Duplication 1: Could we still be friends?

While I was napping in my bed after a hard day of swimming around in the sea. I woke up, I was sweating and I for no reason felt fear.

This was the first time I've felt this weird emotion. Suddenly weird information went into my brain. I realized after a second that I got the power to duplicate things.

I stood up and went into the bathroom, washed my face and then started thinking. Where did this power come from? And what does it do? Well I know it duplicates things, but how do I do it?

Maybe I should check the weird information I got. Oh! It's that simple? I just have to look at a thing and think about duplicating it.

I went to the living room and started choosing what thing I should duplicate. Maybe I shouldn't duplicate a big thing in my first try cause I don't even know if it's dangerous or not.

Yes. I should duplicate a small pebble, it's not dangerous and it's really small so it won't become a bother somehow.

I went outside into my garden, when I found a small pebble I put the pebble on my living room table and thought about duplicating it.

Then a weird screen floating in the air appeared. It looked like a computer. There was also a keyboard and mouse floating around.

"Tutorial: Duplicating your first item!" Achieved!

Name: Johnny

Age: 19

Duplications: 1

I looked on the table and there was 2 small pebbles. I got excited and thought about duplicating money! But then I realized. Money especially paper money is really bad for duplicating cause people can find out you counterfeited it cause there is a lot of ways to find out counterfeited money.

"I could duplicate gold! It's better than paper money cause it is hard to find out if gold is counterfeited."

But, first I need to find gold....