
His skin was tattooed with thousands of words with the meaning of love.

Finally, she moved to Ezra who sat right smack at the centre on the counter. The glow of the twisting into the dips of his muscles—a backlit halo that gave him the appearance of a god. He sat on the sink with his jeans down to his knees, not quite there yet as he propped his leg up higher.

A soft raspy groan erupted from him, his strokes going faster then stopped. She watched him, confused spit in his palm, tip smacking against his belly, against the silver chains draped over his flesh. Then his fingers left his cock, revealing its red thick existence to her eyes, choosing to dip into his ass, another twisting around sensitive nipples as his orgasm fast approached.

For Ezra, there was no need for masculinity in an orgasm.

His fingers were seeking his prostate as he fucked himself with his fingers to cum. He was shameless, straining so hard his thighs danced and rippled rock-hard and milky in the light. His mouth opened, held back a stuttering cry as he came swiftly after, cock left free and squirting out ropes of cum just as his eyes flickered to hers; a darkened gaze that only grew wanton and needy. The pearly white semen dripped against flesh that was sprayed down with the glitter of a glowing soul.

On his lips, stained red from gloss was a smirk. He held her gaze, a ringed hand dipped into the drip of his cum. She bloomed; felt the redness travel straight down her face and to her shoulders. And his smile grew, twinned by the smirks from her five other soulmates. Their eyes were blown, wide and dilated as if drugged and high.

"Wasn't that fun?" MinJae was the first one to speak, a giggle bursting through juicy lips, an almost whine as he crooned.

"Didn't anticipate it," Oliver answered, catching his breath through a blinding smile.

"Fuck," she whimpered, "that was filthy." She felt a chuckle from Hikaru against her inner thigh. She caught him licking his lips, tasting her but the look in his eyes was far from disgust, glazed and needy as they stared aimlessly into her flesh. "Oh my God, we're freaks."

"Naw," Ezra purred, rolled the words over his tongue in a raspy growl.

He pulled himself down from the sink to wash his hands with plenty of soap as if all they did was a fun little baking activity. She stared as he pulled a paper towel free, wiping at the cum stains on his skin. He unrolled his sleeves, carefully checking his appearance and making a face at the glow.

He turned quickly, took three steps into the cubicle. He leaned down so quick that when his lips met hers she wasn't prepared for him. His kiss was soft but never chaste, his tongue slipping in like a snake, coiled around hers in a gentle twist. When he pulled free, a dirty strand of saliva connected their lips. She gasped as he beamed, revealing gums, billowing with the scent of winter and frosty mint.

"Was perfect. Want your pussy so bad."

MinJae giggled, wet hands twisting through his hair to fix the sweaty strands. He smiled brighter at the flowers, stroking the lilacs with a soft coo. "Our soul's happy. Think the stylists will know?" He teased, nudging at Sieon who seemed focussed on getting out cum from his shirt. He glared at the stain.

"Yes, they will. We've got our soul bonds out like dicks freed from our pants." Ezra cursed, stepping back to the mirror to check. "I've literally got an afterglow. And Liv's inked like he just spent two days at a tattoo parlour."

"You can see this?" Oliver shrieked, scrubbing a finger across je t'aime and ich liebe dich. "Fuck me."

"Looks good on you bro, it's pretty ink. But I should have stripped out of this shit," Sieon groaned in response, fingered his shirt with a scowl, " my kids are in my Gucci." Amber caught a bark of laughter before it erupted from her lips, smothering it behind her palm.

"Your kids," she repeated.

"Billions of them digging into the silk."

"That's gross," Oliver made a face. "At least grab a tissue, you plebeian."

"Hey, at least I'm not shooting straight on the floor like Casp!"

Said soulmate ignored him, choosing to change the subject with a blush as he knelt to swipe a tissue through the mess he made. "You're going to see that stain on your fan sites," Casper chastised, standing to toss the wads. "Couldn't you have came with a bit more aim?"

"You're aiming?" Sieon raised a brow. "Jizzing on the floor isn't exactly bull's eye."

"Nor is cumming on your face," MinJae laughed, slapped a hand on his back.

"With her looking like that?" Sieon rolled his eyes, leaned to the side with a pouty sniff. But his eyes on her was all hunger and longing. She sucked on her bottom lip and he groaned. "I'm shooting up at the sky."

"Explains the cum in your hair," Ezra snorted, wiping a soaked tissue across his abs.. "You're lucky you missed the eyes."

"I did it in my pants," Hikaru whispered to her softly, seemed a little embarrassed as he scratched the side of his cheek. He stood to let her look, turned to show the dark fabric, tacky at the front. "I think I'll have to bring this set home."

"Nothing a little stain remover will get rid off." MinJae shrugged tossing a roller at Sieon. He caught it, checking the fine print.

"If this ruins the silk I'm beating your fat ass." Sieon popped the cap off working the formula into the fabric. Then stopped with a shrug, hands tearing at the shirt. The stain pulled free with a loud rip and he smiled. "They won't know now." Amber gaped at him.

"You're destroying $10K," MinJae pointed out to him. "It just needed dry cleaning!"

"Whatever," Sieon shrugged, turned to show her the rip. It revealed the deep v-line of his waist, a crop top that looked sexy on him. He twisted his hips, showing off his abs, obnoxious and proud. "Doesn't it look sexier this way, baby?"

"Um," Amber chirped, felt the shame continue warming her skin, burning her insides. She pressed a hand to her cheek, tried to conceal the red. "It looks natural." Sieon seemed to notice, lips spreading wider into a grin.

"Still embarrassed?" he cooed, "it's a cute look on you with that huge ass shirt and all our bonds on your skin. But I aint got the time to look at you properly with our manager screaming our names. Maybe a kiss wouldn't hurt—"

"We have to go," Ezra pulled him back before he could eat her all up, "three minutes to show time. We're late."

"Goddamn it," Sieon hissed, "we haven't seen Amber as Amber in so long."

"Take a picture," she suggested. "Lasts longer." Sieon pulled his phone free from his pocket with a grunt, snapping a quick picture of her before she could take back her words. Amber blinked out the flash of light with a wince. He snickered, and MinJae smiled, their eyes forming twin moons.

Sieon glanced up at her before she could feel an ounce of insecurity. "It's a cute picture. JieMi's just pissed that he's missing out on everything. Guy's sobbing. "

"He says he's dying," MinJae supplied with a snort.

"Cockblocked by the baby."

"We need to go kids," Ezra tugged at Sieon's collar pulling him out of view. Now that the lust had died down, there was panic on his face as he strode out of the bathroom. MinJae tailed behind him, blowing her an air kiss, a cute pout on his lips.

"Bye princess," MinJae called to her as the trio left the room.

She noticed now that the speakers were blaring out their names, repeated in a panicked rant for the next idol on stage. Through it she heard her soulmates loudly declaring that they'd all decided that taking a quick shit was part of the itinerary of the night for all seven.

Hikaru pulled her up carefully, leading her out of the cubicle and she tried to pull on the now too-tiny jeans. They sagged around her legs but was jammed at her hips, refusing to inch up higher on her ass. She flushed at that, and felt the curve of her waist.

"It's too small," she groaned.

"Just proves that JieMi's got flat cheeks," Oliver noted, stepping up to help her.

"Flatter cheeks," she corrected.

But it wouldn't budge and she decided to pull it off then, blushing as JieMi's underwear slipped too wide at the crotch now that she was missing a dick. She tugged at it patting her ass, and she heard the collective gasps of air.

"You don't have to wear pants," Casper told her quickly, hand warm against her back. "I'll tell staff to get out of the room, you can walk around like this until we get you better things." His voice dropped an octave, growing tensed with the promise of more.

"Your clothes?" she teased but his nostrils flared and his lips twitched upwards into a calculative smile. His tongue darted out nervously wetting at drying lips, and she found his eyes darting towards hers almost like a sign.

"My clothes," he agreed, grip tightening against her waist. His hands snaked across her midsection pulling her closer. "But for now—" He swooped in before she could speak, his mouth finding hers in a hurried yet crushing kiss that took her breath away.

He was a mess of wet heat, pillowy lips that nibbled and sucked at hers. He surged forward, going deeper, his tongue finding hers with a fervour that she missed dearly. She moaned against him, sucking and tasting the sugar on his tongue with gentle licks that radiated straight to her needy core.

And he was mapping her out with his fingers, tracing the parts of her that he loved. Air banished from her lungs through laboured breath, the gentle clash of teeth and the slide of his tongue. His hands wrapped around her skin, feathering up her sides. And a huge thigh, wedged between her legs, imprisoning her against the wall.

She gasped against his mouth as he dug his knees higher, spread her thighs wider and found the swollen nub of her clit. She moaned, tugged at his scalp, grew organic in the grind of her hips. Their kiss deepening further, as she searched for more, needy and insistent.

But before she could rut against his thigh like a dog in heat. There was a moment of reprieve, as he pulled free for her to gasp for air before her lips were taken by another's. Oliver dragged her free, slamming his lips against hers, delving deeper with vehemence for his own taste of her.

He didn't touch her slow and steady as Casper had, with his hands never going higher. Instead, he went straight for the curve of her breasts, darted up to her nipples just as Casper's thighs flexed under the apex between her legs. She whined against him, arousal curling through her belly and flooding her pussy. She felt empty, her body untouched and she shifted against him impatient for more despite her orgasm.