The Kiss.

Theo broke from his trance when Nada came near him and stood in front of him. The gap between them was of a few inches. They could smell each other's scent.

Nada took her hand out. There was a box in her hand. She opened it and retrieved a pendant from within.

The pendant was made of silver with a green diamond. The diamond was carved in a real heart shape.

Nada opened the pendant and separated it in two parts. Both parts have engravings in them. The engravings were initials of Nada and Theo's names. She used the most precious green diamond for the pendant.

She went behind Theo and tiptoed to make him wear the pendant. All this while Theo was dumbfounded he didn't know what to do or say. All he could do was to stand there rooted to the ground.

While she was helping him wear the pendant she said, "I made it by myself. It is a token of my Love for you. Always keep it safe with you."

Theo heard her words and abruptly pulled her in front of him. He looked at her with eyes wide open.

"What did you say?" he asked in a breathy tone.

"I said I made it by myself," replied Nada.

"After that," said Theo.

She held her chin and thought for a while and said, "Hmm, Always keep it with you."

Theo shook his head and said, "Tsk, Nada before that."

Nada smiled at his frustrated self and said, "I said it is a token of my love for you."

Theo stared at her and hugged her. Being hugged out of nowhere Nada was startled. After composing herself she returned Theo's hug.

"First help me wear this other part?" said Nada as she gave him the other part of the pendant.

Theo helped her wearing the pendant. And hugged her again.

He said still hugging her, "You also love me?"

He waited for her to speak but minutes passed and she didn't utter a single word. He panicked and broke the hug. He looked at her and she was smiling at him.

Theo frowned and said, "What? Why are you not saying anything."

Nada stared at him for a few more minutes admiring him. The more she looked at him the deeper she fell for him.

Five minutes passed and Theo lost his cool and said, "Nada say something. Please."

Nada smiled at him being frustrated. She grabbed his hand and said, "Theo I Love You. More than myself."

Theo was astounded at her words. A dazzling smile threatened to appear on his face. He said.

"I Love you too, Nada. Even more than yourself."

"I know," she said while caressing the back of his hand.

"Let us eat first. I'm famished," said Theo.

Nada said, "Ok. Let me bring the food."

She went inside the house to bring the dishes in the yard and sat down to eat with Theo.

They both started their dinner.

"Umm~~~, "Theo moaned as the food touched his taste buds.

"It's so tasty," he said.

"Yepp. It is," replied Nada.

"You made it?" asked Theo.

Nada looked up and asked, "How do you know?"

"Apart from my mother, only you can make this tasty food," replied Theo.

Nada giggled at his reply.

Why are you giggling?" asked Theo.

"You are cute," said Nada.

"Hey, I'm a grown man. How can I be cute?" said Theo.

"Baby, finish your food please," said Nada.

They chatted and ate their food in harmony. They laughed at each other's silly joke. Theo teased Nada and she blushed in response to his teasing.

They enjoyed the weather. Staring in each other's eyes finding their home. They felt contended. They knew they were madly in Love.

After eating they went inside the house. They both went out of the house. Theo thought they were going back so he walked towards the car. But Nada stopped him and led him towards the opposite side.

"Where are you taking me, Nada?" asked Theo.

"Theo~~ don't be nosy. Just follow me," said Nada.

Theo helplessly smiled and followed her. After walking for two minutes they entered in a forest.

It was an artificial forest which was grown on Nada's request. They soon reached in the middle of the forest.

Theo was astonished to see a beautiful scene in front of him. There was a lake and a beautiful small bridge was made above it. The air was filled with serenity.

She dragged Theo towards the lake and faced him.

She inhaled and then exhaled. She closed her eyes and said.

"Theodoric Enzo Gaumond, just like I said before I love you more than myself. I never felt any feelings for other men. My emotions were always normal. There was never a man who made me feel something new. But you did it. You made me feel all the foreign emotions I never felt. The first time I saw you your one gaze pulled at my heartstrings. I, Nada promise you that I will always be with you."

Theo didn't know how to answer her words so he chose to put his emotions into his action. He grabbed Nada's hands and pulled her towards his chest. Nada crashed in his chest.

She was shocked and as soon as she lifted her head. Something cold blocked her lips.

Theo crashed his lips on hers and kissed her. He felt her lips, devouring her bottom lip first. Then giving equal attention to her upper lip.

Nada was shocked. It took time to register that Theo kissed her. She closed her eyes and felt his lips. She hummed.


Her hands went up to his hair. She ran her fingers through his hairs. His hair was smooth yet ticking her palms. They both pulled each other closer.

Theo opened his eyes when he felt her fingers in his hairs. She was blushing looking like a complete enchantress.

Theo held her jaw and put force to make her open her mouth. Nada felt pain and instantly opened her mouth.

Theo took the chance and his tongue made its way inside her mouth. He groaned when he felt her velvety tongue around his.

"Argh~~~~ Humm~~"

His tongue danced with her in perfect harmony. Both were so engrossed in their kiss that they forgot to breathe.

Nada responded to his passionate kiss with passion of her own.

After kissing for a long time. Nada felt suffocated and struggled to break their kiss. But Theo was adamant to not let her go and groaned.

Nada was on the verge of losing consciousness. She again tried to break free from the kiss. Theo reluctantly let go of her.

"Theo you monster. Let me breathe bas*ard," said Nada breathing heavily.

Theo chuckled hearing her cursing him. And Nada became more annoyed hearing his chuckles.

"Why are laughing?" said Nada hitting him on the shoulder.

Seeing her cute antics Theo laughed more.

"Theo, Y-You are a madman," she said as she tried to free herself from his grasp.

"Here, here dear where do you think you're going," Theo asked tightening his hold around her.

"Thoe let go," she said.

"I'm not finished," Theo said looking into her eyes.

"What..." asked Nada.

But before she could complete her sentence her mouth was again blocked by Theo. The beautiful nature around them witnessed their love for each other.

She thought in her mind 'did I make a mistake confessing to him. He is a beast, no devil in disguise.'

Soon Nad gave into the kisses and responded to him. Theo's hands which were holding her trailed down to her back. She moaned.


Theo was more arouse after hearing her moan. Nada felt a spark on her back when Theo touched her. His hands went slowly to her waist and held her tighter against him.

Nada was enjoying this moment but froze when she felt him grabbing her butt. Her mind short-circuited. She felt her face burning more and more by every passing second.

And like that was not enough she felt something hard on her lower abdomen. She pushed Theo with her might and looked at him shocked with her blushing face.

Theo was in a trance when Nada shouted, "THEO you-yo-you freak."

Theo frowned and asked, "How I am a freak?"

Nada pointed at his pants and stuttered, "You beast What is that?"

Theo looked down and was shocked. He saw his dragon ready to fire. He lifted his head and walked towards Nada.

"Nada, I'm sorry I didn't know this would happen. I'm sorry forgive me. I promise that I won't let this happen again," he said as he grabbed her hands.

Nada looked sideways and said, "It's okay but you should control yourself we are not married."

"Oh, Ok," said Theo.

After settling their racing hearts they went back towards the car. This time Thoe drove the car. Nada told him to drive towards the Dain Palace. The whole ride was silent.




"Well that was your first kiss?" Theo asked glancing at her sideways.

Nada blushed and said in a small voice, "Yepp, It was my first kiss."

She wanted to ask him the same questions but didn't ask as she didn't have the words.

"Mine too," said Theo out of nowhere.

"What?" Nada asked confused by his statement.

"It was also my first kiss," he said explaining his previous words.

Nada looked at him and smiled. 'It didn't look like that though,' she said to herself.

"Why are you smiling?" asked Theo.

"Nothing," said Nada and looked ahead of her.

Both of them felt lucky to have each other's first kiss. They felt a unique happiness they had never felt before in their lives.