountain within her body."

Casper continued despite the plating, despite the strangers that entered and left. He continued, as the knife slipped over plate and food was served. He continued as each course was brought forth with a voice that dripped with liquid sex.

Oliver sped up in punishing thrusts, his rhythm escalating until he was hammering into her wetness as he sucked and sucked at her clit until his tongue grew tired and his arm burned with exertion. But each attack was equally mirrored by his own hips against the friction of his pants. And each attack was egged on by the encouragement that presented itself in the tortured groans from his soulmate's lips and the pulsation of her cunt.

Some rewards were given in his straight up torture of her pleasure powerhouse, and sometimes he pulled back to stroke her labia and lap at her inner thighs. But they all led up to a measured rising pressure that grew greater the longer he spent teasing her agonizingly slow until her body grew erratic with each quake and her moans grew more pronounced.

"C-Casper I can't-I—"

Oliver stopped before she could cum, pulling back as her body heaved and her spasms grew quicker. She tried to stop him, her thighs violently clamping around his head and pulling his lips closer to her wet musk. Her moans were muffled behind her fingers, but they were enough to bring his pleasure to its tip until he too was almost at the edge, his breath weak as his body was smothered by her pleasure.

But a heavy slap to her pussy had a muffled scream erupting from her throat. And he watched propping himself back to take a breath away from the intoxicating sweetness that could bring him to orgasm; enraptured as she squirmed and tried to squeeze her thighs together for release, to press and rub against the chair until she came. She could have with how swollen and big her clit had gotten, and it would have been easy for her to rub herself to completion.

But she couldn't because his presence had her thighs wide open as she gasped and struggled against his body, legs bumping over him as she shook and squirmed. He gave her a minute and then blew softly over her clit, enjoying the way her body clamped up and relaxed from the memory of his touch, and the way her cunt pulsated emptily over fingers that were no longer present to bring her to greater heights

A ruined orgasm that they both shared.

"You almost lost," Casper retorted with a low chuckle. "How disappointingly quick."