

She was shaking, her body so hot she swore she was burning the air with her heat. A bead of sweat slipped from her brow as she glanced up at Casper, too tired to stay properly seated on her seat. Her muscles were shaking from exertion and her heart was pounding from the near 'death' experience. But God, she had yet to cum and so her body was angry, pussy throbbing with the need to explode, a feeling that mirrored that of the need to piss but without the pain of an over-filled bladder.

She might squirt if this continued, she was sure she would.

And the look in her soulmates' eyes did nothing to help at all. Within foxy orbs swam heaps and aeons of bright solid gold. She'd never seen the colour on Casper before, not with how it seemed to spill forth and radiate, dangerously thick with energy and the need for her to succumb. His lips quirked and her heart soared.

"I can't, I can't," she whimpered, throat dry as she tried to move away from Oliver's searching mouth. Despite the air-conditioner at full blast, sweat beaded and dripped from her brow, sliding between her breasts and Amber could feel her nipple stickers peeling free as her skin grew dewy and wet. And God help her, for Casper's eyes seemed to dig into her soul and pull forth even more pleasure with his gaze.

She was so fucking screwed.

"Can't win?" Casper hummed, lips curling into a dangerous smirk that resembled the devil. "I'll make an exception then." He purred, low and deep, the sound coiling over her skin and turning her nipples into pebbled peaks and her clit into an erect swollen bump. The answering chuckle from below had her squeezing her eyes shut and begging for the imagery of clear waters and a tranquil pond to stay within her pleasure-filled mind. "If you cum before the waiter comes for our last course you win."

The imagery vanished as quickly as it came.

"Y-you sure?" she choked, unable to believe his words as her heart seized at the idea.

"Mmm, and I'll let Oliver use a vibrator." The answering thrum placed on her leg, sent her jolting out of her chair and Oliver laughed, beautiful peals that spun through the air. She pulled the cloth away, to the sight of wide-blown eyes and sleek stained lips. He was just as much of a mess as she was, face close to the swollen wet sleek of her pussy and cheeks stained with a beautiful deep red. But his eyes, God, his eyes. She could just cum with the look in his eyes, eyes that stared up at her from a face that was right beside her throbbing, exposed clit. "Provided if you don't let the waiter see."

"Then I guess I better hurry then," Amber answered propping her legs up onto the table to part her thighs wider. It was obscene and the rush of cold air over her pussy made her shiver but the rounded 'o' of Oliver's lips, surprised by her courage seemed like a worthwhile reward. That and the sudden ability to see the bump of her clit nestled between thick flesh in its full glory. She cursed, growing desperate when her pleasure began to subside as she snapped at Oliver twisting her hips towards him. "Hurry up."

The blush on his cheeks seemed to deepen, vulnerable and strangely embarrassed at her request and she exhaled heavily as he pressed the vibrator to her now visible clit. Her body jolted forward as pleasure surged through her system hard and strong, and she bent forward so far that her knees were almost right beside her ears. It should work if it weren't at a lower setting, and if Oliver wasn't ruining it with his gentleness.

He dug his soft tongue into her vagina with slow thrusts that did nothing to help with her needed pleasure, nothing like the hard and fast pounding of his fingers that she needed, or the thick girth of his mushroom-headed cock. The vibrator was placed wrongly too, too tight on a spot that was too sensitive for greater pleasure and way too far from the spot on the right side of her clit that could make her cum in seconds. She wiggled her hips hoping he would get the memo, but he didn't and that pissed her off even more.

"I need you harder," she whimpered, thrusting her hips against him as she leaned back against the chair, eyes flickering to Casper who continued to watch her with sharp, calculative eyes. Even the thought of him looking at her didn't seem to work. "Faster, faster, faster," she groaned, nudging at the vibrator.

But Oliver didn't get it as he lapped cute, and all kitten-like against her pussy nothing like how he did it just minutes before. His eyes gazing at her wide, and all so damn fucking innocent. And he seemed to know that, seemed determined for her to lose, seemed as if he wanted her to wait until they were home and she could actually fuck them. And God, she couldn't fucking wait now that they'd push her to this level of denial—

She growled.

Amber snatched the vibrator from him, clamping one knee over his neck and shoving him hard against her pussy. Oliver gasped but complied, tongue digging deeper into her vagina as she shoved the vibrator against the sweet spot on her clit and turned it up to the highest it would go. It buzzed screaming loud in the air and she threw her head back, letting her eyes ghost over to Casper's.

The shock was there, then replaced with satisfaction as his tongue licked his lips, slow and dangerous. He smiled as her fingers inched upwards, peeling at the stickers and curling over her nipple, twisting at the erect bead with soft gentle strokes. Her pleasure came to her like a tsunami, swallowing her whole.

"M-more," she groaned out through ground teeth as she shoved Oliver's face tighter against her cunt until he was breathing against her pussy. "Harder," she commanded as she rasped, jerking against his tongue. The vibrator buzzed as her belly coiled tight and her teeth clamped down hard, back arching far from the chair.

Her eyes locked with Casper's as he mouthed the words with a smirk.

Cum for me.

The door clattered open and a figure sauntered in. Her eyes flickering over to the person standing at the doorway. But her body jerked forward before she could stop it, her legs clamping over Oliver's mouth that continued to lick and suck as if his life depended on it.

"D-don't look!" she shrieked, hips bucking as she gasped. But before she knew it white flooded her vision as she orgasmed hard, fast and loud right before the stranger, moans ripping from her throat the moment she set them free. Obscenities laced with each desperate gasp and sigh through her throat.

It was an orgasm that felt as if it lasted too long, and tasted too good, as she was sent far into a nirvana that had her head spinning and her chest heaving. It was too difficult to control her moans although she did manage to bite them all down with a muffled clamp of her lips. But the raspy whines that escaped, wailingly high pitched and desperately breathy was too obvious to hide.

She was leaning against the chair when it ended, face scrunched as spasms that she couldn't control wrecked through her frame, tearing her through waves and waves of muscle contractions. When it ended she laid defeated and exhausted against the chair, blinking blearily up at the scene.

The fear set in quickly despite the afterglow and panic drove tight through her chest as she let Oliver splutteringly free from her body. She looked away, cheeks hot with embarrassment as she allowed the fabric to cover her nakedness, scooting closer to the white cloth. God fucking help her did someone just see? Oh God, they were going to get kicked the hell out of the restaurant—