Be Mine.

Nada and Theo were absorbed in each other's eyes. They were lost in their thoughts. Theo raised his hand and touched her face. Nada shivered under his touch. She felt shy.

He caressed her face. Nada was feeling giddy from his touch. They were so close to each other that they could smell each other's faint fragrance.

"Why are you dressed up in this way?" asked Theo.

Nada jolted when she heard him.

"I-I-I I needed to," replied Nada stuttering.

Theo smiled and said, "Why are you stuttering?"

"I'm not," replied Nada.

"Tell me the truth then," said Theo.

Nada knew he was asking about why was she in men's outfit. She looked at him intently and sighed.

"Umm, You know these type of parties are so irritating. And the men always gawk at girls with their eyes open wide. I'm not comfortable with it," said Nada fiddling with her hands.

Theo smiled and touched her head.

He said, "Nada Take this off."

Nada looked at him baffled. She opened her mouth and then closed it. She sighed and composed herself. She was about to talk when her phone rang.

She frowned and took her phone out from her pocket. She saw the caller ID, it was Renée.

Nada looked towards Theo. He nodded at her telling her to answer the phone. And she did.

(Same conversation as in Chapter 26 between Nada and Renée)

Nada hung up after a minute.

"What did she say?" asked Theo.

"Nothing. Just nonsense," replied Nada pouting in anger.

Theo's hand reflexively went to Nada's cheeks and he pinched them.

Nada was shocked and looked at him with building eyes.

"You look cute," said Theo.

"Humph, don't pinch my cheeks," she said with a lowered heard in a small voice.

"And why is that?" asked Theo amused.

"They hurt," she answered meekly.

Theo laughed heartily and caressed her cheeks lovingly. His actions were so gentle reflecting his love for her.

"Nada," said Theo.

She looked up at him and hummed.

"You didn't answer my question," said Theo.

Nada stilled but quickly composed herself. She coughed and said, "Which question?"

Theo looked at her for a while and sighed, "Never mind. If you don't want to say then don't."

He stood up and walked forward but stopped as he felt a tug at his coat. He looked behind and there she was pulling the end of his coat.

Theo looked at her lowered head which looked similar to a cute sulking child. He smiled at her adorable expression. He sighed helplessly and sat down beside her.

"Hmm?" asked Theo looking at her.

Nada lifted her head and inhaled then said, "Let's just sit here for a while."

Theo agreed with her and they both sat there on the edge of the fountain gazing at the sky full of stars.

Nada leaned her head on his shoulder. Theo's body froze when he felt her head on his shoulder. He looked at her head lovingly. His heart was filled with a content feeling. He felt himself floating in the clouds.

Theo leaned his head above hers and looked at the sky.

"What are you watching?" asked Theo.

"Stars," replied Nada.

"And you?" she asked in return.

"I'm watching the moon," replied Theo.

"It's the first lunar phase, it's a new moon. It is hardly visible. So where are you seeing it?" asked Nada.

Theo touched her face with his hand and said, "Here."

Nada blushed bright red.

They remained like this for a while. Nada gazing at the sky and Theo looking at her.

"Nada, I didn't know you were from the Dain family," said Theo.

Nada hummed and replied, "But I knew you were a Gaumond."

"That's not fair, you know," said Theo.

Nada chuckled and raised her head from his shoulder, "Don't worry. Now you know."

"Hmm, we never met each other before. If I knew you were a Dain I would've stolen you from your family and kept you with me," said Theo.

Nada looked at him dumbfounded by his thoughts. She said, "You are crazy."

"Only for you," said Theo as he pulled her close to him by her waist.

Nada tried to break free from his embrace but Theo's grip was quite strong. She tried one more time to break free but then gave up the idea.

"Nada, be mine," said Theo looking straight into her eyes.

Nada's pupils dilated. A sign of happiness. But she remained quiet and broke their eye-contact.

"Let's go somewhere," said Nada.

Theo looked at her puzzled.


Nada held his hand and pulled him to stand up. She said, "Come with me."

Theo followed her. She was still holding his hand. He felt happy. He was smiling all the way.

After walking for five minutes they reached the private parking area.

Theo was confused at why they were here, but he didn't question her.

Nada took the car keys out of her pocket and pulled Theo towards the car.

She told Theo to sit in the co-pilot seat. And she went to the driver's seat.

"Nada, where are we going?" asked Theo.

She looked at him and assured him with her eyes. She didn't give him any answer. Theo shrugged and stopped asking. He just stared at Nada.

Nada felt a strong and passionate gaze at her and smiled. He was mesmerised by her smile.

The car came to a stop after thirty long minutes.

Theo looked out of the car and saw a magnificent house in front.

The house was small. Its structure was unique giving off a cottage-style vibe. Perfect for the holidays.

Nada nudged him and said, "Let's go."

Theo nodded and both alighted from the car. They started walking towards the house. Theo was admiring the view. The pathway leading to the house was covered from both sides in greenery. It looked enchanted.

When he turned to look at his back there was no one. Nada was nowhere o be found. He ran and searched the whole area but she was not there.

He went towards the house and tried to open the door. The door required a password but he didn't know the password.

He tried Nada's name but it was denied. He then tried her brother's name and again denied. This time he typed in his and Nada's name combination and *ting the door unlocked.

He opened the door and entered the house. The lights turned on automatically. The house defined one word: Futuristic. The inside of the house was opposite of its outward appearance.

The house gave off an old-style vibe from outside but from inside it was modern.

Theo walked inside towards the lounge and found a box on the table. He curiously opened the box. There was a piece of paper in the box.

It read, 'Go to the backyard.'

He lifted a brow reading the note but still complied with it. He walked towards the door which looked like it will lead to the backyard. He opened it and there was the backyard.

It was dark in the backyard. He slowly entered the backyard. His eyes adjusted them for the darkness. Suddenly his surroundings lit up.

He covered his eyes with his hand. After adjusting to the light he looked around. The backyard was decorated with lights. Flower petals were on the ground creating a path towards the table in the centre of the backyard.

The table was arranged for a candle-light dinner. He walked towards the table and found a note there.

It said 'Look back.'

Theo looked back and was stunned. There she stood in a royal blue dress. Her dress was similar to Theo's tuxedo. Wearing similar outfits they looked like a couple.