Return and Confessions.

Next day,

Silas and Ahad boarded the plane with their future wives. On the other side, Owen and Bella were also coming back with their partners.

In the past two years, Owen and Bella had also fallen in love, Owen confessed his feelings to his cousin Ava, and Bella and Alan also started dating. Alan loved Bella since their childhood, while Owen and Ava were more like arch enemies than lovers, but now they were lovers, it was strange at first but then their chemistry was good, and Owen saved Ava, so Ava started to like him.

One day Ava went to her friend's party and her so-called friend out of jealousy tried to drug her, her friend Lina wanted Ava to get arrested and get humiliated in front of everyone, but fortunately, Owen came in time and prevented her to drink the spiked juice.

After Owen told Ava the truth, she was sad, that her friend tried to do this. Owen felt that if something would've happened to her, he would've died, he thought that Ava holds a special place in his heart, so he confessed to Ava and Ava was first ignorant towards his feelings, but soon she also realized that she liked him.

As for Alan and Bella, they loved each other since they were young, childhood sweethearts, One day Bella got tired of his hidden feelings, and provoked him into confessing his true feelings.

She asked, "Hey Aly, what do you think about James in our faculty."

"Him, he is nice," said Alan.

"You know he asked me to be his girlfriend," said Bella noticing the change in Alan's expressions.

"What?, no no, It is a big No," said Alan panicking.

"Why, I think he is pretty nice, and I'm going on a date with him tonight," said Bella seeing the blackface of alan, she felt amused in her heart.

At night, Bella dressed up very beautifully, when she went out Alan was standing there leaning on the wall. Alan saw her coming out, he looked up and he was stunned at how beautiful Bella was.

Seeing Alan standing there as a statue Bella ignored Alan and went forward, when suddenly Alan grabbed her hand pulled her back, she staggered and fell in his embrace, she felt her cheeks turning red.

Alan then pushed her to the wall and roughly kissed her, Bella was stunned at this aggressive behavior of Alan.

"Mmh..... ouch, Alan you're hurting me," she said between the kisses.

Bella tried to push him away but he was too strong for her. Alan after who knows how long, stopped kissing her and looked at the crimson red face of Bella and smiled victoriously.

"Now if you dare to be with any man, other than me, your punishment will not just be a kiss, understand?" said Alan in his husky voice while panting.

"Huh, hmm," responded Bella with her racing heart.

"So, you're saying you like me?" asked Bella in a tiny voice.

"No," said Alan.

Hearing this Bella was disappointed, she wanted to ask him why, but no words came out of her mouth. She wanted to say 'you jerk, you stole my first kiss and you say you don't like me'. But she didn't say anything.

Seeing the sad expression of Bella, Alan knew she was thinking stupid things, so he said, "I don't like you, I Love You, Butterfly."

Hearing his words Bella's eyes became wet and she hugged Alan, and he returned her hug with the same intensity. This is how they became lovers.

Present time,

Country A, the plane landed and Silas and his crew came out of the Private exit. A car was already there waiting for them. They sat in and after an hour drive they reached the Palace.

Everyone was waiting at the door for them. Luis was the first to come and hug both Silas and Ahad. Luis hugged them and cried like a child. Both Ahad and Silas looked at each other over their old man's shoulder. They were Twenty two for god sake now, but their old man was still behaving like a child.

"I missed you brats, your grandpa missed you much Ahad, he came here almost every day crying in front me," said Luis.

"Grandpa we also missed you but can you let us go, you are choking us," said Silas.

Luis finally let go of them. Silas hugged his mother and grandma, While Ahad hugged his uncle Orhan, then he hugged Aleesa and Eleonora.

"We missed you dear babies," said Eleonora.

"Come, I've made both of your favorites," said Aleesa.

While everyone was busy with Silas and Ahad, Orhan and Luis notice two little beautiful girls behind Silas and Ahad. They looked at each other, then at Silas and Ahad.

"Who are these young ladies, Silas, Ahad," asked Orhan.

Silas and Ahad looked at each other and said, "They are our future wives."

"What?" shouted their parents and grandparents.

"Come inside," said Orhan, he was calmer than others because he had an idea about this as Silas asked him to invite Gaumond family to their banquet.

They all went inside and sat down, Naira and Renée sat between Eleonora and Aleesa. They both were nervous. Eleonora sensed their uneasiness and tried to make the atmosphere light by asking them what would they like to drink.

"Now tell me all about this," asked Luis.

Silas and Ahad told their family all about their relationship. In the meantime Ayer family also came and Ahad explained everything to them. First, all of the elders stayed quiet and looked at Naira and Renée keenly. Naira flinched at their stares while Renée remained calm, but deep down she was also very nervous.

"Stop with the stares you are scaring them," said Eleonora and Crystal glaring at their husbands.

"Don't be scared, sweethearts, you have us," said Crystal caressing Naira's hands.

"Ok," said Orhan and Aman.

"Huh?" came the confused voices of Silas, Ahad, Naira, and Renée.

Eleonora face-palmed her self and said, "They mean that we already knew all about you, and we'll love for you both to become our daughters-in-laws, so we agree to let you both marry our sons."

"Our grandsons are lucky to have fallen for virtuous ladies like you," said Luis.

"We are very proud of you," said Noah(Eleonora's father).

"Yes who knows that mysterious Ceo of Rain enterprises is our Naira, and the Ceo of the second-best security company is none other than our Renée," said Aleesa.

Silas and Ahad were shocked to know this, that their future wives are the two mysterious Ceo. Well they were also very secretive about their works, so who can they blame.

"Well, we also want to say something," said Silas scratching his head.

Ahad said, "The Neo Corps. is our company. Silas and I are the ones who created it."

After listening to these revelations the only ones who were surprised were Silas, Ahad, Naira, and Renée. While all the elders seem to know about it.

"You all knew," asked the four dumbfounded people.

"Yes, we all knew, what do you think, we are your parents, you can't hide anything from us," answered Aman.

All of them talked happily about many things. The ladies were talking about their things. Eleonora suggested that they should go shopping tomorrow with Bella and Ava. When they were talking, Owen and Ava, and Alan and Bella entered the house hand in hand.

All the elders gave each other a meaningful look. The newly arrived people came and sat on the sofa.

Owen spoke first, "Grandpa, Grandma, mom, dad, I want to marry Ava, we both love each other."

Then spoke Alan, "Dad Mom, I want to marry Bella, I love her."

"Is today some sort of confession day," said Noah.

Owen and the other three looked at Silas and Ahad, and they instantly knew what had happened.

"Hahaha, I think on their return party we should announce all of their engagement with each other, What you say, It will be such joyous occasion," said Luis.

Everyone agreed. They started discussing the preparations for the big event. When suddenly Owen asked, "Where are the little rascals, they have turned nineteen this year."

"They have not come yet," said Eleonora.

"What, why, where are both of them?" asked Silas and Owen.

"Dad, have you located them," asked Mirabella, worry evident on her face.

"Yes, I've tried to locate them many times, but every time it was a dead-end," said Orhan.

"Dad, Are they safe, what if they are in danger?" asked Mirabella panicking.

"Don't worry they are safe, they sent us a letter every month saying they are fine, but they are more intelligent than all of you brats, they are not easy to find, if they don't want us to know where they are, we can never find where they are," said Luis.

"So do you know when they'll come back?" asked Owen.

"They wrote in the letter that they will be home before the party," said Eleonora.

"We hope both of them are safe," said Aman.

'Be safe, Anas, and Nada,' was the thought of every single person present in the family hall. They prayed for the safe return of their youngest children, Anas Dain and Aergul Nada.