chapter 6 pt 3

"Thank you, cutie," he teased, squeezing Amber's cheeks as he peeled open a packet of nuts the attendant left behind. "Open up." He gestured, making a pitched voice that he knew Amber found ridiculously adorable as much as the rest of the boys found it annoying.

"Ew. Did you wash your hands?" She replied with a snicker, he raised his brows. Paused for a moment with unblinking eyes as he retraced the history of his hands. Then turned to the side to think before glancing back at her with a bigger smile.


She brushed a strand of hair behind her ears, leaning forward with a smile on her lips. "You better not feed me those nuts with penis tainted hands."

He let out an impressive squawk. "I did not scratch my penis with my hands!"

The flight attendant that wheezed by seemed to freeze in his step before he continued on without a word, eyes professionally trained to stare forward. He was also paid a decent sum to keep quiet about their purchases and to not profit over their used items. Oliver blushed as Amber's grin only intensified.

Ah, fuck.

She opened her mouth obediently, and he pressed a handful to her lips quickly. The tips of his thumb grazed soft flesh and electricity seemed to sear the air between them, his breath escaping his lips in a hushed groan.

"You're so good for me," he found himself saying in a soft seductive whisper, unable to help himself from spewing the words that he'd learnt and mimicked from the rest. It felt almost like clockwork, to mutter the words that he knew the others would say. A dance of ink surfaced over her skin and he blinked, cocking his head to the side. What was that?

"Hmmm," she hummed and those words danced over his skin, rousing his cock to swollen pulsation. He blushed, the effect she had on him was always instantaneous. "You know, I learnt something the other day when you were giving me cunnilingus in the restaurant." He spluttered at her use of the scientific word, the embarrassed, yet amused grin surfacing on his lips.

"Yeah?" He cleaned his hands feigning nonchalance as he folded the packet to calm his cock down before it started to act up. The memories jolted his cock into a second painful awakening, a flood of pre-cum already staining his pants. Weakling.

He was dreadfully weak to her, so weak that he knew that the moment his cock slipped into her cunt he would blow. Another, painful reason for his decision to not fuck her anytime soon aside from his own strange feelings of foreboding disappointment for both him and her. He wanted training, he wanted time, he wanted an understanding of his own body and mind.

"Words on your lips," she tapped her own juicy red to push a point, "it was really interesting."

Words. His body hummed as awareness clouded his mind. What could she have seen? He flushed, cheeks warming knowing full and well those were words straight from his heart and he couldn't imagine what he'd been thinking about when he was on his knees licking her cunt.

Nothing good, of course.

"Yeah? Must have been about how good you tasted?" he chuckled, face spewing his thoughts like an open book as he hurried to look away. He didn't know why he was trembling when he spoke, more nervous than usual. "S-something stupid?"

He couldn't have been thinking about games, could he? He'd kill himself if it was kitchen appliances. He was interested in a new air fryer…He was also thinking about the flower printed soaps, and a dance trend that featured flapping armpits.

Damn it!

"No…" She smirked, thoughtful fingers pressed to her chin. "I could use it." He blinked, faltering at her words, then pouted.

"Tell me, please?"

"Nope, my secret," she smirked and the words on her skin jolted spelling NSFW. He grimaced, fingers inching to her skin and tracing the words. He pinched it, a vindictive streak blossoming. "Ow!" She tried to push him off, but he relented digging out the knots in her back. His way of punishing her with the biggest fucking smile in the galaxy.

"Just a massage," he smiled brightly, mischief rising with his curiosity. "Come on, tell me please?" he whined again just to test the waters. She shook her head, hissing when he rolled his thumbs into her skin. The next groan from her lips was a little more sexual, and a tad too husky for his pussy starved soul. His cock throbbed in his pants and he shifted, grimacing at the tacky feel of wet sticky cum. It was about time he went to the bathroom, anyway. "Pleaseeeeee."

"Don't cheat, Liv."

He glared playfully at her, and they battled in a short dodging game of hands and skin. Then he pretended to concede with two raised palms when she smacked him with a pillow and he let out an outrageously loud scream. He rose from his chair, backing off with a fake expression of panic and determination. Two difficult emotions to convey in a single expression, but he did it because he was the king of his face.

What the fuck was he saying?

"I'll get back at you when I'm back from the toilet." She raised her brows and he cleared his throat, hoping that the black jeans hid the no doubt, protruding bulge between his legs. He tried his best rendition of a groin hunch as he leaned against the opposite seat. "Urgh gonna take a—" should he lie about shitting? Nah, he bit his lips, this was his soulmate after all. He licked his lips, gave a sideways glance to JieMi who stared back up at him with huge 'holy-fuck' eyes. "Gonna wank."

Her eyes flew wide open and he smiled, hurriedly moving off before he could gauge her reaction or see JieMi's already big eyes grow another damn fraction. He clattered noisily into the toilet, determined to do it quickly. It was small for a first-class toilet in the plane, cramped with the shower and the toilet flanked tightly to the sink. There was barely any space at all aside from a mini counter, but he wouldn't complain.

Oliver tapped his feet, looking around the toilet, considering what he could use to mask the sounds then decided to turn on the shower. It thundered upon the floor, a waft of hot steam billowing from the manmade rain, an absolute waste of water but Oliver would make it quick. He didn't last that long with her scent still fresh in his mind.

He sighed, sat down, sad cock out and pants to his feet. His cock sure did seem sad as it bounced to the trembles of pleasure that surged through his spine, wilting towards his belly in an upward arc of pink. He let out another bone-weary sigh, disappointed as he glanced at his hand already knowing the pleasure that ensued wasn't the best to satisfy him but would be enough to milk his hard-on out of his system for another good hour or two if he tried hard enough.

But he could do it if he imagined hard enough.

He closed his eyes, fist wrapped tight around the head that was already slimy with his pleasure, leaning back against the seat. He leaned forward for a moment, grimacing at the dirty cover. Fuck it. He could take a bath after. He sighed, then tried to get himself comfortable, hand already smearing pre-cum over his length.

Amber. Amber. Amber.

He chanted in his head as he played with his dick, the throaty groan thankfully masked by the roar of water. He bit his lips, a muffled curse flying through as flesh slapped upon flesh, his hand pumping his cock in frenzied euphoria. And while he fucked his hand, his head spun over the images of his soulmate. His soulmate hovering over him, his soulmate with her husky voice, his soulmate with a hand around the base of his cock, squeezing. His soulmate ordering him to taste her pussy. His soulmate laughing as he—

The door rattled open.

The sound and the flash of colour in the corners of his eyes was enough for him to jolt out of his high. His fingers squeezed tight around his cock stopping the cum that threatened to spew through taughtened balls. He was floundering as he stumbled and swung on the seat, the world spinning as he plummeted then bounced as he managed to hold himself up with all his core strength. A scream erupted from his throat as adrenalin pumped, and panic settled, but a hand closed upon his lips, muffling the sound.

"It's me, it's me," his pupils darted upwards and then his heart stopped. His soulmate stared back at him, cheeky grin blossoming, cheeks ruddy as she smirked. Smirked as her eyes darted to his cock that stayed high up in the air, vertical to his almost horizontal body.

He swallowed as they both looked and then their gazes locked comically. She seemed to deem him calm enough because she stepped back to pull the lock close. An essential mechanism he'd completely forgotten in his quest to orgasm.

He found his voice as he scrambled to sit up.

"A-Amber what the FUCK?"


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