chapter 6 pt 4

Airplane sex was a mild fetish of Oliver's.

There had been occasions when he'd been riled up mid-flight, ridiculously horny from a poorly timed sex scene in a supposedly boring movie. And when one was filled with the inexplicable need to fuck. They would think about fucking wherever they were.

Fuck, maybe it wasn't just Oliver who had the fetish. He reckoned his best friends would be into it too, especially Sieon with his strange taste for adventure. And MinJae who was a proud member of the mile high club. For years, he'd seduced and fucked plenty of flight attendants in the staff quarters of a plane, until they got too famous and too rich for cheap, risky flings.

Amber squinted at the mirror, tousling her hair for volume, round ass almost in his face as she leaned forward to inspect herself. He gulped noisily when plump flesh hovered too close to his cock for comfort, the space in the toilet too small for two. He scrambled back, body pressed flushed against the seat as he watched her like a hawk.

Then she turned around to give him the cheekiest grin he'd ever seen on her beautiful face, filled with rude sass and a vulgar, predatory glint in her eyes. God. He'd seen those eyes on MinJae and Sieon when they danced, he didn't know that Amber could do it too.

"I told the flight attendants we were going to fuck."

For fuck's sake. His heart was soaring, exposed skin on fire under her gaze. He couldn't deny the lust he had for her, it displayed itself, solid and full to her gaze between his thighs. But fear struck him, a chain to his neck, his mind blanked as he wet drying lips. Was that legal?

His expression must have told her too much because her smirk grew as she watched him, leaning back with an air of confidence. Her body was propped against the door, allowing the soft glow of warm light to graze her skin. Her supple chest, lifted by a sports bra and covered with a ribbed tank top, was a silhouette of sexual gold, ready for him to mine and his cock ached, begging for relief.

God fucking damn it.

"I know honesty is your best policy, but sunshine…" he cursed through hushed, gritted teeth. Oliver tugged at the pants at his legs, dragging it up his thighs as he bent to hide his cock from her view. "You can't be that honest if you really wanted sex!" It was easy for him to shove shame into a tone of annoyance, easier when he had an excuse to look away from her incriminating eyes. "We're going to get kicked off the damn aircraft! We could be arrested for doing shit like this, Amber."

She didn't seem to give a damn about his words, because she shrugged as if the possibility of being banned from flying wasn't an issue. Her arms were folded, and her breasts were lifted, rounder, more generous. He couldn't help his eyes from dropping to them and then further down to the curve of her hips, the soft dips of her belly and then to her denim hugged legs.

"We'll be fine," she reassured after a while, and his brows knotted. It was unusual coming from her, which meant that she was pretty damn sure they wouldn't be booted off their flight. Sure that nobody would give a damn even if she had him screaming through his orgasm. Had she sneaked this way? Was one of his BFFs standing guard at the door? He squinted at said door, straining his ears for familiar voices, but all he could hear was the sound of the running shower.

"That looks uncomfortable," she hummed, a wicked grin on her lips, pulling him free from the sticky web of his concerns. And now his eyes were directed back down to the thick bulge of his arousal, dripping with thick pearls of semen. "What did I do?"

"N-Nothing," he murmured, eyes shifting as he bit his lip, grabbing a tissue to scoop up the spillage. His cock pulsated, a horny bounce that had his ass shivering. He had to swallow down the groan as he tried to mop up the damage but to no avail. His pre-cum just kept fucking coming.

"Really?" Her voice was a finger tracing against the veiny flesh of his cock, and he had to bite down the scream of pure unaltered need that threatened to overflow from his throat. He bit down the beg and chose to snap at her instead.

"Of course!"

Lies. He got horny just from holding her hand, cock had swelled from her just her scent. He gave up on the tissue, flushed it without a word, and decided to hide his cock from her eyes. He stopped for a brief moment as he wondered how the fuck was he going to stuff his cock back down the stubborn fabric now that it was out and swinging.

"That looks difficult. How about—"

"I'm fine," he assured. He acted quickly on her words, shoving his cock down the front of his thigh where it bulged painfully in a long thick line of shameful evidence. The wet spot that dripped on his thigh made him cringe. Fuck…There was going to be a crusty line of cum in his pants. There was a brief huff of laughter from her and he shot her a look.

"Trust me, we'll be fine. So…A random boner?" she raised a brow, always the enthusiastic learner about the male anatomy. He understood her curiosity, he felt the same way when they'd first started getting close, had grown just a tad obsessed with the way her pussy looked and worked. It might be part of the reason why he loved eating her out. "Educate me." Fuck.

"They're called random for a reason." He wrinkled his nose, desperately trying to free himself from the erection inducing images bombarding his weak mind. He twisted in his jeans, struggling to zip up with great difficulty. "I'm relaxed, my blood is flowing. And I'm a normal, healthy man…" The last words were strained as he wiggled and shoved. It was starting to hurt his cock, and he hissed when the metal bit at sensitive skin.

"Right," she nodded, making a serious face. "Stop," her hand was pressed against his and he exhaled loudly, looking up at her with a sharp, annoyed glare. "I have a medical certificate for soul issues. And before you ask, it's still a valid reason." She pulled his hand free, allowing the zipper to slide all the way down. "So no, we're not going to get kicked off the aircraft just because they catch us fucking. Because they know I need—no—we need to fuck."

"Your soul is fine." He told her, head still processing the information.

"They don't know that," she winked and his cheeks warmed. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as the information slammed into him at full blast. She was serious about fucking. His eyes darted to hers, and the hazel glimmered. She wanted him to do it.

"W-we c-can't lie!"

"We're not lying if we actually fuck." She wiggled her brows and his damned skin only grew redder. "We don't have to if you don't want to. And I'm here because I thought you needed a hand." She wiggled her fingers and his lips trembled. He considered her words for a brief moment, but then the truth slid into his mind.

With the lack of a brother to act as his benchwarmer, fear peaked in his mind. Fuck Oliver was usually the one sitting on the damn bench, waiting as the others got her off enough that she would squirt the moment his cock slipped into her folds. He'd never had her alone.

Without a backup, he felt as naked as a kid without correction tape, nothing to help him right his wrongs in an exam. Dread laid thick in his throat from the knowledge that he could make no mistake. It was like singing with a bad sore throat without an auto-tuned mic and the background music to drown out the voice cracks.

A recipe for disaster.


"You're going to hurt my feelings," she pouted.

"F-fine," he decided to give her the information. "I-it was you."


"It wasn't random. The boner. I like holding your hand."

"Well, if the hand is what you're salivating all over why not have it on your dick?" She made grabby hands for him, as she moved to stand right over him. Her hands slid from his cheeks down to his throat. He couldn't help the laughter that escaped his lips as he took her hand to lace it with his own. Her touch was dangerous and his heart stuttered, mad with love.

"Y-you're emulating Sieon at this point, Amber." Her lips stretched into a smile then dropped, as he squeezed her hand, kissing the back of it to show her how serious he was. "Let's just go back."

"You should have locked the door."

He bit his lips as the subject was once again switched. "I thought I had."

"That was ridiculously dangerous, Liv." Her eyes grew lidded, narrowed into a sleek hazel void of light that had his heart leaping from his chest. "You had your cock out, and you were close to an orgasm. I saw everything, your nips, your pubes, the slit at the head of your cock. Fuck, even your 'O' face."

He flushed at her words. She'd basically seen him cum.

"I'm lucky it was you," he admitted easily, blushing at her description. "S-so let's just—"

"You want to walk back to our seats with this in your pants?" She moved to place firm hands on his thighs, touched the head of his cock with a firm thumb and he winced, inching back with a hot blush on his cheeks. But her face was too close, her eyes too clear. Her lips were just centimetres away from his own. "I can take care of you, you know that right?"

"Just a hand job?" He whispered.

"I want more if you'll let me," she murmured enticingly, and his eyes struggled to hold the intensity that was her beauty. "Sieon had a condom." She pulled it out from her back pocket, reading the words with another cute squint, thumb still stroking over the head of his covered cock. He shivered with a choked moan "Lubed and flavoured." She glanced up with a snicker. "He had ten in his pocket."

"He always has a condom," Oliver stuttered back, nervous and afraid. "You're not joking, are you? But I—But we aren't in a bed—Seriously, the airplane?"

"We've fucked in better places before, why not now?" she grinned. "What are you afraid of Liv?"

"But not with just us—I—" he schooled his features and deadpanned. "I'll blow in five seconds. I'm warning you."

"Then perfect we can go back to our seats." She smiled with a shrug. "Your soul bonds are much more honest than you are," she grinned, straddling his hips with one swoop. He leaned back, eyes darting as his heart pounded so hard, he could feel it in his dick. She had a mole beneath her eye, an eyelash that was way longer than the rest at the turn of her lids.

"What did it say?"


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