Can the Palace be our home?

After their lovely family moment all of them went to their respective room to retire for the night. In the middle of the night Orhan's private phone rang. He woke up and answered the call without looking at who was calling.

"Your highness, Master he, he is in the imperial military hospital, his condition is worsening," said Mr. Aurbery the royal butler.

"What? What happened to papa?, Why is he in the hospital?" asked Orhan. His heart was clenching in pain as if his world was about to crumble.

"Your highness, Please come ASAP, and please bring Your highness the Queen and the young Princes and Princesses with you. Please come fast."

"Hmm, I'm coming."

Orhan woke his wife up and told her about the matter. Eleonora agreed with him to go there ASAP. Orhan and Eleonora didn't wake their children up and told John Orhan's Assistant to take the sleeping children with them.

Orhan drove his car towards the hospital. It was an hour drive from their home to the hospital but he covered the distance in just half an hour. Orhan and Eleonora ran toward the Ward where their father was. When they entered the room they were surprised to see what was happening. Eleonora's father was sitting in the waiting chair beside the sickbed and he was bawling his eyes out. She was first surprised to see her father there but then she remembered that her father and father-in-law are best friends. Orhan came near his father's bed and put his hand on his Father-in-law's shoulder and comforted him.

He asked the old doctor who was his father's friend about his father's condition. The doctor assured him that everything was fine. But inside his mind, he was cursing his old friend for his stupid scheme to lure his son and his family out to meet him. His old friend who is the father of Orhan Dain, the former king, Luis Dain missed his son and his family so much that he faked his disease and lured his son into coming to him.

After a while when everyone went out of the room only Orhan remained behind, he looked at his father and stayed quiet the silence remained for quite a time then Orhan sighed and spoke, "I know you are faking it so get up, old man," Luis opened his eyes and looked at his son with loving eyes. "Don't look at me with such puppy eyes." Said Orhan.

"Say, Why you needed to fake all this. You gave me the scare of my life dad, You know even though I am always indifferent, I love you but you dad, you can't play with other's feelings," said Orhan.

Luis Sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Now go and bring my daughter-in-law here I want to see her. Go, go."

Orhan called Eleonora in and she was again shocked to see that her father-in-law looked as fit as a fiddle. Orhan told his wife about his father's schemes and told her that Luis wanted to see all of us that's why he faked his illness.

Eleonora lightly scolded her father-in-law and told him that he should've told them instead of faking his illness.

They talked for a while and then Luis told them to go to the palace with him. Orhan looked at his wife and Eleonora nodded in affirmation, so he agreed with his father. They all went to the Palace. The children were still sleeping, Orhan with the help of John, and Mr. Aurbery took the children into the place and made them sleep in their respective rooms.

Orhan went to his room, he saw his lovely wife standing in the balcony, her back facing him. He went near her and covered her with the shawl. Eleonora faced him, both waited for each other to speak. Orhan spoke first, "Should we go back?"

"No," Eleonora said, "I think its time for our children to know who we are, and we can always teach them to be a good person, so don't worry."

"Thank you, Darling," said Orhan.

"You don't have to thank me, love," replied Eleonora.

"You are the best," Orhan said while caressing his wife's cheeks.

Eleonora laughed lightly and said, "I know I'm the best."

Then they both went to sleep. They didn't know what will the morning bring them but they knew one thing that they have each other and they also believed in their Lord. They knew that they will be fine as long as they are together. Both husband and wife have one thought in their minds, 'Can Palace be our Home?'

Next Morning,

Orhan and Eleonora woke up. They freshened up and went down to the dining hall and ate their breakfast. Then they went to their children's room and stood at the door. The children started to stir from their sleep and the first to open her dainty eyes was Aergul. She looked at her parents with confusion, then asked, What is this place, mamma."

Eleonora sat on the bed and hold her daughter's face in her hands and said, "This is our real home. *Nada. (Nada is Aergul's nickname).

"Oh, This is the palace," said Nada.

"Huh, how do you know, Nada," asked Orhan squinting at her.

"Oh, that grandpa told me," answered Aergul."

"When?" both Orhan and Eleonora questioned together.

"Oh, remember last year, there was a function in my school and you both couldn't come due to some work, but grandpa came and told me all this, oh he also told me to keep it a secret."

'That damn old man,' thought Orhan.

"So you know that you are a princess?" asked Eleonora.

Aergul nodded. "Yes, I knew mamma."

When they were busy talking with Aergul Nada, the other four children woke up and had already listened to their parent's and sister's conversation.

Orhan and Eleonora looked at them and sighed then they explained to their children that they are King and Queen and the children are the princes and princesses. They then looked forward to their children's response and all they got was an OK.

Orhan and Eleonora were surprised to hear just an Ok, but then they heard Owen said, "Mom, dad, we also knew all this and we promise that no matter what happens we will always value our morals first, we will try to become kind and just people when we grow up."

Listening to their eldest son who is mostly naughty and mischievous being so serious and promising, they sighed in relief and hugged them. Then the family of seven went to meet Luis Dain and Aleesa Dain.