Naira is missing.

When Nada and Theo were enjoying their sweet time together. Anas was busy dealing with evil people.

Back in the Hotel.

After being threatened by Dina the waiter was trapped between being a good human or brother.

He was torn between loyalty towards his boss and love for his sister. He didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a lot of time. He took a difficult decision. He knew both ways he'll die so why not choose a better death.

He went to the control room of the hotel. He knocked and entered the room. No one was in the room except Anas.

He went inside and bowed to Anas.

"Captain, A woman named Dina gave me this packet to drug Miss Naira's tea," he said masking his worried voice.

Anas observed him and stood up. He went near the waiter and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry your sister will be fine. Believe in God," Anas said as he went out of the room leaving the dumbfounded waiter behind.

The poor waiter came out of his thoughts after a lot of time and started crying. He looked up towards the sky as if thanking God or praying for Anas's kindness towards him.

He wiped his tears and went outside. The first he did was to get rid of the packet Dina gave him.

He went with other waiters and served the tea to the guests. Dina looked at him asking if he did what she asked or not.

The waiter nodded. Anas had told him to go along with Dina's plan and so he followed his boss.

Dina sighed in relief at his answer and started imagining the end of Naira. But little did she know that evil is not eternally blessed, unlike good which remains forever, Evil dies.

After having tea all the guests started biding their good-byes. Everyone was leaving the hall one-by-one.

Everyone from the three royal families also went back. Only the Silas, Renée, Aman and Naira remained as they wanted to spend some more time together.

The four of them were talking when Naira felt something strange. She excused herself to the restroom.

She freshened up herself and was on her way back when someone hit her from behind. She was not able to see who it was clearly. All she saw was a blurred shadow.

On the other hand,

Anas called Nada to inform her about Dina's doings.

"Hey," said Nada as she answered the call.

"It's not time to Hey, Come to the hotel," said Anas.

"What happened?" asked Nada.

"Dina is making troubles," said Anas and hung up the call.

In the car,

Nada was in a deep thought after answering Anas' call. Theo looked at her and asked.

"What is it?"

"Umm, we have to go back to the hotel," said Nada.

"Why?" he asked.

"Umm, someone's making troubles," she answered.

Hearing her reply Theo knew it was urgent so he didn't ask more questions and stepped on the gas.

In the hotel Anas went to the room where his brothers were. He entered the room and looked for Naira but she was nowhere in sight.

"Where is Naira?" Anas asked.

Aman looked at Anas and replied.

"She went to the washroom."

"How long?" asked Anas in a harsh tone.

"Pardon?" said Aman.

"For how long she has been away?" Anas asked in a hurry.

"Almost fifteen minutes," replied Renée.

"Sh*t," ANas cursed in a loud voice as he rotated on his heels and went out of the room.

"What is happening?" asked the three dumbfounded people inside the room. (Silas, Renée, and Aman)

"Don't know," said Silas.

Renée rubbed her chin and widened her eyes suddenly. She said to Aman.

"Call Naira."

Aman called her but Naira's phone was out of reach.

"It says The phone is out of reach," said Aman in a panicked tone.

The three of them panicked. They went to restroom area to look for Naira but she was not there. They were going back when Aman caught sight of something shimmery.

"It is Naira's bracelet," exclaimed Aman.

Both Renée and Aman panicked.

"I think we should go to the control room," said Silas.

"Hmm," Aman and Renée nodded.

They all went to the control system only to see Anas and his subordinates already there.

Anas was busy typing furiously on the keyboard. Silas looked at the screens and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Someone hacked the cameras. I'm trying to retrieve the footage where she went missing," replied Anas hurriedly.

Silas sat down beside Anas and started typing like Anas. Both brothers combined forces and tried to retrieve the footage.

"It's done," both Anas and Silas said in unison.

Aman and Renée looked at the screens and found a masked man hitting Naira on her head and then he took her with him.

They all looked worried.

Aman was on the verge of losing his sanity. his eyes were bloodshot. He was ready to kill that person who tried to harm his Naira.

"I'm going to look for her," said Aman.

"Stop," Anas said as he stood up from his seat.

"Why? She is in danger she needs me. I have to go," Aman shouted.

"You are not in your senses. Stay here. She's safe," said Anas.

"How do you know?" asked the trio (Silas, Renée, and Aman.)

"I just know. Now stay here and wait," Anas said while going out of the control room.

The trio sat down and looked at the screen to see where Anas was going. They then looked at each other and nodded trying to calm themselves.

"Do you know where he is going?" asked Aman.

"Nope. But one thing is for sure, if he said that Naira is fine then she is fine," replied Silas.

Aman sighed and resumed to look at the screens in front of him.

Renée prayed for her friend's safety in her heart.

They were busy calming their worried hearts when they saw Theo and Nada entering the hotel together.

Aman and Silas widened their eyes.

"Hey Am I seeing things?" asked Aman.

"No, They both are together," said Silas.

"And they are wearing a couple outfits," gasped Aman.

Both of them got something in their mind and turned their heads towards Renée who looked shocked but much less than them at least.