
Oliver's fingers were rolling her nipples, twisting and pinching at sensitive flesh until her pussy was squirting again. Her clit throbbing to the beat of her racing heart, she gasped, back bowing into his touch. Her kisses growing sloppier with her rising pleasure. His scent ballooned around her, oranges and sunshine.

"Oh, fuck you're so hot," Oliver hissed against her lips, a mewl escaping his lips. On his face were words that echoed his statement. "Why do we have to sing?" The complaint escaped his tongue in a groan that radiated across her skin. He breathed hard against her lips, darting forward again as their tongues tangled once more, each precise caress an answering call to her throbbing clit.

"You don't sing," Casper answered, his eyes shifting into a frustrated deep burgundy, thighs still against her pussy."We talk through the whole goddamn concert."

"Is that your new name for rap?" Hikaru murmured as he cupped her jaw, pulling forward to kiss her too. His lips were softer, and gentler as he lapped her up, devoured her greedily through lips that coupled her mouth. They parted just so she could remain conscious, and she greedily gulped down air only for him to take her again, possessive as he sucked at her lip.

"How did she taste?" Oliver asked eagerly, his eyes still on her lips.

Hikaru parted from her, panting heavily. His eyes were blown wide as he shook, seemed almost feral when he recounted the taste. "Apple jam, sweetest I've ever had. It was…" he licked his lips and she felt the shiver, when bubbled red flesh jiggled and a pink muscle darted to clear out the traces of her. "Really addictive. I wouldn't have minded more. It got better, tastier even."

"What a generous upgrade from our goddess," Oliver smiled, lips forming a heart. "How much time do we have?"

He tugged her free from Casper's knees, brought her close to his body so that she'd feel the swell of his cock within his jeans, growing hot and thick with his semen. It throbbed and she felt it, jerking against her skin. The stiff flesh, growing swollen with his arousal and the thought of sinking into her wetness.

"I'd love to eat you out too. And then maybe more… What do you think?" he asked, his grunts eaten up by her kisses. She flushed but didn't need to speak, because her words on her skin must have revealed the truth because he grew redder. His glorious smile a beam of energy. "Oh—My dick in your pussy? And your hands on my neck, how sweet, sunshine."

"JieMi's still so, so mad," Hikaru laughed from his corner, twirling his phone in his hands. "He's sent an emoji." He showed it to her, the chicken so adorably sad it was weeping in its puddle of tears. "He wants in on the action too."

"Well, it's too bad," Oliver shrugged, tapping fingers across her skin forcing gooseflesh to the surface.

"He'll get his turn," Casper said, calmly. "It would be great if he stayed in his own body. Is that too much to ask?"

They were smug, overly so, dripping with elation as if they've cracked the mysteries of the universe and appeased some kind of inner turmoil that rolled in their pants. She supposed that the presence of her original body was first-aid to their problem.

"If you kiss me more it should be fine," she assured, grew pinker as they turned to look at her, heat building. "It's a soul thing, and soul things love sex."

"Yeah?" Casper hummed, a smile revealing dimples. "But maybe not in the bathroom, staff's going to get worried for our bowels."

"They don't actually believe you're taking a shit," she laughed, felt the disappointment grow as Oliver untangled himself from her.

"You'd be surprised by how sound proofed these bathrooms are," he answered, darting to the door. "Trust me, they'll accept the excuses the three gave them. And not all of them know that you're our soulmate. Let's do some damage control and then we can worship your beautiful body."


They lied, returning only when the concert had ended and her lust died down.

The doctor declared that more touch would ensure that she stayed in her original body, but it wasn't a sure fire method to prevent the change. It was horrible, but they decided as a group that heavy patting was the maximum allowed with their disastrous soul bond. Because god forbid if she switched mid-fuck with a cock in what should be her vagina.

And so she remained in Casper's clothes, a huge black cotton t-shirt, perched on Hikaru's knee with her panties that Sieon found in his luggage. Why it had been there she didn't know, but he'd smiled smug and proud at his own prior judgement that he would need her underwear.

The happiness that radiated from them all was so drastically different, it felt as if she hadn't been in the same room just hours ago. And she supposed it did make her feel pretty in her original skin. Especially with a soulmate nibbling kisses down her neck, and another massaging her feet.

Sieon released her face with a loud, wet smooch. "I missed you so much, baby."

"I never left," she told him with a laugh. "Are you that happy that I'm back in my own body?"

"Of course, beats waking up to a man in my arms."

"Well, fuck you too," JieMi giggled through the speaker, "my face wasn't good enough?"

"You're an ugly bitch," MinJae answered cheerfully, pressing a kiss to her ankle.

He'd kept his promise about the massage, and he knelt before her with his hands kneading her thighs, skilful thumbs dragging over swollen flesh. She let out a soft groan, feeling warm and tingly and behind her Hikaru shifted in his seat, no doubt already aroused from the twist of his hips nudging backwards into the couch. They all were in various states of 'I-need-to-fuck' but they were the ones who wanted to play their own game on cockblock.

And so Amber had settled for a sex toy in the bathroom, not before loudly declaring how generous her new monster dildo was compared to the men she called her soulmates. It was a petty remark one that received a slap on her ass from Ezra who told her that they were only waiting for their souls to get better.

"Screw you!" JieMi called back with a laugh through the speakers, then went quiet as he moved out of frame.

He re-entered with Rumiko now in his arms with tears in her eyes. She babbled, raised her arms towards Amber as if she could recognise her through the camera. And she felt her heart squeeze, somehow missing her daughter more than she thought she did. Her mind had flown back to her a couple of times throughout the day which led to the call.

JieMi kissed her hair. "Little baby's awake."

"Is she being good?" Amber asked, her voice automatically curling into a coo, her hands reaching out to stare at her baby, slowly filling up her clothes and growing pudgy with rings of fat for arm. She felt proud of the chubbiness, felt as if she'd done a good job feeding her baby.

"Not really, but she might be once I get this bad boy into her system," he shook the empty bottle in front of the camera. And Amber smiled. "I'll grab the first plane there with this little one. It's about time we stuck together as a family."

"Rumiko's old enough for flights now anyway," Oliver agreed.

"She's a big girl," Casper nodded. "Will discuss the details with you later JieMi."

JieMi logged off after Amber blew him a kiss, just as food arrived in packets from a restaurant downtown.

It was hot, generous and highly rated everywhere. Famous for being exceptional despite the delivery, and it would be better with a famous name on the purchase slip—the power of her soulmates. Her appetite grew for hand cut chips with crispy fat-wrinkled skin, salivated for steak that melted on the tongue, soft from marbled fat and threaded with juicy meat.

They were noisy as they shared carrots in a gorgeous brown sauce, and al dente pasta tossed in oils. And Oliver fed her melting mousse that was topped with bits of burnt crispy sugar. She ate so much that she licked his fingers clean, tasting salt from the fries and her soulmate smiled, pleased by her appetite.