Duplication 2: I've got to know.

Where do I find gold? Well I could go to a gold store, but I don't think it's close. I'll check my phone.

I Googled gold store and some things popped up, there is a gold store around 7 kilometers away from my location. As I thought it's not close. I don't have a car, only a bicycle so it's gonna be hard to get there..

But I might as well test this ability out! I still have a month until my vacation ends. Might as well use my vacation to advantage! My heart is pumping! With this ability I can get rich!!

I won't have any need for a job. Unless the government thinks I got the money illegally. That's gonna be a problem. Well, I will find a way...


I duplicated a lot of things. The weird screen says so too.

Name: Johhny

Age: 19

Duplications: 32

I have been trying to find any new things about this screen thing. But it seems it's just useless. I guess I know how many times I duplicated things, but other than that. It's useless.

Well back on topic. I have found out that I have a limit! I can't duplicate a object that's heavier than 1 kg. I don't know why, but it seems so.

It's sad I can't duplicate a car and other big things, I duplicated some fruits, then tried duplicating some insects and it worked!

So I can duplicate living beings..... Which is pretty scary to be honest. Imagine thousands of clones of insects or even humans looking at you. That would cause some nightmares for sure...

I duplicated my android p20 phone which costs like 44 euros, cheap for a phone. It's a lot for me cause I'm pretty broke. My parents are my only supply of money.

I don't have a lot of friends, because.. I don't know. But who cares! I have this ability which will... Help me in my life.

I went on vacation with my parent's money, of course, but now I need to get some money to get a car. I have a car license which I got about.. I forgot, but now that I have a car license, it's one step away from having a Lamborghini!

OH yeah the money.. Well I will think about it later. Now I need to get some sleep.


A phone has some numbers on the back that can be used to find out if you counterfeited the phone which is not good.

Actually a lot of things have those numbers. Or should I call them Ids? Well, I'll call them Ids. Like I said earlier I need to get to the gold store which is pretty far away.

Actually, let's just use my bicycle to get there. It's really hard, but what can you do. Also I will try to duplicate as much things as possible on the way to the gold store.

Cause I think doing that will increase the duplication of the item's size and probably upgrade the screen or status. Let's call it status.

It's gonna be hard getting there. I need to get my phone charged up so I can get directions. There are some hills on the way to the gold store, so I'll need some water to refresh me.

I'll just buy a water bottle and duplicate it, actually if I can duplicate a large object like a big rock, I can probably make a meteorite.

I can be like a God...

Let's not think about that... For now.

Right now I have a lot of other things to do. I'm gonna look into the trash to find a empty water bottle cause I remember I bought one sometime.

I should be secretive about this duplication thing of course. I need to duplicate in secret. Cause if someone finds out... It's gonna be a bad day.

So I went out and got the empty water bottle, filled it. Duplicated it, got my bike ready. Charged my phone. And got my plan.

Let's go.

It took me 3 hours to get there and it was very tiresome, I was sweating really hard when I got to the gold store. The gold store was around a lot of fancy restaurants, so a lot of people were there. It was really lively.

People looked at me and showed a disgusted expression. Probably because I was sweating so hard.

"Look at that dude." Someone whispered

"How is he sweating so hard?" Another said

"He's so ugly." A beautiful girl told her fiancée.

It was hard to secretly duplicate the water bottles. I drank 4 water bottles and had to stop to gas stations and some restaurants to let out my liquids.

I was fulfilled when I got to the restaurant, I couldn't imagine the way back... It was good that I took my backpack with me cause I don't know how much gold I will take. I mean duplicate.

I locked my bicycle to a pole and went inside the gold store. There were 6 people inside 3 of which were employees.

"Told you! It wasn't a rich guy! Where's my 2 dollars?" The first employee said to the second employee.

The air was cold and hot at the same time making it very refreshing. I felt really good inside the gold store, wanting to be inside for the whole day, but I understood I couldn't.

I looked around. There were some tables which had some aquariums on top of them. The aquariums showcased gold and diamond necklaces, rings and similar things.

The place was very beautiful, very welcoming. I looked around, trying to find the thing to duplicate, I found a small gold necklace that was 2000$. I got really happy and excited.

I duplicated the necklace into my backpack 12 times. I was very happy. I left the store and got sweaty again. The happyness got replaced by hopelessness.