Setting a trap.

"Are you sure?" asked Nada.

"Yeah, last time someone tried to interfere in my business. When I investigated it was them, The Desmonds. Also, Rony is one of them. Maybe he's acting as a spy. I tried to find who was giving the orders but the search was not clear.

I asked Joe to find more information that was when he gathered the information of their minions and this, Rony is one of them," said Isla.

"Hmm, that explains why he tampered with these documents," muttered Xanthus.

"Yes and Xanthus you already know how to find their boss. Right?" said Isla raising brow.

"Yes master," nodded Xanthus.

"Xanthus, find if the person you are working for is the one who is their boss," said Nada.

"Who is he working for apart from us?" asked Anas giving Xanthus a side-glance.

"Isla told me that Desmonds were spying on us. So I disguised Xanthus and stationed him between them," replied Nada.

"But didn't they recognize him?" asked Anas confused.

"No, He used a disguise, dumbo. Nada mentioned it," said Isla.

"Oh ok," Anas nodded.

"Hey who's dumbo?" he glared at Isla.

Isla sneered and just ignored him. She turned towards Xanthus and said,

"Good work Xanthus. And is your boss, I mean fake boss that spoiled Missy of Desmonds."

Xanthus looked bewildered by Isla's words and glanced at Nada. He cleared his throat and said,

"Umm, Yes. She is the young miss of the Desmonds."

Isla nodded and asked,

"What kind of person she is?"

"Umm," Xanthus was confused by Isla's question.

He scratched his head.

"I mean is she really as I got to know about her through my investigation?" said Isla.

"Umm what was in your investigation report?" asked Xanthus.

"Is she a nymphomaniac?" she asked.

Anas, Nada, and Xanthus were surprised on Isla's blunt question.

Xanthus wiped his forehead and replied,

"Yes. She is."

"Woah," exclaimed Nada and Anas.

"I knew it?" clapped Isla.

"How did you know?" asked Nada.

Isla ignored her and said to Xanthus,

"But doesn't she has a crush? I thought she would be keeping her chastity for him?"

"Yes, she has. And her crush is..." Xanthus trailed.

"And who is her crush?" asked Nada raising a brow.

Xanthus stuttered,

"Boss, he-he-he is Master Theo."

*Screech. Nada stood up from the chair with a loud noise. She looked at Xanthus with red eyes and asked coldly,

"What did you say he is?"

"M--Ma-Master Theo," replied Xanthus gulping.

"How dare she?" shouted Nada.

Fortunately, the room was soundproof. So no one outside the room heard her voice.

Isla patted Nada's hands and she glared at Isla.

"Hoho, easy girl, easy. You don't have to be so fired up. Think with a rational mind," said Isla clutching at Nada's hand.

Anas opened his mouth wide seeing his sister shouting like this for the first time. He thought,

'How much influence does Theo has on her?'

'Oh, my sister's gone. She has fallen hard.'

"Take a deep breath," said Isla.

Nada listened to her and took a breath. She calmed herself and sat down.

"Nada leave her to me," said Isla.

"No, I want to settle her myself," argued Nada.

"Nada no arguments on this. I said leave her to me," said Isla sternly.

Nada thought for a while and replied,

"Ok. But if you fail to deal with her then don't blame me for the outcome."

Isla nodded and turned to Xanthus.

She asked,

"Tonight is she going somewhere?"

Xanthus nodded and replied,

"West Bar."

"Ok," replied Isla and without waiting for anyone to say something she left the conference room.

"Where is s-- *cough he going?" asked Anas to his sister.

Nada shook her head and said,

"Going to set a trap," replied Nada leaning back in her chair.

"Xanthus monitor everything about that woman and follow her closely for the time being. You don't have to be here in the company for some time," said Nada.

Xanthus' face lost its colour. He said in a reading tone and said,

"Boss don't send me to her. I can work overtime. No, I can even go to Africa but please don't do this to me."

"You are going or otherwise your special bonus will be deducted," said Nada looking at her nails.

Xanthus became more horrified. In this life, the most important thing was his special bonus,

'He can't lose it.'

He said reluctantly,

"Ok, I'll go."

"Good," said Nada.

On Isla's side,

After coming out of the Headquarters. She drove her car towards a remote area. Soon a gate was seen at some distance. She drove towards it.

The guards on the gate saw who it was and immediately opened the door. Without stopping or giving the guards any glance. Isla (still in her man's attire) drove pass them.

She stopped the car in front of a villa. The villa was magnificent. Even the Dain's Palace could not compare with this villa. It was enormous.

She parked the car and went inside. She opened the door and saw her butler and the staff standing in order on both sides of the door.

They all had the hands behind their back and greeted in unison.

"Welcome Home, Master."

There were not many servants in the Villa. There was the Butler Charles. The housekeeper and Isla's nanny Ms Rosaline. Two maids and three male servants. And for the security personal only Isla knows how many guards she had stationed around the Villa.

Isla gave them a glance and nodded.

She went inside the villa and sat on the sofa in the lounge. Her butler Charles came and stood beside her. Isla looked up and signalled him to take a seat.

Charles sat down on the sofa opposite to her and asked,

"Master, Do you need anything?"

Isla nodded and said,

"Reserve the West Bar for tonight."

Charles was shocked hearing Isla's command. His Master has never gone to bars or clubs. He always hated these places as they were loud and noisy.

"Book the whole bar," said Isla when Charles was busy being a dumb.

"What?" asked Charles confused.

"No one is allowed in the bar today," said Isla.

"Ok Master. I'll make the arrangements," Said Charles as he stood up and went to arrange his Master's request.

Inside Villa's kitchen,

"Master is so handsome," said Jullie a maid.

"He is out of your league," said the other maid Lillian sarcastically.

"What do you know there is no man who can resist me," said Jullie proudly.

Lily scoffed and resumed her work.

She thought to herself,

'The men working in this Villa never laid an eye on you. So why will our dignified Master will? Humph delusional woman.'

Lily (short for Lillian) has been working for Isla for more than five years. She was a straightforward sand loyal servant to her Master. She has seen many maids come and go in these five years just because they tried to seduce her Master.

She always respected her Master nad never tried these foolish antics. She warned Jullie many time but she never listens.

Jullie tried many tricks on her Master but he ignored her. Lily knew that when her Master's patience will reach the end he will not spare July.

She was busy cutting the vegetables when Butler Charles came in and told Ms Rosaline to cook food as Master will be eating here.

Lily smiled and helped Ms Rose (short for Rosaline) in preparing food. All Isla's food were personally made by Ms Rose or sometimes Lily. Isla allowed Lily to cook for her as her cooking was delicious and she never played any tricks on Isla.

While Ms Rose and Lily were busy preparing the dinner. Jullie took a tiny glass bottle and poured the contents in the soup they were boiling for their Master.

In the lounge,

Butler Charles came and said,

"Master it's done."

Isla smiled wickedly and said,

"Good work."

"Is there anything else MAster?" asked Charles.

""No you can go," said Isla.

She grinned mischievously and said to herself,

"The trap is set."