A place called Home.

It's been a month since Anas and Aergul have been born. They were now more active. Owen, Silas, and *Bella are always in the baby's room playing with their little siblings, and most of the time they sleep on the small beds in the baby's room.

Their parents were happy to see the love and affection between their children. Orhan and Eleanora knew that sooner or later they have to go back to their real selves but they wanted to live in the present moment.

Orhan wanted to teach their children kindness and justice, he knew that this world will soon be deprived of the basic humanity so he wanted his children to love every human despite their race or cast, he wanted to teach his children about the goodness of kindness.

Eleonora too wanted her children to be free of evil and cruelty. Although she knew that she also have to teach them to stand against evil and to fight evil with their bare hands. She knew as their children they will have greater responsibilities in the future and she knew that sooner or later they have to tell them about their reality so she and Orhan promised themselves and each other that no matter what happens they will nurture their children to be just people.

They vowed that they will fulfill their duty towards their children as well as their countries. Orhan vowed that he will become a better leader to teach his children the good and to do good for mankind.

Time passed by quickly and now Anas and Aergul were one year old, They started walking. Thye will fall down but then they will get up again and starts to walk as if nothing happened. They also said their first words. Instead of saying mamma or papa like other children, they said each other's names Aergul said, "Anash in her childish voice."

While his brother said '*Nada' (*Nada is Aergul's Middle name).

Their parents were happy to see their beautiful bond. Also their siblings were always glued to them. Silas and Mirabella were perfect eldest siblings. They looked after their siblings, while Owen was sometimes very mischievous.

Owen always played pranks on his siblings and for this, his father always scolded him but Owen always ignored his father no matter what he says.

Now Oen and Mirabella was 10 years old, Silas was 8 years old, and Anas and Aergul were 5 years old. All the siblings were so cute and beautiful that one will want to pinch their cheeks and hug them tightly.

It was weekend, the five children were playing in the backyard, it rained yesterday so the backyard had water puddles, Owen's mischievous nature showed up and he caused Silas, Bella, Anas, and Aergul to fall in the puddle, he started laughing and the four of them looked at their elder brother with angry eyes.

Aergul stood up and ran towards Owen with her hand full of the sandy water. Owen also started running, but Aergul caught up to him and rubbed his face with her two little hands full of sandy water. Watching this the other three also turned and ran towards Owen and Rubbed his hairs and face with sandy water.

Owen said, "Hey, you, what are you all doing?, I am your elder brother don't do this."

"Hey, stop it, Nada."

She laughed and said, "No I'm not stopping who told you to mess up with me, the little devil. Huh, who told you to make me and elder ones get dirty now you are also like us hahaha, now baba will only scold you hehehe."

"You little punk, You did this just to make that old man who doesn't know the meaning of fun scold me. You are dreaming. he can't scold me, he is just an old man. What can he do?"

"What can he do?" came the angry voice of Orhan their father.

"Oh jeez, here comes the old man," whispered Owen but Orhan can hear it.

"You brat, you come with me," he said while dragging Owen by his ear.

"Now tell me, you are the eldest brat I had, but you don't seem like the older one more like the youngest, do you even know that you have ...."

Owen sniggered and interrupted his father and said, "Oi, who is a brat, you are the old brat, no you are the grumpy dwarf from that girly movie, what is it called," he said while comically scratching his head.

"Snow-white and seven dwarfs." came a soft sound of Bella.

"Yes, that, that. You know what mom is the snow-white while you are grumpy. if not for the prince my mom was going to marry was a lousy and foolish man, you would've never had a chance. Hahaha," then he started laughing.

Orhan was fuming in anger, "Hey, brat what are you laughing for?, don't tell me you lost a screw in your head."

"You old man, You are such a bad man." And their bickering continued.

The Four siblings and their mother were watching them with amused faces. Orhan and Owen were looking like two comical beings fighting each other. They were looking like tom and jerry. Eleonora was blessed to have a wonderful family. She was smiling watching her husband and her kids. Suddenly she started laughing and their father looked at her dumbstruck, Owen took this as his chance and stomped on his father's feet as hard as he can but he didn't get a reaction, then a thought came in his mind and he went towards his mother and told her to bend down then he kissed her mother's cheeks and forehead at this his father became red with anger and roared, "You brat who gave you the right to kiss my wife. Wait I'll kill you." Owen ran in the lounge making faces to his father and teasing him and Orhan ran behind him. At this the four siblings and their mother started laughing at their heart's content. Even Owen and Orhan stopped and started laughing. All of them thought that this is their paradise on earth. This is the place that they can call their home.

Orhan and Owen looked at each other and winked. They communicated with their minds and said, "We love them."

Orhan took his children to take a bath. Their mamma has already prepared a hot bubble bath for them. Owen said, "Hey, Papa bath with us."

Owen called him papa Orhan was on cloud nine. He then started to bath with his boys, and on Bella and Aergul's nagging Eleonora also took bath with her family. They were playing in water oblivious of any worries in the world. A happy family indeed.

"Mamma, Baba sing us a song," demanded Anas and Aergul as if in sync. The other three also demanded their parents to sing for them. So Orhan and Ernoora looked into each other's eyes.

Orhan started,

"The World was dark until you came, my love. The Lord was happy to give you to me. I am blessed to have you, blessed, or fortunate. I love you, I'll cherish you. I longed for you. You gave me the Roses and happiness I longed for, You complete me and your darlings made me a whole, You're my light and my cubs are my sight."

Eleonora's eyes glistened with tears and then she answered the confession of Orhan.

"You are my world and the cubs are its flowers, You made me learn the meaning of love, I learned the purity of our bond, you made me yours, I can't say I love you more, but one thing is for sure, I'll love only you til the die I breathe, My cubs are your love, you made me a whole."

Their children listened to them and they could not help but feel touched then they sang in unison.

"This love of yours is the gift for us, We are fortunate to have mamma and papa, We pray that forever and ever we stay united, We pray that we love you for our lives, We thank the Lord to give you to us, We love you mamma and papa, Our lovely mamma and papa."

They said the last line together, "This is our HOME."