Mission: Death.

On the other side of the world, the worlds best soldiers grouped for a very important mission. This mission was to eliminate the biggest terror organization, which includes five most powerful terrorist heads.

These brilliant soldiers have eliminated the first four heads and their bases, now only one head remained who was more powerful than the others. The last head was a woman, her name was Mira Takahashi, she was a Japanese, and she was involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, selling and buying different killing equipments and rap*ng of women and experimenting the human bodies. She wanted to rule the world, many countries were trying to eliminate her.

After careful thinking, all the countries around the world came together and signed an agreement stating that their best soldiers will come together to eliminate the five Terror heads.

They sent their bests among the best to this mission, the code for this mission was, "Mission: Death". No one knew about this mission except the General, and president of these countries.

"Team K, No.5 go to the right and give No.7 and 3 cover fire," came the voice from the headset these people were wearing.

"Team N, No.8O you go to the left and get ready to attack the enemy base, No. 4, you also go with No.8O."

"Roger that, captain."

"3....2..and Shoot."

The whole forest was filled with the voices of gunshots and exploding bombs. After exactly ten minutes came the voice over the headset, "Captain, the path is cleared, Team K."

"Blueprints and children are saved,"

"Good work, Team K," said their captain.

"Enemy's base is destroyed, Team N,"

"Excellent, Team N."

"Retreat, everyone," said the captain.

In an underground base, a man came and kneeled before the person sitting in the chair. "Boss, they have destroyed our base and killed our fifty men. They also got the blueprints, and the children."

"You know your punishment," said the person in the chair.

The man became terrified, "Boss, please forgive me, give me another chance, I will not disappoint you."

Some men dressed in black came inside, their faces were covered with masks, the dragged the man out. The man's cries were getting louder and louder, suddenly a sound of gunshot reverberated the entire underground basement.

"Boss, he is dead, what are your orders?" asked one of the men who just dragged the previous man out.

"Who is their leader?" asked their Boss.

"Boss, his identity is unknown, no one knows him," replied one of the men.

"This time we will fight them face to face," said their Boss.

On the other side, in the high-tech building for special agencies. In the conference room.

A man and a woman stood facing the other fifteen people present in the room, they are none other than the elite soldiers of mission: Death.

"Sir, we should first destroy their base in the south of the city," said No.5 Team K

"No we should wait for their next step," said No.8O Team N

"I want to divide our current teams, again, this time we work as a single team, Team Alpha," said the woman.

"Our new codes are in this paper, read it carefully, all of you," said the man.

"According to Mira's thinking, she will now fight with us face-to-face," said the woman.

"We will fight her the way she wants, but remember, captain and the five of you," the woman said while pointing to five men whose codes were, Zen, Uki, Riz, Kai, and Leo.

"You will attack with captain after us, We will go in first, I'll disguise as a man, we know that Mira's weaknesses are pretty boys, so I'll go first, the other seven of you will follow me and you," the woman said while pointing at Any, Max, and Zeus.

"The three of you will take care of their system from our base. You will control their missiles, electric weapons, and most importantly, the CCTV."

"On your command Major." said the soldiers together.

"Let us proceed with our plan tomorrow morning, now go and prepare," said the man.

Everyone went out only the mean and woman remained in the room.

"We have to succeed this time, no matter what," said the woman.

"We will succeed this time, believe in our Lord," said the man patting her back.

The next day they proceeded with the plan, The woman, with the seven soldiers passed the entrance of the underground base, she went in dressed as a boy, she was looking handsome.

"What's the position?" she asked Max.

"3 o'clock, two people," came the reply.

"Done, more?"

"Three at 12 o'clock, and five at 9 o'clock."


"Clear ahead," came the voice over the headset.

"You all circle the entire base and plant land mines in every corner as we planned, I'll bring her out."

She went inside, it was completely dark, but she could make out a person standing at least one meter away from her.

"Welcome," said the voice of a woman, "I was waiting for you."

The lights turned bright. That woman was none other than Mira Takahashi.

"You are very handsome," said Mira to the woman, her code was Daeven.

"Thanks for the compliment," said Daeven.

"Your voice is also very charming," said Mira.

Daeven looked at her and gave her his most ravishing smile.

Mira came near him and flaunted her body in front of him. Daeven was a woman underneath so she didn't have any reaction towards Mira's seduction. Mira touched his shoulders and supported her body with him, and said in the most seducing tone.

" Shall we make a deal, you get me, and I'll give you the money, more money the military can give you for killing me. I assure you, you'll enjoy me."

Daeven pretended to be in a deep thought, His subordinates were hearing their conversation and all of them had an urge to roll their eyes. Zeus thought that Mira is trying to move the biggest ice block in the world.

Suddenly, Daeven put his arm around Mira's waist and pulled her close to his body, he licked his lips and said in a husky voice.

"You are indeed very sexy, all the curves in the right place."

"Then we should talk about our deal," said Mira pulling Daeven towards the chair.

Daeven stopped her and said, "We can talk about that deal after we take care of our deal, Daeven said while caressing her bare waist."

Mira shivered at his touch, she thought for a while, and then said, "OK."

Daeven pushed her to the wall and looked into her eyes with intensity. He touched her thighs, his hand traveled upwards caressing her body. Mira felt every part of her body which was touched by Daeven turn hot.

Mira breathed heavily, and tried to kiss Daeven, but Daeven stopped her, and said.

"Baby, don't rush, just enjoy, I'm pleasuring you now."

Mira's rationality went haywire. Daeven kissed her neck making her shiver and want for more. Mira felt on cloud nine, she moaned and asked for more.

"Mmh... Aaah, Baby, I need you inside me," said Mira.

"What's the rush, babes," said Daeven.

Daeven injected the drug in Mira's body by kissing her, as the drug was in Daeven's mouth. It was placed carefully and Daeven had already taken the antidote so it didn't affect Daeven.

Daeven was about to carry her out when suddenly, Mira grabbed his hand and....

Daeven was shocked, Mira placed his hand inside her pants, Daeven felt a hot and sticky feeling on his hand, in his mind he was ready to kill Mira right here, but he controlled his anger.

"See I'm wet for you, darling, please I want..." said Mira, and then she fainted.

Daeven looked at her pissed and brought her out of the underground base. Then she ordered her men to destroy the base.

They brought Mira to the headquarters and imprisoned her in the underground cells. Daeven and the other soldiers thought that how did Mira became The terror head, when she was a stupid woman.

"How was your time," said the man whom everyone called, Captain.

"Shut up," said Daeven angrily.

Zeus said, "Did you enjoy it?"

What he got in reply was a flying shoe coming to his face, Zeus quickly dodged it otherwise his nose would be bleeding the hell out.

"I can't believe she is this lustful, Thank god that I was wearing a layer of fake skin over my hand, otherwise I would've died out of disgust," said Daeven.

"This proves your sexual orientation that even if most of the time you dress up as a man, you are a girl and you like men," said Max playfully.

"What'll you do with my sexual orientation?"

"Of course he will try to pursue you," said Any.

"Oh, please don't," replied Daeven.

They all were from different countries, but over a month they have become good friends. They could understand each other. Their Captain received a call and informed all the fifteen members and Daeven that Mira has woken up.

They all went down and entered the dungeon. The captain walked forward and removed the cloth which covered Mira's face. Mira cursed and said, "You cheated me, How could you?"

"So what, It's not like you're the only one who knows how to cheat," said Leo.

"Now spill the beans," said Riz.

"What's your real name?" asked their captain.

"Mira, you don't have any other way, confess," said Daeven.

"Gu shi Nian, I'm Gu Shi Nian, I was just a normal citizen, but my family was killed in the war between you people and the terrorists, from that day I decided that I'll control this whole world and will make everyone regret."

"Why, not everyone is bad guy," asked the captain.

"Why, you are asking why, my mother was rap*d in front of my eyes by those bas*ards and no one came to save her, not even the fuc*ing military come to our rescue, not only that that killed my brothers, my father and my husband was also killed by them. You know I had daughter, she was just three, she was also defiled by them, and then they also killed her, only I remained because someone saved me, First I thought that why did he save me, just why, my world was destroyed, but hen I decided to join the underworld," said Mira.

"I know what happened to you was earth-shattering for you, but did you never pity the women you trafficked and the children you used as the test subjects?" asked the captain.

"I was blinded by hate, Two years ago what happened to me was so traumatic for me, that I was not able to differentiate between right or wrong, I just did what the evil inside me commanded me to do," said Mira.

"Today, I saw the same man who saved me two years ago, It was you," Mira said, while looking at Daeven.

"I now remember that I saved an almost dying woman two years ago, but I didn't save you to become like this. I saved you because in those tear-filled eyes somewhere I found a glimmer of hope, but you, look at what you've become now," said Daeven.

"I'm sorry," Mira said while she cried.

"What are the orders?" asked Daeven from the Captain.

"Kill," Captain said one word.

"Any last wishes," Daeven asked from Mira.

Mira looked up and said, "There is an orphanage named Rosy foundation, It's on my daughter's name, I made that orphanage with my legal money, I want you to support it after I die and please bury my body besides my family."

"Ok, any other wishes," said Captain.

Mira shook her head. She was already very tired from the path she chose. So dying was still her easiest escape. But she was truly regretting her decisions back then.

Captain and Daeven took out their guns, and said, "Note the time, at sharp 4 am xx-xx-xxxx, the fifth terror head Mira Takahashi aka Gu Shi Nian is shot under the military orders."

The five Terror heads were now eliminated and Mission: Death was completed. The fifteen soldiers and Captain and Daeven completed their mission and now they were preparing to return to their respective countries.

"Finally, Mission accomplished," said the fifteen soldiers.

"Yes finally, we can go home," said Max and Zeus.

All of them felt relieved that they were able to make the evil surrender.