
"Christ," MinJae groaned, slumped over the sofa, thighs spread so that his dick wouldn't chaff against his skin. It was oversensitive, bulging and she could see his need in the sweat on his brow. He'd slipped the zipper off so that he'd have more air to breathe, and his penis stood hard, solid and heavy straining against his boxers. The belt that flossed his ass had been peeled off and tossed onto the table. "Someone's fucking mad at us, aren't they? This isn't right. This isn't fucking funny anymore."

Hikaru was sprawled on the couch, a minty aromatic shoved up his nose and looking absolutely ruined with a wet towel on his neck and an ice pack down his jeans. And still she smiled and watched rueful at the enormous bulge in his pants that he'd spent hours trying to get down because even the belt did nothing to hide his erection.

Eventually he scowled, pushing himself up, slapped the towel on the table as if he had a personal vendetta against the inanimate object. Her eyes were met by his princely face, hazel focussing upon her. The possessiveness was a rare look in his eyes, but it dragged over her, meandered everywhere and nowhere. She felt as if he was trying his best to picture her rather than JieMi.

"It feels like I've just met you, my love," he whispered, and she ignored the way the sound travelled over her skin, tingling flesh and coaxing her newfound cock to stand. She tried to look away from his cheeks, so pink that it rivalled the shade of the head of his—

"Good to know," she answered, perched on a seat—the only person in the room hair styling perfectly done and makeup sticking to skin— and thankfully lacking in body tearing, soul wrenching arousal. The makeup was a precaution of JieMi's sudden arrival.

"What he means is that it feels like I'm inexperienced with pleasure," Oliver told her, smile wiped and moody. But he was a storm waiting to be unleashed, and she felt the grip that his voice had on her begging soul. "And I've not orgasmed in the last three years. I've only just met you and the endless beautiful dreams of what it'd feel like to be inside you continue to plague my mind."

"You'd know how that feels, masochist," she laughed, a playful slap on his back and he tried to smile but couldn't, lips twitching, and she saw the frustration that brewed in his eyes. The scowl was just as rare, and it made her heart jolt in guilty sin. "Sorry," she exhaled, feeling bad knowing that their pain was solely because of her existence, "bad joke."

"It's worse than that," Casper answered, brows furrowed with sweat. His voice had dropped two octaves, and his expression was more stoic than ever, dimples gone. But damn was she salivating over that anger. It was an awkward place to be: filled with worry and yet horny as fuck. But not as horny as they were. "But it's better when I look at you and see JieMi."

"Hmm, is it as good as thinking about your grandma's saggy tits?"

"Forget old woman tits!" Ezra hissed, digging nails into soft fabric, a cup of coffee half-full on the table. He turned to her then, lips thinned, and eyes misting with misery. "Just imagine you're at the cusp of orgasm and your mother walks in with a camera. She gets footage of you with your hands in your pants. You're horny as fuck but there's a nasty shiver down your spine because you know you're never going to survive the next hour of your life." He stared mournfully at his coffee. "Coffee makes the shivers worse."

"Fuck," she blinked, shook her head out of that imagery. "That's nasty."

"Best friend, not mother," Hikaru supplied smoothly, his eyes were still glued to her face, never leaving.

"Hot best friend," MinJae answered, then corrected himself. "No—My soulmate wearing the skin of my best friend."

"The point is nothing works," Sieon moaned, flopping out of the bathroom, long limbed and clumsy on purpose, collapsed on the arm of her chair just so he could get a closer sniff. "What I'd give to go back to our beautiful stinky daughter and her endless explosive shits. And her inability to stay asleep and quiet."

"You don't mean that."

"Oh, but I do, darling," he bemoaned. The tease was a relief, angry Sieon was scary as fuck. "At least over there I have the perusal of your clit which feels absolutely amazing." He licked his lips, and then stared at her. She felt a flush spread across her cheek at the thought of exactly what he'd been up to in her body. "I'm surprised you didn't touch my dick."

"I was stressed babe. Thought I'd remain stuck in you," she sighed, "and I guess I wished for this change. Any change. Didn't anticipate this to happen. It's fucked up because JieMi doesn't deserve this shit."

"He's got the lucky end of the stick love," Oliver groaned, "this isn't the best situation. Got to consider how we're going to hide our raging hard on from the crowd tonight. I guess kissing you continues to be an option. JieMi did say yes to that."

"I'll try," Ezra offered, dolled up and hair sprayed as he stalked up to her, anger dripping from his every cell. God, he was pissed about the situation, horny pissed. And he pushed her against the wall, dominating despite her different body. But it was cute to see him tinier, hilarious to see him look up at her even though her heart did grow startled and flutter. "Oh, you think this is funny you little shit?"

"It is a bit funny," she admitted, allowing a smirk.

"Wait till we're home then, we'll talk," he hissed.

She assumed he'd continue with dirty talk a little longer, but Ezra pulled her down, thumb on her chin, his lips against hers. He was warm, sugary, and molten and his lips tasted hers just as her chest burned, warm from his touch. But he parted quick before her dick could chub and swell with the need for more. There was an odd expression in his eyes. A ghost of strange understanding, but she blew it away with a laugh afraid that he was acting weird because of the situation.

"Fuck," she mumbled against the sweetness of his minty breath, his tongue dragging once more against her bottom lip, but left with a grimace. He pulled back to frown, teeth snagging lip as she continued to speak. "This feels new."

"God, I'll remember this when I look at him now," he allowed a soft sigh, "but whatever. JieMi's kind of hot sometimes." His gaze remained on her, considering and feeling, but he looked away just as quick the thoughts flying. "The experiment will continue after," he cleared his throat, licked his lips, "after the concert."

"This is so weird," Sieon commented from the side-lines, but his eyes were on her with deep interest. She noted a flicker and she glanced away, felt the burn of his gaze on her skin. In fact, everyone was looking at her as if they could boil her down with their eyes. She caught Hikaru's eyes, noting the pensive look. "Does that make you feel better?"

"I don't know, it's good but not enough," Ezra groaned, exasperated, but his fingers drummed against the dresser, absent minded and lost in his thoughts. He exchanged glances with Hikaru, and the older man raised his brow. A silent conversation. "But the apple pie's burned in my brain now. Maybe, if I close my eyes. It would work?"

"You know what will work," MinJae muttered, fist slammed against his thigh, peeling off his pants to put on the belt. She tried not to look at the bounce of his cock within his boxers, or the way it protested against the stretch of the elastic. "Amber's fleshy body full of gorgeous fat. So goddamn squishy, and so ridiculously soft."

"Excuse me?" she gasped, dragging her eyes away from MinJae who was angling his body back and forth to judge the size of his erection.

"Sexy fleshy body," Sieon corrected. "With that beautiful little clit."

"You're obsessed," she noted, this time her laugh was genuine.

"I am," he sighed. "It's a once in a lifetime experience."