
She spent two hours in the dressing room, pretending to look sick for staff that entered and left with her soulmates. They'd gone up stage with the reluctance of a five-year-old and his barbie doll. And she'd waved, sent them flying kisses instead of the usual swapping of spit, mouth to mouth action that she would give them before a performance.

It was really too bad that she was in a body that was not her own. They'd be fucking at this point if she was. And she gulped at the thought, cursing her own lack of control when it came to her handsome men.

JieMi was lost in childcare, evident from his lack of lengthy response, although he did text every other hour, with things like 'B.B. shitting', and 'Kid mad, vomit', or 'Rumi hates tits.' Amber tried to feel sympathetic but honestly, she couldn't help the glee that erupted from inside her in an 'I told you so' kind of way.

Fuck did it feel a good to be the man of the house.

But of course, the dream was that JieMi would magically reappear in her body and swoop onto stage, singing his solos that were coupled with complicated footwork that Amber could never fake. But his soul refused to come, even as the hour passed and most of the concert had ended. It was a futile hope and she'd spent a good part of the hour doing tarot card readings on his phone, betting with god on whether or not he'd enter her like a miracle.

The answers were a firm 'no'.

Eventually, she retreated to the toilet when her body got too full of piss and she had to use JieMi's cock. Thankfully, the bathroom was solely for their use just in case they needed to masturbate, and she could spend awkward minutes fiddling with her pants. It was always cool aiming with her meat stick to pee, and she had so much fun that she didn't notice her soulmate, not even when he tapped her shoulder.

"Momo," he murmured, and she finally turned to see Hikaru just as she dabbed at her new cock with a tissue because she wasn't used to not cleaning her privates. He winced a little when she flashed him, and she managed a painful smile of apology. But he didn't look away, his eyes roaming her face as he helped her zip up, skilfully avoiding her penis.

She beamed at him when she washed her hands, turning to look through the mirror. "What's up, Karu?" she asked, her voice as bright as the sun as it curled out of her throat in shame. Goddamn was it awkward letting him see her fuck up man pissing.

"I want to try," he murmured, adorable as he stared at her with big eyes that blinked three times. His body was broad, shoulders filling out the space in t-shirt and jeans that were tailored for a more comfortable look on stage.

"What?" she raised a brow, then glanced at the sink. Without question she made way for him, body angled to the side, and he burned. Now his cheeks were glowing, and he grew flustered and a little shyer, trembling like grass in the wind.

"N-no," he licked his lips, shifted on his feet. "I've got thirty minutes." He glanced at her then, hands dropping to her hips, awkward but with purpose. And she understood now what he wanted when he pulled her closer, close enough for her to marvel over his disgustingly gorgeous face. "And a theory."

"Speak my prince," she teased, "give me the science of my existence." He opened his mouth then closed, refused to give her an answer.

"I'll tell you about it once I prove it." His hands grew warm on her hips, thumbs rubbing, and it made tingles erupt over her skin and seize her body. "Let me try please?" He gave her eyes that begged, watery and sweet as they met hers. And in response her heart pounded, a drum that trembled with the beat between her legs. Her cock twitched, but she shushed it down. Grandma tits didn't work on her, but Rumiko's shit did.

"But you don't like my body—"

"I don't care," his eyes grew frustrated. And his brows weaved into firm lines, the confidence returned. "I'm attracted to you in any body." She felt her heart stop, and her mind grew rushed as he spoke, his vocals caressing each word. "I love you."

"You're crazy," she hissed, but her eyes were on his lip—soft, round and red. She could kiss it, she could fuck it, she could take it in her mouth and suck it. She felt despair.

"For you."

"JieMi said yes?"

"He agreed to my experiment. I have his consent," he smiled, confidence returning, "he should need mine; his body is going to experience my beauty."

"That's a cocky statement coming from you, still stuck in your stage persona?"

"B-but I am beautiful," he murmured, but his neck grew red.

"You are, Karu, you are," she assured, heart melting for the tapioca of his eyes. "Mm, must be weird for JieMi, loaning out his body like this."

"Enough of that."

He pushed her away from the sink, dragged her into a cubicle with his hand on her wrist.

The small space wasn't grimy, and it seemed clean enough, lit like the ones in a fancy restaurant and perfect for quiet time. He stood, tall and broad over her, body aglow and godlike from the light above. His scent swallowed her, an exotic musky sweetness that dragged her within its depths. It filled her nose, then her tongue, going deep in her throat until she grew breathless. And her heart skipped another dangerous beat, she squirmed, and her body stirred.

"You don't want to kiss me in JieMi," she tried to reason with him. "This is too wrong."

"Stop thinking so much."

"Even Ezra thinks its weird, and he's bi. He thinks I'm a monster." She was panicking now as his hands traced her skin, cupping her chin. But she wanted this, wanted this more than anything in a selfish, self-obsessed way.

"It's you," he mumbled, "it doesn't matter to me, it's you." The shape of his lips was alluring, full and supple, juicy in the light. He turned closing the door, and it snapped shut, this time her breath hitched understanding the seriousness of the situation. Good God. "I love you, darling," he murmured in her hair, "I love you, I love you, I love you."


Goddamn butterflies.

"I love you too but you're locking the door," she squeaked, heart soaring towards space. This was serious.

"We want the privacy," he answered easily, shameless and unbothered. He persisted without care. And strangely enough she felt warmth burn in her eyes, a gratefulness that flooded her mind. He didn't care, but a part of her persisted in the resistance.

"What are you trying to do Hikaru?" she was growing panicked, but inside she was melting she could almost feel herself drip down her pants. Her body was burning. "If you've got the hots for JieMi this isn't how things should go. You shouldn't be kissing him when I'm here. You can wait, we can wait, goddamn it, Karu."

"Who said anything about him?" His hands moved to her waist. "I proved it. You're you."


She blinked, as his smile only spread wider, hands moving up breasts, long digits cupping the curve. Her breath hitched as her hair tickled the back of her neck and he actually grew taller as she stared. She stumbled, feeling the weight of her chest and the change of her body as she transformed back into her original self.

But it was fluid and liquid. This wasn't an exchange of souls, slammed upon flesh like someone put her there—a toy on a claw. This was a transformation with the consistency of smooth jelly. A gentle warmth of feet within water that was the perfect temperature. The change was unnoticeable and quick. And suddenly she was all quivering pussy and dripping arousal.


"Oh, no baby. Don't think about it," he murmured, hushed as he pulled her closer.

But his lips were on hers before she could think, and she sank into his embrace accepting the kiss. He cradled her, held the back of her head, his thumb curved over her jaw. But their lips collided as if they'd never kissed before, more urgent than ever. The gap was closed between the graze of teeth, the heady exhales of breath and the flick of tongue which only raised her libido.

Between them was a rush of sweet, sweet gold.

She was flushed against him, pressed so tight that her body swayed needy as he delved and worshipped her. He painted her in his love, so gentle and yet so eager that she whined against his mouth, riding through the organic fluid movement of him. Her lungs were burning when they parted with a trail of saliva between. But he only delved down to her skin desperate for everything as he nipped at her throat and sucked love bites into her flesh.

His hands caught her against the wall, and she released a moan as her back bowed, her nipples scraping against his chest. They tingled.

She forgot how it felt like to be this needy, she forgot what it was like to kiss her Hikaru. And God, she was so stupid for holding grudges and pushing them all away and just staying mad in the first place. Because how could she have given up this? How could she have not known his love for her?

Hikaru tugged her closer, as close as space would allow. The apex of her thighs firm against him, and he was hard, so hard that she felt him throb against her core, a boner that had gone on for far too long. She grew dizzy at the thought of how thick and hard he could be, how full he would make her feel, how nice it would be to experience the delicious slide of his shaft in her cunt. Her clit pounded to the sound of her heartbeat that was in sync with his.

He hoisted her up, a moan escaping her throat as he pushed her against the door, her thighs wrapped around his waist. He gave a shallow thrust, hips grounding against hers and she hissed against his tongue. His eyes were pure sin, hard and needing, and she could almost taste the salt of his cum in the air. His lips spread into a bubbled-up laugh, her smile was just as wide.