The fish is hooked.

In Isla's Villa.

Isla went to change in her room. After thirty minutes she came down wearing a red shirt and black pants with a black hoodie. The hoodie had IA written on its back. It looked extravagant.

"Master you are going?" asked Charles.

"Hmm, I'll be back before dinner," said Isla.

Charles nodded and went away.

Isla went towards the door. A guard opened it for her and she went to her car. She stopped midway when she heard someone calling her,

"Master, Master, where are you going?" said Jullie panting hard.

Isla raised a brow and said,

"You don't need to know."

And Isla turned around and sat in the back seat. She ordered the driver to drive. July stood there with a pale face and the car drove out of the Villa's gate.

"I told you not to play any tricks," came the voice of Lily.

Jullie turned and saw Lily standing near the door with a mocking gaze.

Jullie scoffed at Lily and went inside brushing past her.

"I can't accept he doesn't like me. If he doesn't like me he would've fired me by now," said Jullie while passing through Lily.

Lily could only shake her head in defeat,

'I hope she doesn't learn the hard way.'

On Ian's side,

"Master, when will you come out?" asked Ian's driver when she was alighting the car.

"I'll give you a call," Ian said and went inside the bar.

Unlike other days, today the West bar was not bustling with people. It was unusually quiet inside the bar. Isla entered the bar after the guards opened the door for her.

The bar's manager quickly came towards Isla and said in a flattering tone,

"Welcome, Welcome Master Ian. It is our very honour that you are our guest tonight. We will make sure to serve you tonight."

"No need," said Ian (Her male identity's name) coldly.

"Master Ian you sit here. I'll order the finest wine for you from our V.V.I.P wine cellar," said the manager not minding Ian's cold behaviour.

Ian gave the toady manager a cold glare. That glare was enough to make the manager shut his mouth.

Ian waved his hand at the manager.

"I'll go, Master," said the manager.

Ian glared and the manager ran away like a scared rat.

After the manager went away Ian was left alone. He watched the videos of surveillance cameras outside the bar. exactly after fifteen minutes, a car stopped in front of the bar. A woman in a red mini dress came out. Her dress was extra revealing.

She looked voluptuous. Her hair was left open with closed curls hanging at the bottom. She held a clutch with long-chain hanging at her shoulder.

She frowned when she couldn't see anyone in front of the bar. She thought to herself,

'Why the famous West Bar is not so lively today?'

She went towards the bar's door but was stopped by the guards standing on the door.

"Mam, you can't go inside," said the guard.

The woman became angry and shouted,

"How dare you stop me, the young lady of Desmonds?"

"Mam, we're sorry but we have strict orders to not let anyone in," said the other guard trying to appease her anger.

Ian was watching all this drama happening at the door of the bar. He smirked and muttered to himself,

'The fish is near.'

He took out his phone and called his subordinate.

"Let her in."

"Ok Master," came the response of his subordinate.

Outside the club when guards got the order they immediately allowed the woman in. She was confused at first. She thought,

'They didn't consider when I mentioned I'm the young miss of Desmons. But they let me in after that call, Strange. But who cares, I just want to have fun.'

She went inside giving the guards an annoying look.

Ian saw her coming inside so get put his phone away and sipped the juice he ordered.

The woman was Ophelia Saffron Desmond. She was a haughty one. She liked partying so seeing the bar empty her mood became off. She was ready to go back when her eyes caught a figure sitting alone in the dark.

She smiled mischievously and muttered,

"Tonight you are my prey."

Ian had a good hearing so he heard what she said and he smiled slightly thinking,

'Oooh, the fish is hooked.'

Ophelia went near Ian and said in her honeyed tone,

"Hey handsome, need some company."

Ian glance dup at her and averted his eyes ignoring her.

Ophelia wasn't offended and sat herself beside Ian.

She ordered her drinks and focused her gaze on the man beside her.

She assessed Ian from head to toe and her eyes sparkled.

She thought in her mind,

'He is at least five-eight. His skin is also so good. Aww he has long lashes. He is a beauty. His hands look strong but delicate. These smooth hands will feel good on me. Uh, his feet are big. Umm I'm excited just seeing his side profile. He's so handsome. Just like an ancient prince, no emperor.'

Ophelia cleared her throat and said,

"Hey handsome I'm Ophelia Saffron. And you are?"

Ian again ignored her but she was persistent on getting under his pants so didn't mind his indifference. She was more aroused by his cold aura.

"Umm you don't like talking, I guess. It's ok but,"

She inched near Ian. And said near his ear making sure to blow on it.

"but In this bar no one else is present. So....." She trailed in a sexy tone.

"So?" said Ian.

Ophelia shuddered due to his voice.

'Oh, his voice. It's uhh sexy.'

"So why not we have fun together," said Ophelia.

"No need," said Ian.

"Hey, Can't you see I'm trying to get your attention," said Ophelia finally annoyed.

"Are you sure you want my attention and not anything else?" said Ian sarcastically.

Ophelia gazed at Ian passionately.

She said in a breathy tone,

"You're right. I w-a-n-t you."

Ian smiled mischievously and stirred the juice in his glass. He said,

"You're quite impatient."

"So should we get to the business?" asked Ophelia seductively.

She leaned towards Ian's face and tried to kiss him. But Ian pushed her back with a finger and said,

"Why not have some refreshments, my lady?"

Ophelia blushed at his endearment of my lady. She bashfully nodded her head and drank her drink.

Ian grinned and said in his mind,

'My lady Oh hell. Wait for your gift babe. You'll regret meeting me.'

"Why are you not drinking?" asked Ophelia.

"I want to keep my head clear for you," said Ian.

He gagged in his mind but maintained a beautiful smile on his face in front of her.

"Oh, but drinking a little is fine," she said.

"ok," replied Ian and lifted a wine glass.

Ophelia continued to drink but Ian just acted to drink. He was pouring the wine in the plant near the sofa. So seeing his glass empty Ophelia thought he already finished his drink.

After some time she was leaning onto Ian's shoulder and was murmuring,

"This wine *hiccup is so ~~~~ good. I don't get drunk usually even if I drink a ton. But this *hiccup wine *hiccup is sooooooo~~ good."

Ian grinned devilishly and ordered his subordinate,

"Bring her there."

The subordinate nodded and lifted Ophelia to his shoulder and brought her away.

"Don't do anything to her unless I say so," said Ian.

"Yes, Master."